Replacement Module Mapping & Grade Conversion Approval

This process must be used when any part of the City award is substituted for a period of study at an institution overseas.

Institution Details
Department & School
Programme & Year of Study
Period of exchange (circle one) / Replacement Autumn Term / Replacement Spring Term / Replacement 2nd Year
Host Institution, City & Country / Institution:
Implications for PSRB Regulations (please delete if not relevant)
Recognition of Replacement Exchange Programme
(Explain how the period of study abroad will be recognised at City.)
Core Modules
(Please add/delete rows as needed)
List of Core Modules at City / List of required modules at host institution* / Approved Alternative Core Modules*

*Only to be taken if preferred core modules are not available at the host institution

Core Modules: Content Mapping
(Please add additional tables as needed for ALL core modules)
Core Module at City:
Modules for which this is a pre-requisite*:
Replacement Module at Host Institution:
Pre-requisite for Module at Host Institution and equivalent at City**? / City: / Host:
Level & Credit Value: / City: / Host:
Essential Content (Learning Outcomes): / City: / Host:

*Students should be made aware of any 2nd year pre-requisites for subsequent electives at City before they make their selections

**Students should be made aware of any pre-requisites required for the matched module and which City module(s) meetthis.

Programme Level Outcomes
City Programme Level Outcome(s) for:
Degree:______ / Covered by following above Matched Module(s) at Host University
Partner Assessment Information
(to be completed by City Exchange Coordinator)
Please indicate how modules are generally assessed at the partner university in terms of coursework, examinations, participation, attendance etc.
Required Workload and Electivesat Host
(Indicate overall required workload and the credit value and level of electives to be taken at host.)
Available Electives
(Please insert a link to the host institution’s list of approved modules for exchange students.)
Module Restrictions & Contingency Plans
(If relevant, please indicate any restrictions on module choice, either imposed by the host institution and/or City, as well as contingency plans in place if a core module(s) is not available at the host and no alternatives are possible)
Credit & Grade Transfer Method
(Please add rows as needed)
Host Mark / City Equivalent (%) / Evidence
(Please indicate what evidence was used to determine this equivalency)
For evidence, see attached table


Academic Supervisor/Programme Director / Name:
Signature: / Date:
(On behalf of PARC) / Name: / Title:
Signature: / Date: