Pastor’s Walk

Boy do I love cake….

Church is like a birthday cake. Now, I’m not talking about one of those sheet cakes you get at the grocery store. You know the ones with GI Joe knee deep in colored icing surrounded by mounds of icing bombs. I am talking about what my father-in-law refers to as a “real cake.” His definition of a “real cake” is a round cake with multiple layers and in between each layer of cake rests a lovely layer of icing. The whole layered goodness is then covered with yet more icing. This is making me hungry!

And so I say to you again, church is like a birthday cake….a “real” birthday cake!

I came to this conclusion one Sunday morning while listening to my pastor deliver his prayers for the people. To be honest, I can’t remember a word he said or even what he was praying about that morning. What I do remember, however, is that something in his prayer related to something I had heard in a committee meeting the day before and that what I had heard in that committee meeting the day before related to something I had heard in a recovery worship the day before that. You see what I was hearing….what I was feeling were the nudges and whispers of the Holy Spirit. Each layer of this church “cake” such as worship, committee work, Sunday school, book study, prayer, Bible study, outreach, and on and on…they are all connected. Yes, sure, individually they are all wonderful….ok maybe calling committee work wonderful is a stretch…but taken together they can be so much more. It is in between those layers of church that the Holy Spirit acts as the icing binding everything together….making those connections….teaching us about Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is responsible for those instances where we go….OH…now I get it…I see what you are doing here God. I call those instances WOW moments. Momentary glimpses where Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, pulls back the curtains and we get to see the WOW of God. God’s wows make this whole church thing worth it….even committee work.

My family and I are so very excited to be here at Commonwealth United Methodist Church. We feel blessed to be appointed to a church that is in a community we have called home for the past 20 years. I personally look forward to meeting and getting to know each and every one of you in the coming weeks and months. But what I look forward to most… what I will pray for daily…is to see the Holy Spirit working within our church and in our lives….I look forward to the WOW’s of God!


Pastor Steve

Church Hours Have Changed

Starting November 2nd, arechurch hours have changed.

Choir Practice 9:00 a.m.

Sunday School 10:00 a.m.

Worship Service 11:00 a.m.

Welcome Reception

We will be having a Welcoming Reception for our new Pastor, Steve Kurt, and his family on Sunday, November 9th, right after church.

Thank You

Dear Friends,

My family and I would like to offer our most sincere thanks for the beautiful mixed flower basket you sent in memory of our dad.

Thank you so very much for your kindness, generosity and loving support during this sad time. We are truly grateful for our Commonwealth family. Your cards, visits, and prayers were a great comfort and source of strength for us.

Thanks again for your thoughtfulness and encouragement.


O. J. Weaver’s Family

(John, Tom, and Donna)

Blessing Note


Response from Julie Lambeth

"Hope all are well and joyful in Christ...I'm doing well here and still looking after Dad. He has had someup and down times but still continues on. Tell all hello for me and keep faith in Christ. Praying for all as we move into this Holiday Season."

Love and Light...Julie Lambeth

Shepherd the Flock

“Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by constraint but willingly, not for dishonest gain…but being example to the flock.”

1st Peter 5: 2-3


Changes Coming Next Year

As you are aware of, we are mailing the newsletter via the US mail. It is currently on the Church’s website at:

Coming early next year, we will stop the bulk mailing process. We will continue to provide newsletters to our shut-ins. We will also have copies available in the narthex for those who do not use or have access to email.

To continue receiving the newsletter, please make sure the church secretary (Margie) has your current email address on file. The church email address is:

Newsletter – New Look

Starting November 18th, the newsletter and calendar will be changing paper size from legal (8 ½ x 14) to letter (8 ½ x 11).


If you would like to purchase a Poinsettia to be placed in the Chancel area “In Honor Of” or “In Memory Of” a loved one, please place your order and payment in an envelope marked “Poinsettias” and place it in the offering plate on Sunday morning. You may also mail it to the church office. Please make checks payable to Commonwealth UMC. Orders must be placed by Monday, December 1, 2014. The cost of each poinsettia is $8.00.

Number of poinsettias ordered ___

Amount enclosed ______

In Memory Of:


In Honor Of: ______

Placed By: ______

Thanksgiving Breakfast

The Men’s Club is once again hosting a Thanksgiving Breakfast on Thursday, November 27th at 8:00 a.m. Sign-up sheets are in the Narthex and Lands Class.

Christmas Covered Dish Luncheon

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Immediately following worship

Fellowship Hall

Join us for this special time of fellowship. Bring your favorite dish to share.

Christmas Musical

Sunday, December 21, 2014


Worship Hour 11:00 a.m.

One of the highlights of the Christmas season is the special Christmas music. Invite your friends and neighbors to this special service on Sunday, December 21st.

Sheila Bishop’s

New Parsonage Address

Here is Sheila’s parsonage address for Bethany UMC.

Sheila Bishop

1110 Autumn Ln.

New London, NC 28127

Hawthorne Lane BBQ & Bake Salefor Missions!

It's BBQ and Bake Sale time on November 6, 11am to 7pm. Every year we have a top notch BBQ day to raise money for a mission in our area. The proceeds will go for missions and outreach. We need help cooking, cleaning, serving, boxing... you name it. And we need help selling tickets! Want to help? Want to eat BBQ? Call Bryon Hinson at 980-229-8959. You can r purchase ticket(s) available in the office.

The BAKE SALE is sponsored by the United Methodist Women. Your donations of baked goods are needed! Bring them to the church on Wednesday, November 5th. All theBAKE SALEproceeds are used for book scholarships for our college and graduate students. This year at the BBQ we will have LIVE entertainment!

We welcome Jim Singer, Rich Austin along with members of HLUMC playing Dixieland Band Hymns during the lunch hour at the BBQ. Come enjoy a fabulous lunch and music to get your toes tappin’. See you on the 6th!

New Directory

We are in the process of updating the Church Directory. If you know of any changes (address or telephone) please let the church secretary, Margie, know as soon as possible. We want the new directory to be as complete and accurate as possible.

Our Stewardship

October 26, 2014

Sunday School – 11

Church Attendance – 29

November 2, 2014

Sunday School – 11

Church Attendance – 35


October 26, 2014



November 2, 2014



Your staff needs your help!

If anyone listed in our prayer concerns and prayer list needs pastoral care, please let the office and our pastors know ASAP.

Our Prayer List

Phyllis Baker,Lee Ann Fowler (daughter of Nan Thomas),Pat Inman (sister of Jackie Samuels), Martha Lee, Sandra Pearre, Donna Pruitt,Sarah Rhodes, Carl and Frances Stinson

Nursing/Assisted Living Care

Milton Burgess, Mable Davis, Maxine Kincaid, Hazel Lands,Sarah Lever, Ann Pike, Ralph Stephenson, Jean Stoneman, Margery Weaver


United Methodist


2434 Commonwealth Ave.

Charlotte, NC 28205-5132

November 4, 2014

Steve Kurt – Pastor

Patience Brumley – Pastoral Care

Church Office (704) 376-4924

Office Hours

Mon. – Thurs. 9am to 1pm