Magic Carpet Theatre

Technical Information

Running Time Straight through - 1 hour 10 minutes.

Performing Area Best viewed end or arena stage.

Space Required Approx 20’ x 20’. Minimum height 10’

The Set See pic below. Consists of 2 free-standing 8’ high back flats Free-standing Prosc Arch with arches at side. (All Class 1 fire-retardant plywood). We use Black (durably flame-proofed) Bolton Twill masking.

Audience Access Steps to the audience are required for raised stages. 4 children are invited on stage to participate.

Lighting Notes on Lighting are attached. We require the assistance of your technician for rigging and focusing.

A Board Operator is required. A script of the show will be available on the day of performance.

Power Min 1 x 13amp or 16amp supply for our sound.

Sound We carry and operate our own sound system. This is sited behind our scenery USL. We require a 13amp or 16amp supply to run this, We use a Soundcraft Mixer, StudioMaster 700D Amplifier, Tascam CF Players and Ohm Speakers.

At some venues we would like to feed (stereo) from our mixer to your house sound system. Audio outputs are on XLR male or ¼ inch jacks.

Dressing Room For 2 males.

Get In/Strike Get In - minimum 1.5 hours, Longer if lights to be focused. Strike - About 45 mins

Parking Please provide parking as close as possible to the performing area for a long wheel base Transit Van.

LX States

Al1 colour ref LEE.

1 Preset

(2 & 3) 119 (Dark Blue or nearest) Back lights focused Centre Stage.

(5 ) 103 Cross front of set.

(7&9) 141 Bright Blue. Set & CS

(16) 106 Red CS

(8) OW profile focused on centre of set

This is a low level state for audience coming in.

2 General State

(2 & 6) 119 Back lights

(5) 103 Cross front of set

(6 &10) 101 Set

(11) Rola Bola Special

(8) OW Centre Set

(12 & 19) 35 wash

(13 & 18) 35 wash

(15) OW DSC

3 Sneezing Paper

(2 & 3) 119 Backlights

(7 & 9) 141 Set

(8) OW Centre of set

4 Rola Bola State

(2 & 6) 119 Back lights

(5) 103 Cross front of set

(6 &10) 101 Set

(11) Rola Bola Special

(12 & 19) 35 wash

5 Show State

(1 & 4) 128 Back lights

(6 & 10) 101 Set

(12, 13,18, 19) 35 Wash

(14 & 17) 128 Centre stage

(15) OW DSC

(16) 106 Centre Stage

LX Cues

House on

LX1 Preset on

H Fade House 5 sec As play-in music fades


LX2 X fade to General 5 sec On Intro music

LX3 X fade to Sneezing Paper 5 sec Don’t worry he hasn’t sneezed in


LX 4 X fade to General 3 sec “Give her a big clap (Girl returns

to seat)

LX5 X fade to Rola Bola state 3 sec “If I fall off you catch me (and

Rola Bola music starts)

LX6 X fade to General 3 sec When Charlie gets off Rola Bola


LX7 X fade to Show state 3 sec “ ..Introducing the incredible Mr

Albert performing Alakazam”

LX8 X fade to Preset 5 sec After calls


H House on

Focus Plot

Lantern no Colour ref focus

1 & 4 128 (Bright Pink) fresnel CS Back Light

2 & 3 119 (Dark Blue) fresnel CS Back Light

5 103 (Straw) fresnel Cross front of set

6 & 10 101 (Yellow) fresnel Set Pros Arch

7 & 9 141 (Bright Blue) fresnel Set & CS

8 OW profile Centre of set (hard edge)

11 103 (Straw) fresnel Rola Bola Table SL

12 & 19 35 (Light Pink) fresnel Wash

13 & 18 35 (Light Pink) fresnel Wash

14 & 17 128 (Bright Pink) fresnel CS

15 OW profile DSC

16 106 (Red) fresnel CS

P:\word2\The Big Finish\BF All tech details.docx