ISO 13628-4 - Questions and comments

3.1.33: Annex K is cited normatively here, but it is an informative annex. This can be accommodated if it is clearly specified in Annex K that it is an "optional requirement," that is, there is an option whether or not to use AnnexK, but if it is used, then there are requirements that apply.

3.2: Sy cannot be used as both the yield stress and a component normal stress at a point (see E.2.3). To distinguish between the two, the "y" for the yield stress has been capitalized, although there are other equally acceptable options.

Furthermore, E.2.4, E.3 and Annex K: There seems to be a lack of consistency (or clarity) for the symbols SY and σy. SYis variously defined as "yield stress" in 3.2, Figure E.4, etc.,but as the"...minimum specified material yield strength" in E.2.4. On the other hand, "...minimum specified material yield strength" is associated with the symbol SY in E.2.4 but with the symbolσyin E.; and in K.3.2.3, the "minimum yield strength" is the definition of the symbol σyS; and σs is defined in k.3.3.3 as the "shear stress."Please review these symbols, specifically in 3.2, Table 34, E.2.4 to E.2.6, K.3.2 and K.3.3, such that each symbol has only one definition and each definition is associated with only one symbol. The differences between the different symbols should be clear and all the symbols included in 3.2. Clarification is needed as to which requirements.

5.5.2 b) " addition to the static load marking": If 25 tons is the static safe working load, it is not marked in either example. This was taken out of "EXAMPLE" style as b) contains a recommendation.

5.5.2, text following b): "....should not be used for lifting." Due to the consequences, this has been converted into a warning.

5.6.2/5.6.8: In 5.6.2, the protection of metal surfaces is a requirement (=shall) while in 5.6.8, it seems that it is only a recommendation (=should). Please reconcile.

5.6.3/5.6.8: The same comment for the protection of "...seals and seal surfaces, threads,... "

6.2.7: Are SCSSVs or flowline valves included in the Scope in the list of equipment to which this part of ISO 13628 does not apply'?

6.2.9: Please clarify the second "sentence": As the master valve may be used as one of the barriers for conduit penetrations downstream of the master valve.

6.2.14: "...venting a function..." needs some clarification. this subclause applies to both 25 mm and 19 mm flanges.

Table 15: should the blank cells under "BOP..." also be "duel"? The inclusion of an indicator is a recommendation but it is a requirementthat they show the position. In for flowlines, it is a recommendation that they show the position. f) has been converted into a separate paragraph as it is not a "...following condition." as indicated in the introductory text to the list. Elements of a document, such as this form and the data sheets in Annex M, that can actually be used can be provided in an electronic revisable format. I have indicated several items where it seems that this might be useful, but this is merely a suggestion and entirely at the discretion of the TC. The existing WORD format is adequate and requires no further development on the part of the TC; however, other interactive elements, such as check boxes, fields, links to other parts of the document, can be added to the electronic form of this element if desired. For example, in the form M.5.3m), there is a ling to Figure M.1.

7.15.1: "Guidance" does not apply to requirements, only to recommendations, "permissions" and information

Figure 9: Key definitions missing for items 2 and 3. the dimensions for H will be put on the figure. Please clarify "4 & 90°" and "4 & } 219 (} 8,625).

Table 27: Do the blank cells indicate a repeat of the information on the cell above or that no location is given?

Table 34: "Yield" is not a suitable symbol for use in a mathematical equation; on the assumption that it refers to the yield stress, it has been replaced with SY.

11.3.4: "...the casing riser used to drill and complete the remaining casing and tubing strings for the well." Please clarify.

Figure E.1: definition for key item 7 is missing

Tables G.1 to G.4: "informative" is not necessary as the "recommended indicates clearly that these are not normative values.

Annex J: The introductory text to the lists under "Test criteria" indicates that the conditions are recommended (=should). However, several of the items are requirements (=shall). the introductory text and the individual list items should be consistent. If a list of requirements and recommendations is intended, then suggest removing the "should" from the introductory text with the individual criteria separately designated as a recommendation or a requirement.

K.3.1.2 and ff: LAF and SWL are not acceptable symbols for use in mathematical equations. The proposed symbols are examples of (many possible) correctly structured symbols. Any other correctly structured symbol may be used.

K.3.1.2, K.3.2.2: Equations (K.9) and (K.10) are the same as Equations (K.11) and (K.12) (as numbered in the edited version. If they are indeed the same, Equations (K.11) and (K.12) should be deleted and reference made to Equations (K.9) and (K.19). however, the note at the end of K.3.2.2 states that "Lift points for reusable lifting equipment not require additional Load Amplification Factors (LAF)." However, LAFs are indeed included in the latter two equations. Should they be deleted, such that Equations (K.11) and (K.12) are different from Equations (K.9) and (K.10)?

K.3.2.3: specific definitions of σallowable and FST are missing.

K. Equation (K.19): The tensile stress is σt not σs.

doesn't seem to correspond with Equation (K.21): It has been modified to , analogous to the followingsubclause.

Figure K.5: The "Area around lift padeye..." has been keyed as the area around the circle in the bottom centre of the diagram.

Table L.1: Presume that the numbers are numbers of cacles.

Figure M.1: Changes being implemented in the drawing rules hopefully will allow the text to be put back on the figure.