The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)

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Manuscript Information Form

Name(s) of author(s)/editor(s); their affiliations + complete contact details (please provide correct contact numbers; e-mail ids, and mailing addresses to facilitate timely delivery of materials)

Author/Editor 1:

Author/Editor 2:

Author/Editor 3:

Proposed titles

Proposed title 1:

Proposed title 2:

Proposed title 3:

Proposed project details

Extent:……………………………(# of pages of A4 size paper. Font details: Georgia; 12 size. Spacing: 1.5. Margins: 1”)


-  Black & white images/photographs………………

-  Colour images/photographs …………………….

-  Others (maps etc)…………………………….


(Please note that TERI is interested in publishing original works; if you have taken materials from other copyrighted sources, these must be acknowledged in the body of the text and the onus of getting clearances/permissions to reproduce them rests with the authors and not with TERI)

Proposed Table of Contents

Sections (if any):

Chapter I

Chapter II

Chapter III

Chapter IV

Chapter V

Chapter VI

Chapter VII

Chapter VIII

Chapter IX

Chapter X

(and so on)

(Kindly note that TERI reserves the right to suggest additions/deletions to the content based on market research and in consultation with the authors)

Target Market Information (Please give careful thought before filling in. This will help market and publicize the book)

At what level the book would appeal?

(Please ü TICK where applicable)

Undergraduate Postgraduate Professional

Researcher Industry Others (specify)

If designed as a Textbook, please indicate

a.  Course(s) in which it can be taught/adopted:

b.  Subject area(s) :

·  Main:

·  Interdisciplinary:

Shelving/Subjects (What disciplines (in order of importance) are addressed by the book?)





Primary Audience/Readers (People from which disciplines and in which professions will be interested in purchasing the book)





Which of the following Group/People are likely to buy the book? Please indicate relative importance by estimating in per cent.

Libraries (Academic/Corporate/Hospital etc.): %

Practitioners/Professionals: %

Scientists/Researchers: %

Lecturers/Tutors: %

Graduate Students: %

Undergraduate Students: %

Others (please specify): %


Competition (Please list other works that may directly/indirectly compete with your book)

Main competition 1 (Please provide full title with subtitle, edition, copyright year of edition, publisher, authors’ affiliations, and why you consider it a competition)

Main competition 2 (please provide same kind of information as in #1)

Competition 3 (please provide same kind of information as in #1)

Competition 4 (please provide same kind of information as in #1)

Status (The standard time taken between commencement and completion of text and reference works is 6 to 9 months. Please be careful to provide accurate dates below.)

Status of the manuscript: Partial Complete

(Please ü TICK where applicable)

Date of commencement of work:

Date of completion of the work:

(Please provide the program you’ll be using to prepare manuscript. Please note that delay in submitting the complete final manuscript beyond the stipulated date is inadvisable as this shall lead to delay in its publication. If the delay is more than 3 months from the stipulated date, TERI reserves the right to ask the authors to revise/update the work or decline its publication.)

A brief synopsis on the book

How does your work differ from competing titles?

Key features





Author Sign off:

Author 1

Author 2

For official use only (Authors, please do not populate this section)

ISBN number:

Book size:

Number of pages:

Binding (hard/soft):

Colour/Black and White:

Expected release month:



Manuscript Information Form