
Eastwood Educational Foundation Scholarships

The following scholarships are available through the Eastwood Educational Foundation. These applications are all located on the website under “guidance” and then the “EEF’ tab and are due

March 27th.

Scholarship Name / Area of Study / Specific Criteria (if any)
Thomas E. Bockbrader Memorial Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Preference will be given to students who have experienced the loss of a parent through death or other adversity in their life.
Betty Lou Bruning Memorial Scholarship / Medical-related field of study or any major of education / Preference will be given to an athlete who has maintained a 3.0 GPA. The applicant should include the following information on the application form: (1) how involvement in sports affected your life, (2) benefits gained from athletic participation, and (3) a highlight from your sports career and the impact that it had on your life.
Gertrude & Joseph Carpenter Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Preference will be given to students attending two-year colleges, technical schools, nursing schools, etc.
Class of 1972 Scholarship / Any Area of Study / No specific criteria.
Thomas A. Conkle Memorial Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Preference will be given to a student who was involved in athletic activities during high school, participated as a leader in organizations, and maintained a high level of academic achievement.
Eastwood Mathematics Scholarship
(In memory of Helen Rolfes, Herbert Hollister, and Melissa Fields Osborne) / Any Area of Study / Preference will be given to a student who has demonstrated an interest in mathematics by successfully completing college prep Math.
Eastwood Retired Teacher’s Scholarship / Education / Majoring in any area or level of education.
Friends of the Pemberville Library / Any Area of Study / Preference will be given to a student demonstrating financial need.
The Friess Family Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Preference will be given to a student with a 3.0 GPA or better and demonstrating financial need.
Frobose Agricultural Entrepreneurial Scholarship / Agricultural / To encourage students who dream of having their own business to pursue their vision.
Dallas Gardner Scholarship / Any area of Study at a four-year college / Preference will be given to students who have demonstrated leadership in the classroom, in extracurricular activities, and in the community and have a 3.0 GPA or higher.
Jim Gracyk Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Preference will be given to a varsity athlete (at least two letters in same sport) and a 3.3 GPA or higher.
George S. Greiner Medical Scholarship / Medicine or related fields / Preference will be given to students demonstrating scholastic aptitude and financial need.
Karen Hagemeyer-Wohler Scholarship / Criminal Justice or related field / Preference will be given to students demonstrating scholastic aptitude and financial need.
Hahn-Geldin Memorial Scholarship
(In memory of Thomas A. Hahn and Joyce A. Geldin) / Any Area of Study / No specific criteria
Clarence Heckman Science Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Preference will be given to two students who have demonstrated excellence in the study of science.
Robert L. Heestand Memorial Scholarship / Science or Education / Preference will be given to students interested in biology-related fields. Second preference will be given to students showing interest in any other field of science or education.
Stephanie Heestand Memorial Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Preference will be given to students with special needs to further their education after high school. Second preference will be given to students who are entering an area of study related to special needs. The scholarship will not be awarded if all applicants do not meet the above guidelines.
Kenneth R. Henline Memorial Scholarship / Agriculture, Carpentry or Construction field of study / No specific criteria
Pauline & Delbert Henschen Scholarship / Any Area / No specific criteria
Peggy Hineline Memorial Scholarship / Education, Veterinary, or Theatre / Preference will be given to students demonstrating financial need.
Hirzel Canning Company Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Preference will be given but not limited towards a major in food production through science and agriculture.
Preference will also be given to students demonstrating scholastic aptitude and financial need.
John and Margaret Kurfess Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Preference will be given to students demonstrating financial need.
Brett E. Lahman Scholarship / Any Area in a four-year college / The recipient must have received a letter in varsity baseball, softball, or soccer. In addition, preference will be given to students demonstrating financial need.
Aaron J. Lawniczak Memorial Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Preference will be given to students who have participated in sports activities during high school.
Lemoyne Elementary School Legacy Scholarship / Any Area of Study / This scholarship is intended for students who attended the Lemoyne Elementary School before it closed in 2007 (list the grade levels and years attended at Lemoyne). The student should also have a minimum 2.5 GPA.
June E. Madaras Scholarship / Early Childhood Education / Preference will be given to students demonstrating scholastic aptitude and financial need.
Lawrence J. McCormic Memorial Scholarship / Any Area of Study / The student must have actively participated in various band activities during high school and have a sound interest and positive attitude toward further schooling.
Ronald A. Meier Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Preference will be based on academic achievement, school activities, and community service.
Donald & Irene Michel Scholarship / *Even Years: Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environmental Studies, or Wildlife
Odd Years: Nursing or other medical field / No specific criteria
* Beginning of school year.
Matthew E. Miller Memorial Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Preference will be given to students who have demonstrated a dedication to their educational goals while continuing to seek opportunities for personal growth and community service.
*Turn in 3 copies!
Anthony J. Pacewicz Memorial Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Preference will be given to students active in sports during high school.
Pemberville Lions Club Scholarship / Medicine or related fields / Preference will be given to students demonstrating financial need.
Margaret E. Philo-Schroeder Scholarship / 1st Preference – Elementary Education,
2nd Preference – Middle or High School Education / Preference will be given to students entering elementary education. Secondary preference will be given to students entering education at the middle school or high school levels. Applicants should include a list of scholarships received as of the date of application.
John Poth / Richard Lowrie Memorial Scholarship / Any area of study at a four-year college / Preference will be given to students who have demonstrated leadership in the classroom, in extracurricular activities, and in the community.
Sons of the American Legion Freedom Squadron 183 Scholarship / Any Area of Study / First preference will be given to a student who has a family member (living or deceased) who is a veteran or a member of a legion organization.
The Spoerl Nursing Scholarship / Courses leading to qualification as a registered nurse. / Preference will be given to students who have shown an interest in the field of nursing and demonstrating financial need.
Nathan Swartz Memorial Scholarship / Medical Fields / No specific criteria
Webster Elementary Scholarship / Any Area of Study / This was established by Webster PTO and is available to senior students who attended Webster for at least 1 year. Selection is based on a 500 or less word essay (one page) typed and double spaced. Application in guidance hallway.
Robert Wynn Scholarship / Middle School Education / Financial need based. Pursuing a degree in middle school education.


These applications are in the guidance hallway, NOT on the website. Unless otherwise specified, scholarship deadlines are

March 27th

Scholarship Name / Area of Study / Specific Criteria (if any)
Owens Trustee Academic
Excellence Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Scholarship is based on a 3.0 or better GPA, leadership qualities and activities. One scholarship per high school is issued. Scholarship due February 27st.
Wood County Hospital Staff Scholarship / Study of medical, nursing, or allied health professional fields in an undergraduate capacity / Must be accepted to a chosen school and live in an area served by Wood County Hospital. Students must have a 3.0 or higher GPA. Applications must be submitted to Wood County Hospital Human Resources no later than the last day of February.
Wood County Hospital Foundation / Healthcare Field / Applicants must live in an area served by Wood County Hospital. The applicant must be accepted to a chosen college before the application will be considered. Applications are due by the last day of February.
AAA Northwest Ohio Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Open to former Safety Patrol Guards who have contributed to community organizations, are involved in extracurricular activities, has a strong academic record and will pursue higher education. Applications must be postmarked by April 1st.
American Legion Auxiliary Spirit of Youth Scholarship For Junior Members / Any Area of Study / Five scholarships in the amount of $5000.00 will be awarded for 2015. One scholarship will be awarded in each division of the American Legion Auxiliary. Scholarship due April 1st
American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship For Non-Traditional Students / Any Area of Study / Five scholarships, each in the amount of $2,000.00, will be awarded in each Division of the American Legion Auxiliary for 2015. Scholarship due March 1st.
American Legion Auxiliary Children of Warriors National Presidents’ Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Fifteen scholarships will be awarded for 2015. Three scholarships will be awarded in each Division of the American Legion Auxiliary: one in the amount of $3,500.00, one in the amount of $3,000.00 and one in the amount of $2,500.00. Scholarship due March 1st.
American Legion Auxiliary Department President’s Scholarship / Any Area of Study / The American Legion Auxiliary of Ohio awards one scholarship of $1,500.00 annually. Scholarship due March 15th.
Bowling Green Kiwanis Club Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Open to students with outstanding accomplishment with strong leadership, good citizenship, and community volunteerism. (website) Due at the end of February.
Ruth B. Drake Trust Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Open to students who have maintained a 3.0 GPA, are pursuing a formal education after high school, be of high moral character and can demonstrate a need for the scholarship.
Eastwood Education Association / Education / Established by teachers in the Eastwood District and is open to any student planning to further their education beyond high school.
Filiere Scholarship / Physical Education and Coaching / Open to students with an interest in physical education and coaching. Students who have a definite financial need are also considered.
Faith United Methodist Church Irvin & Mildred Jacobs Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Open to any Eastwood senior attending a 2 or 4 year college or university. This scholarship is available through Faith United Methodist Church in Luckey, OH. Transcript needed.
Faith United Methodist Church
Orwin & Maude South Scholarship / Two-Year College / All awards will be based on church and community involvement, school activities and leadership qualities, strong grades in the area you want to pursue, and financial need. Applicants must be accepted in a 2 year college and will be graduating from Eastwood High School. Transcript needed.
Faith United Methodist Church Helen Grover Performing Arts Scholarship / Music, Drama, Art Education, or any Visual Art / All awards will be based on church and community involvement, school activities and leadership qualities, strong grades in the area you want to pursue, and financial need. Applicants must be accepted in a 2 year college and will be graduating from Eastwood High School. Transcript needed.
Faith United Methodist Church Vopata Family Memorial Scholarship / Nursing or Medical Field / Open to any Eastwood senior attending a 2 or 4 year college or university. This scholarship is available through Faith United Methodist Church in Luckey, OH. Transcript needed.
AJ LaCourse Memorial Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Preference will be given to students demonstrating financial need. Use EEF Application, located on Eastwood Website.
Luckey Farmers Patron Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Will award 1,500.00 scholarships continual up to four years to our Patron’s Stockholder’s dependents to work on their baccalaureate, associate or technical degree as a full time student.
Northwest Ohio Credit Union Outreach Alliance Scholarship / Any Area of Study / We will award 3 scholarships, in the amounts of $3,000.00, 2,000.00 and 1,000.00.
Pemberville Mental Culture Club Excellence Award / Any Area of Study / This award is for applicants who have been accepted in a two-year or four-year college or university and will graduate from Eastwood High School with a 3.5 or greater overall GPA. The award is based on academic merit, leadership capabilities, and community involvement. Applications are available in the guidance office. Transcript needed.
Pemberville Fair Outstanding Student / Any Area of Study / This scholarship is awarded to an outstanding student who resides in the Eastwood School District. The student must be either a senior who will enroll in a 2 or 4-year college or university or a graduate who attends a 2 or 4-year college or university. The decision is based on community and school involvement, leadership, and strong grade point average in their major area of post-secondary study.
Stony Ridge Civic Association Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Scholarship to be awarded to graduating seniors from Eastwood High School. Open to students who have maintained a 3.0 or better GPA, have a high moral character and are pursuing a formal education after high school.
Troy Township Fire & EMS Scholarship / Public Safety or Health Care / Scholarship to be awarded based on an interview and essay process. Two letters of recommendation are needed. The eligibility of the scholarship is 2 years, so the recipient may apply again after the 1st year of schooling.
Travis Flinchum Memorial Scholarship / Any Area of Study / Sponsored by the Faith United Methodist Church in Luckey, OH in memory of Travis who attended this church. This scholarship is offered to a senior at Eastwood High School who is attending Penta County Vocational School.
Key Bank Foundation Scholarship / Business / It is open to students who are pursuing a degree in business.
Wood County Retired Teachers Association Book Grant / Education / A 250-300 word typed essay of the applicant’s future goals in education must be included, along with three letters of recommendations.
Wood County Twp Association / Any Area of Study / A one-time, nonrenewable scholarship for a graduating senior and resident of Wood County. Must be attending an accredited college or university after graduation.

Website Scholarships