Fr Tom Leane

The Presbytery, Dromagh, Mallow, Co. Cork.

Tel: (029)78096 Mob: (087) 2300 565

Parish Office: Secretary Evelyn O’Sullivan

Open Monday, Wednesday & Friday.

Safeguarding Children Representatives:

Margaret McCarthy & John Cronin

Contact number: 087 0551245

Email: Web:

Pastoral Area

Priest on Duty Sunday 9th Oct.: Fr Joe Tarrant (064) 7751104 / 086 3978642

Priest on Duty Sunday 16th Oct.: Fr Jim Kennelly 029 76151 / 087 24 01 331


Masses – Derrinagree Church
Saturday – Vigil Mass / 7.30pm / Con O’Connor, Rathroe
Tuesday / 1.00pm / Start of School Year Mass for Derrinagree School and All Welcome
Masses – Dromagh Church
Sunday / 10.30am
Station Masses this week
Thursday / 7.30pm / For the People of Gurteen in the home of Ann Murphy
Friday / 8.00pm / For the People of Gurrane, Killetra and Minehill in the home of Tim and Eileen Burton

Friday 14th October at 11.15am. Start of School Year Mass in Rathcoole School

and all welcome.


Masses – Derrinagree Church
Saturday – Vigil Mass / 7.30pm / Mary & Denis O‘Riordan, Keale Patrick and Kathleen Daly, Dysert
Masses – Dromagh Church
Sunday / 10.30am
Station Masses
Thursday 20th / 8.00pm / For Paal and Kileenleigh in the home of Barthy O’Sullivan
Friday 21st / 7.30pm / For Laught Upper in the home of Mary Buckley

Eucharistic Adoration: Monday in Derrinagree Church 10.00am to 9.00pm

Friday in Dromagh Church 10.00am to 5.00pm

RIP: John Casserley, London and son of the late Nancy and Jimmy of Stakehill and nephew of the late Kitty Mullane Meenskehy.

Anniversaries: Jane Mc Carthy, Rathccole

Hannah O’Callaghan, Fairfield,

Martina Burns, Freemount

Connie O’Donoghue, Bolomore

Congratulations to our newly weds:

©  Tim Cleary, Derrinagree married Michelle Terry, Cork on Friday the 30th September 2016 in Gougane Barra Church.

©  Liam Dennehy Bolomore married Martina McMahon, Ballybunion on Saturday the 1st October 2016 in Ballybunion Church

Last weekend’s collections

v  Offertory €514

v  Parish Fund €2009.12

Thank you

Mission Month

October is Mission Month. At this time of year, we highlight the sharing of the Good News with people as a fundamental element of our Christian call.To support the younger churches throughout the world, a collection will be taken up at all masses next weekend,October 15th & 16th.

Parish Announcements

Millstreet St Vincent de Paul Society: wish to thank the people who contributed so generously to the “Sharing our Harvest” last weekend. All goods will be distributed to the needy families within our community. The Millstreet Society’s Tel No: is 087 95 97 900.

v  Special Collection at all Masses next weekend for Propagation of the Faith.

Diocesan Announcements

Charlie Bird speaks of the Missions

To celebrate Mission month, the Diocese of Kerry is hosting an evening on Monday 17th October. Charlie Bird will speak of his visit to missionary projects and Caroline Reid, Irish Refugee Council, will address Ireland’s response to the global refugee crisis. The talk will begin at 8pm in The Rose Hotel, Tralee. Entrance is free and all are welcome.

v  PUBLIC SQUARE ROSARY RALLY CRUSADE: The Irish Society for Christian Civilization is organizing a rosary rally for Ireland. The aim is to have a rosary recited in at least 500 venues across Ireland at the same time. Please take this wonderful opportunity to “Pray a Rosary for Ireland” at the Grotto in Gneeveguilla village on Sat. 15th Oct. at 4pm. All welcome young and old.

v  Youth Music Ministry Workshop: There will be a workshop for all involved in Youth Music Ministry on Saturday, October 22nd 2016 in St. Brendan’s College Killarney.Registration from 10:30am. Lunch is included. The workshop is geared at people involved with youth choirs or youth folk groups, people who may want to set up such groups in your parish and people who would like to use more youth-friendly music in their parish. Contact Tomás Kenny on 086-3683778 or email . Application forms can be downloaded,

v  Anam Cara, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its next monthly Parent Evening on Tuesday 11th of October from 19:30 to 21:00 in Recovery Haven, 5 Haigs Terrace, Killerisk, Tralee, Co. Kerry. This event is open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether the death was recent or not.

v  Cork Kerry Charismatic Renewal Conference will take place in the Cork International Airport Hotel on Saturday/Sunday, Oct. 15th/16th. Theme “Lord, remember me”. Main Speakers Fr. Damien Ryan, & Patricia Mitchell.

Community Announcements

Have a Cuppa for Kolkata, India (previously known as Calcutta): Mary Buckley, Rathcoole; a Transition Year student in Colaiste Treasa Kanturk; will be travelling to Kolkata to work with the homeless children on the streets. As part of her fundraising she will be having an American Tea Party in Dromtariffe Parish Hall on Sunday the 6th of November at 6pm. If you would like to host a table on the night or book a ticket for a table please contact Mary on 0831094551.

HOLY Family NS, Rathmore Parents Association in Conjunctionwith Board of ManagementFundraiser: Bingo at Rathmore Community Hall Saturday October 15th 2016. @7.30pm Fabulous prizes. All welcome

Cork Mental Health Foundation Annual Church Gate Collection will take place in Derrinagree on the 15th October and in Dromagh on the 23rd October.