State Of Arizona

Naturopathic Physicians Medical Board

“Protecting the Public’s Health”

1400 West Washington • Suite 230 • Phoenix, AZ 85007 • Telephone 602-542-8242 • FAX 602-542-3093


TTY for Americans with Disability 800-367-8939 • Disability Voice Relay 800-842-4681

Janice K. Brewer – Governor

Dr. Bruce Sadilek, ND – Chair • Ms. Amanda Reeve – Vice Chair • Dr. Marianne Marchese, ND – Secretary / Treasurer,

Dr. John Eldridge, NMD– Physician Member - Dr. Amy Terlisner, ND- Physician Member



Thursday July 10, 2014 • 1:00 p.m. • Basement Conference Room B-1

1400 West Washington • Phoenix, AZ 85007

This agenda may be amended 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.

Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-401.02 notice is given to the members of the Naturopathic Physicians Medical Board and to the general public that the Naturopathic Physicians Medical Board will hold a meeting open to the public, as indicated on the following agenda.

Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03 (A) (3), the Board may vote to hold an executive session for legal advice for any matter on the agenda. The executive session will not be open to the public. The Board Chair reserves the right to change the order of the items on the agenda. In accordance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Naturopathic Physicians Medical Board does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to its public meetings. If any disabled person needs any type of accommodation, please notify the Board’s Deputy Director, Gail Anthony, to make their needs known, at (602) 542-8242.

Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(2), the Board may vote to go into executive session for discussion of any information made confidential by law.

Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(1), the Board may go into executive session for discussion and consideration of personnel matters on agenda items.

1. Call to Order by Presiding Officer

A.  Roll call of Board members and establishment of a quorum to conduct meeting.

B.  Acknowledgement of presence of Board staff and legal counsel.

2. Civility Statement

In accordance with the Open Meeting Law, the Board has a civility policy that prohibits any type of

disorderly conduct that disrupts the Board from carrying out its business. Those violating this policy will

be asked to modify their behavior and act civilly. If the disorderly conduct continues, the person may be

removed from the meeting room. (Adopted 11/8/2012)

3. Executive Director Report

Status of Administrative Operation

Procedural Matters

◦ Rules Package

◦ Sunset Review

Summary of Agency Reports


Current Licensee Numbers

Current Case Numbers

4. Call to the Public

Those wishing to address the Board do not need to request permission in advance; however, the Board may limit those persons speaking during this time to a reasonable number on any public comment matter. In addition, each person wishing to address the Board will be given five (5) minutes to do so. Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02 (H), the Board can only take action on matters listed on the agenda. Action on public comment matters that are not listed on the agenda will be limited to directing staff to study the matter or to schedule the matter for further discussion at a later date.

5. Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by Board of Consent Agenda

(Any item under consent may be removed for independent discussion and action by a Board Member.)

C.  Declaration of any Conflict of Interest on any Item on the Consent Agenda.

D.  Request for Removal of any Consent Agenda Item for independent discussion and possible action by the Board.

E.  Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action and by Board of Regular and Executive Session Minutes of May 8, 2014.

F.  Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board of Medical License(s) / Examination Application

Collinge, Hayley

G.  Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board of Medical License(s) / Endorsement.

Balentine, Lynnette Fae -VT. (temporary license issued in accordance with A.R.S. 32- 1522.01)

Helms, Lawrence - UT. Reinstatement. (temporary license issued in accordance with A.R.S. 32- 1522.01)

Hill, Taylor- NH, (temporary license issued in accordance with A.R.S. 32- 1522.01)

Rosario, Sue Ellen - VT. (temporary license issued in accordance with A.R.S. 32- 1522.01)

H.  Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board of Application(s) for Certificate to Dispense (initial)

Adelson, Harry

Collinge, Hayley

Davenport, Emily

Eastman, Carol

Moroso, Heather

Nowak-Stears, Julie

Sickinger, Karleen

Song, Crystal

Sumegi, Lorraine

I.  Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board of Application(s) for Renewal of Certificate to Dispense.

Aidun, Sima

Alschuler, Lisa

Alejandro, Angelina

Alexandros, Karsten

Anderson, Kristy

Anderson-McLaughlin, Jessica

Ardolf, Deborah

Armanti, Christian

Aton Robins, Nancy

Bachelier, Aimee

Bakty, Esti

Barnes, Lori

Barnett, Kevin

Bantel, Dawn

Barth, Inge

Beardsley, Lauren

Beck, Patricia

Belt, Amber

Beltran, Chriselda

Bird, Robb

Birdsall, Shauna

Birdsall, Timothy

Black, Wayne

Blackman, Kenneth

Blasi, Jennifer

Borsa, Robin

Botham, Jennifer

Boyer, Veronica

Breiten, Valeria

Brooks, Barbara

Brown, Kimberly

Buratovich, Nick

Burns, Jennifer

Buxbaum, Dane

Cain, Brianna

Cain, Nicole

Callejas, Yezid

Cameron, Brent

Carpenter, Rebecca

Carrell, Carol


Cerre, Eric

Chambers, Keith

Christianson, Alan

Chung, Ashley

Clark, Kerri Lynne

Clough, Kelly

Coats, Melissa

Correia, Kirstin

Crider, Heather

Cronin, Courtney

Cronin, Kyle

Cronin, Michael

Curtis, Judith

Dallman, Terra

D'Aprile, Delores

Darley, April

Darragh, Angela

Deal, Sheldon

Derion, Cheryl

de Soler, Alexander

Devile, Lauren

Dietzgen, Mark

DiFillippo, Mary

Dubasik Valentina

Dunn, Melenie

Dye, Jennifer

Eastman, Stephanie

Eaton, Lois

Eckart, Kayla

Eischens, Shawna

Ellsworth, Robert

Engard, Kimberly

Epstein, Danya

Etcheverry, Chase

Ewald, Jaime

Ezrre. Barbara

Farner, Hope

Fosdick Turner, Leila

Flagler, Lila

Flagler, Samuel

Flynn, Julie

Ford, Rebecca

Franco, Gioacchino

Freeze, Karen

Gaines, Patricia

Gajus, Stephanie

Galaburri, Mario

Gallagher, Jeanette

Gerard, Nicole

Gianni, Judy

Girard, Christine

Grady, Elizabeth

Graham, Stephanie

Grey, Laurence

Grimes Saber, DeeAnn

Haller, Danite

Ham, Natalie

Hampton, Eric

Hassberger, Kelly

Hayman, Jessica

Hazel, Sara

Heffner, Karlee

Hernandez Guzman, Margarita

Hicks, Anna

Hinojosa, Cynthia Renee

Hinojosa-Sinks, Judith

Hoffman, Jordan

Hooker, Laree

Hoppe, Michelle

Huber, Colleen

Hyun, Yu-Ree

Ian, Hannah

Inouye, Vance

Jacques, F. Debbie

Jamison, Carol Ann

Jensen, Jason

Johnson, Eric

Jones, Judith

Kasdorf, Cheryl

Katz, Steven

Keaton, Dana

Keiffer, Julie

Keilty, Jeni

Kellum, Nicole

Kennedy, Laura

Kerievsky, Adam

Kerievsky, Ross H.

Khalsa, Sarv Varta

Khoshaba, Linda

King, Denette

Knytych, Jeffrey

Kohler, Gemie

Kollin, Cheryl

Koomia, Jessica

Koudelka, Barbara

Kovalik, Christina

Krieger-Fiedler, Allyn

Krukowski, Jody Lynn

Kruzel, Thomas

Lambert-Rampe, Laura

Lambert, Linda

Lan, Cara

Larke, Dan

Lee, Thomas

Leon, Gilberto

Leone, Jacquie

Linton, LoRal

Logan, Darla

Lopez. Eric

Lopez, Jorge

Loschert, Amy-Jane

Lovick, Ann

Lussier, Spice

Lutrin, Sandy

Maltais, Shannon

Manrique, Javier

Marcantel, Mary

Martell, Casey

Martell, Laura

Maturo, Lisa

McCallister, Heath

McCarthy, Brendan

McCarthy, Heather

McConnell, Bryan

McGarey, Peggy

McJunckin, Clinton

Mehrabani, Ardeschir

Messer, Stephen

Middlemiss, Erica

Miles, George Michael

Milisen, Robert

Miller, Michael

Miller-Sickels, Laura

Mitchell, Jessica

Mitchell, Kenneth

Mitchell, Tiffany

Monterrey, Dayna

Moody, Lauri

Morehouse, Delaney

Morrissey, Robert

Morstein, Mona

Muhammad, Kim

Mullis, Nancy Ellen

Mundt, Jennifer

Murray, M. Ann

Myers, Robert

Navarro, Alma

Nevels, Jennifer

Norris, Kristi

Nguyen, Krystine

O'Brien, Kareen

O'Brien, Mary Ellen

Oertle, John

Ortiz, Jose

Orlowski, Andria

Orona, Shahrzad

Oskin, Jamie

Ozalan, Glenn

Palzer, Anne Marie

Patrice, Analiah

Paulson, Heather

Peachy, Miriam

Pearson, Lindsey

Peruch, Tracy

Peyman, Tara

Pierce, Brandie

Pingel, Patricia

Poindexter, Beth

Popiel, Brian

Potts, Jeffrey

Poulos, Jacqueline

Predmore, Leslie

Pritchard, Allison

Purcell, Andrea

Quintanar, Noemie

Ramsey, Theresa

Reker, Mary

Revak, Carol

Rezaie, Saman

Rhodes, Rachel

Riabikina, Irina

Richardson, Lisa

Rittling, Carrie

Roberson, Amanda

Rodgers, Sara

Romero-Bosch, Cristina

Rubin, Daniel

Ruinard, Leytocha

Runbeck, Craig

Sage, Kathryn

Sager, Jeffrey

Santora, Marie

Schwartz, Boris

Schwehr, Maureen

Schuck, Herbert

Seipt, Ann

Selvey, Don

Sherman, Leah

Shiffler, Nichole

Skelton, Janice

Smialek, Kiera

Smith, Garrett

Smith, Jennifer

Smolinski, Deb i

Spat, Tam

Spooner, Carol

Stage, Katrina

Stallone, Paul

Stark, Stephanie

Seitz, Stephanie

Steinberger, Katrina

Steinke, Rhonda

Stewart, Adrienne

Stone, Carolyn

Stouk, Olya

Strand, Roxie

Strong, Christine

Sundermeyer, Zahara

Swanick, Summer

Tabares. Amber

Takaki, Nanao

Tecaya, Kam

Terranella, Robin

Terrell, Shana

Thacker, Meghna

Thanki, Meghana

Thatcher, Michelle

Thomas, Suzanne

Thompson, Corrie

Toghyani, Jeannette

Triplett-Foss, Paula

Turner, Mary Jo

Tveit-Pettersen, Sonja

Udell, Eric

Upchurch, Robert

Vaghela, Monica

Vassighi, Nazanin

Ventura, Jose

Vesco, Teresa

Victor, Erin

Virdee, Kulveen

Volk, Kimberly

Wagner, Amy

Waldman, Renee

Walker, Catherine

Walker, Samuel

Walters, Sam

Wazny, Philip

Wdowin, Garrett

Weeshoff, Laura

Weiner, Andrea

Weyrich, Orville

Whelchel, Rebecca

Whitley, Marnie

Whitsell, Melinda

Wiggins, Natalie

Williamson, Susan

Wilkinson, Charles

Wilson, Adrienne

Winton, Jeffrey

Woeller, DeAnna

Wojtowicz, Angela Loise

Wolf, Jacob

Worden, Donese

Yongren, Christina

Yosef, Isaac

Yurgel, Betty

Zeller, Barrie

J.  Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board of Application(s) for Initial and Renewal of Medical Assistant Certificate.

Cook, Brittany

DiMatteo, Nancy (initial)

Hermosa, Karina (initial)

Hofmeister, Susan Ann

Lockly-Johnson, Denise

Shelton, Susan

Sherwood, Jessica Ann

Walters, Dustin

White, Sara

K.  Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board of Application(s) for Certificate to Engage in a Clinical Training Program, Initial and Renewal.

Abed, Wafa

Adams, Konstantina

Agard, Janelle

Ahmad, Arsallan

Alvarez, Wilbert-John

Annello, Alyssa

Avakian, Ara

Bailey, Stephanie

Balduzzi, Anthony

Banker, Rosanna

Barraza, Michelle

Becker, Kelsey

Bendokaitis, Beth

Bennett, Brittany

Bejarano, Alfredo

Bloom, Laura

Briante, Carla

Britton, Mallory

Buseman, Sarah

Butner, Lana Olvia

Chavez, Jessyca

Cummins, Emy

Davis, Lynette

de Graaf, Tara

Despotides, Bianca

Dickerson, Wendy

Doyle, Kimberly

Dragg, Darlyn

Dugan, Angela

Dutton, Jordan

Ellington, Amber Jade

Ellis, Erin

Endahl, Ann-Charlotte

Erath, Laurel

Farshad, Yasamine

Fuller, Ashley

Gariboldi, Matthew

Gaston, Clark

Goff, Vince

Golay, Kira

Griffith, Brandi

Gustavson, Rebecca

Harding, Lindsey

Higgs, Nathanael

Hines, Najakielladiji

Homkovics, Shannon

Hulet, Katherine

Huston, Stephanie

Jackson, Donna

James, Cara

James, Charmainge

Janjua, Kiran

Jeong, Dian

Jollie, Jane

Jonas, Mary

Keddie, Kalli

Kiger, Garrett

Krick, Kira

Krueger, Dylan

Kuang, LeeAnn

Kuchenbecker, Christina

Lad, Pranav

Lisiechi, Michele

Liu, Liy

Mackay-Timmermans, Drew

Major, Michael

Markham, Jennifer

Markison, Laura

Maycher, Megan

Maxwell, Erin

McCalla, Bethany

McClory, Christopher

McCormack, Kristen

Meraz, Samantha

Mitchell, Sasha

Mittman, Arie

Morse, Michael

Molina, Jose

Morin, Tanya

Mowery, Travis

Mulligan, Sarah

Nagallo, Krisel

Nelson, Erik

Nickel, Beck

Nguyen, Kensive

Pagano, Taylor

Pannu, Neelamjeet

Parent, Diana

Pendleton, Ashley

Pollock, Tara

Poteet, Zachary

Price, Gabrielle

Ramanan, Karthik

Reveron, Jorge

Richards, Calvin

Robins, Jade

Rodriguez-Berrios, Maria

Rodriquez, Carolina

Romero, Kelly

Ruiz, Guillermo

Sabetisoofyani, Arash

Salisbury, Laurne

Salzwedel, Kristen

Savage, Annie

Schaefer, Cosima

Shulman, Kathryn

Singh, Sahib

Smithers, Jillian

Sobczyk, Jean-Marc

Soto, Christy

Sowards, Dustin

Sparks, Linda

St. Rose, John

Sumberg, Kayla

Taddiken, Elizabeth Anne

Tapia, Paola

Thomas, Christopher Michael

Thompson, Rebekah

To, Lina

Touw, Henderson

Valero, Bernardo

Wright, Ellie

Yacabi, Eva

Zamora, Jamie

Zenhausen, Alissa

L.  Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board of Application(s) for Specialty Training Certification.

Dr. Laura Martell - Oncology, Approved by the AANP/ OncANP

6. Regulatory Matters

M.  Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board of Investigations and Complaints. (The Board may go into executive session on any of the following items under A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(2) for discussion of any information made confidential by law.)

(1) Dr. Kathy Kamin, Case No. 13-016 - Consent Agreement for Surrender of License.

(2) Dr. Lewis Underwood, Case No. 10-037 - Consent Agreement for Surrender of License.

(3) Dr. Susan Godman, Case No 13-025 - Investigative Interview

(4) Dr. Susan Godman, Case No. 13-035 - Investigative Interview

(5) Dr. Krystal Tellier, Case No. 13-020 - Investigative Interview

(6) Dr. Eugene Eihausen, Case No. 14-004 - Investigative Interview

(7) Dr. Cheryl Kubacz, Case No. 14-007 - Investigative Interview

(8) Dr. Ramon Esquerdo, Case No. 13-011 - Consent Agreement

N.  Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board of Renewal Applications.

(1) Dr. Krystal Tellier, Renewal of Certificate to Dispense- Open Investigation.

(2) Dr. Eugene Eihausen, Renewal of Certificate to Dispense- Open Investigation

(3) Dr. Ramon Esquerdo, Renewal of Certificate to Dispense - Open Investigation

(4) Dr. Kenneth Proefrock, Renewal of Certificate to Dispense-Open Investigation

(5) Dr. Bruce Sadilek, Renewal of Certificate to Dispense-Board Member

(6) Dr. Katherine Rose, Renewal of Certificate to Dispense

(7) Dr. Marianne Marchese, Renewal of Certificate to Dispense - Board Member

(8) Dr. Amy Terlisner, Renewal of Certificate to Dispense-Board Member

7. Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board of Application for Clinical Training

Certificate. Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03 (A) (3), the Board may vote to hold an executive session

for legal advice.

Jill Zdan

Michelle Pettitt

Odessa, Rodriquez

8. Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board of Application for Licensure.

Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03 (A) (3), the Board may vote to hold an executive session for legal


Ryan Krch

Kathleen Muratore

9. Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board Regarding Petition for

Reconsideration of Nutrients Listed Under R4-18-904 (2),(a,b,c,d)

10. Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board Regarding Draft Opioid Prescribing

Guidelines for Treatment of Acute Pain provided by the Arizona Department of Health




State of Arizona

Naturopathic Physicians Medical Board

Agenda, July 10, 2014