GETAC Disaster/Emergency Preparedness Task Force
August 22, 2006 3pm-6pm
Texas Hospital Association, Austin, TX
Topic / Discussion / Action / Person ResponsibleI. Call to Order / Meeting called to order at 1500 by Eric Epley
II. Review Charges / Reviewed charges. Mr. Janda interjected that the first charge is not that complicated, it is simply about moving patients appropriately when the time comes.
Dr. Dean asked about sheltering issues and would we be discussing this here. Mr. Janda related that is really beyond the purview of this Task Force because it is outside of DSHS EMS. Eric argued that DSHS has all of ESF-8 so it is covered…Mr. Janda said that the scope of this Task Force is within EMS and Trauma ONLY.
Lengthy Discussion ensued as to who was responsible and what Task Force or Committee had this issue.
It was decided that we should connect with whoever is working this issue to make sure the issues are addressed.
Mr. Janda asked what bullet points should go to the Committees working these issues
1. Pedi patients having central collection points for evacuations (pediatric patients in general)
2. Need to have a last ditch effort/hunker down plan
3. Shelters of last resort;
4. Infection Control
5. Healthcare not included in Shelter Planning (OEM and Public Health generally organizing this issue) Better Coordination
6. Staffing of Shelters
7. Bridging of Gaps between preparedness, response, problem solving, etc
8. DADS Involvement
9. Assuring all players are involved in planning so that on game day there are appropriate contacts and people to do the work
Ernie Schmid asked if this is two separate committees or do the issues come together. Conversation around the room was to not separate them but to keep them together.
Discussion about moving evacuees laterally along the coast and if it makes sense.
All Hospitals and EMS should know and meet regularly with their Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) and Regional Liaison Officer (RLO).
Committee has two goals: capture best practices and prepare the “Calvary Response”.
Throughout the state of Texas there are Medical Operations Centers set up to assist with coordination of the processes/practices, etc.
Differentiation of local problem and a local evacuation vs. a geographic move(over many many miles)
Make a recommendation that hospitals in critical areas harden to be able to shelter in place…Hurrcanes with Cat 3 and less?
Matrix for Mandatory Evacuation of Healthcare Facilities / Mr. Janda will contact Special Needs personnel to attend September 18, 2006 meeting so that we can begin this integration process. / Steve Janda and Eric Epley
III.Top 3 Issues for Hospitals / 1. Special Needs Sheltering Issues and Acute Healthcare Integration
2. Surge Capacity (allocation of resources so that in-land hospitals can surge to take the affected coastal facility)
3. Hardening of Facilities over time for sheltering in place (mandates through law, rules, licensing, etc)
4. Rule review and local involvement in moving the patients across great distances
5. ESF 8 being involved
6. Surge Capacity (locally and receiving areas)
7. Evacuation and Repatriation Resources
8. Sheltering in Place / Sustainability after the event
XII. Adjourn / Meeting adjourned at 1900 hrs.
V. / Surge Hospital Stuff getting tabled until next time
VI / Disaster Ambulance Utilization Criteria:
It is in the GDEM Evacuation Plan now and letters going out to Hospital Administrators from DSHS explaining the criteria.
VII / MOA Update:
New MOA for EMS response is available. It will be going out for tomorrow. MOA is much better than it was. Agencies will be reimbursed all costs (a set cost for unit and perdiem plus actual crew wages and benefits) minus any reimbursement received. It is still a 2 stage contract.
Chris Callsen talked about deployment issues and crew selection criteria. Some criteria is expressed in the MOA BUT it is more intensive. Working on a document that DSHS can post on the website.
ALS Bus Deployment / Steve Janda requested more detail on the ALS bus concept. Eric Epley explained it is essentially a really long ambulance, with 47 seats. Paramedics would need to be augmented by hospital staff .
Hospital Big Issues for D/EP-
TF / 1. Shelter in Place standards, Licensing rules changing
2. Integrate criteria for hospitals to meet by integrating more fully with local OEM and preparedness overall.
3. Define scope of Mandatory Evacuation by a local EMC with respect to hospitals. Hospitals may need to start earlier, or switch to shelter in place mode.
4. Surge Capacity issues – Resources, beds, etc
5. Evacuation processes, including repatriation.
Hospital involvement in Special Needs shelters / List of issues surrounding no medical staff to support each POD/RSS.
Specialists from the disciplines below. Others should be included obviously, local EOC should make those choices.
• Special Needs Stakeholders
– Pedi
– Behavioral Medicine
– Geriatric
– Hearing Impaired
– OB / Neonates
– Infectious Disease
– Dialysis
– Oncology
– Transplant
– Bariatric
– Chronic Disease
– Home Health
Air MOA / Air Ambulance Memo of Agreement was discussed briefly, Steve Janda is going to contact the higher-ups to confirm the fee structure, timelines, etc. / Shawn Salter
GETAC Disaster/Emergency Preparedness Task Force
Task Force MembersTF Member / Name / Title / Organization / Agency / email / Phone / 22 Aug 06
Y / Steve Dralle / Operations Director / AMR - Texas / / 210-559-8936 / Y
Y / Melissa Low / Director, Emergency Preparedness / Christus Santa Rosa Healthcare System / / 210-704-2631 / Y
Y / Robbie Kirk / Emerg Services Director / Citizens Medical Center / / 361-574-1519 / Y
Y / Joe Vasquez / EMS Division Chief / Dallas Fire/EMS
Y / Bo Platt / Director / Department of Aging & Disability Services (DADS) / / 512-438-5744 / Y
Y / Christine Yuhas / Director, Transport / Driscoll Children's Hospital / / 361-549-8374 / Y
Y / Wanda Helgeson / Executive Director / El Paso RAC
Y / Member / GDEM Joint Air/Ground Coordination Team
Y / Mike Harmon / Planner / Governor's Div of Emerg Management (GDEM-SOC)
Y / Leon Charpentier / Fire Chief / Harker Hieghts FD/
Y / Bill Aston / Director / Harlingen EMS / Y (phone)
Y / Christine Reeves / Homeland Security Manager / HOTCOG / HOTRAC / / 254-855-2188 / Y
Y / Douglas Havron / Admin Director / Houston CMOC / Regional Hospital Preparedness Council / / 832-492-3300 / Y
Y / Adriene Trevino / EMS Division Chief / Houston Fire/EMS
Y / Dr. Emily Dean / Asst Medical Director / Houston Fire/EMS / / 713-495-4219 / Y
Y / Lori Upton / Chair / Houston Hospital Preparedness Council / TX Children's Hospital
Y / Rickey Reed / Director / LifeSTAR / / 817-715-2289 / Y
Y / Ira Nameth / MMRS Chair / MMRS, Regional Medical Operations Center-Dallas
Y / Mario Guerra / EMS Division Chief / San Antonio Fire/EMS
Y / Penny Redington / Executive Director / TARC / Y
Y / Mark Mallory / Director / Titus Regional Medical Center
Y / Wanda Wiktorik / Trauma Coordinator / Trinity Community Medical Center / TTCF / / 979-836-6173 / Y
Y / Dr. PK Carlton / Homeland Security Director / Tx A&M University
Y / Dave Taylor / President / Tx Ambulance Association, ETMC / Y (phone)
Y / Dannie Smith / Fire Chief, Mutual Aid Comm chair / TX Fire Chief's Association
Y / Ernie Schmid / Senior Policy Analyst / TX Hospital Association / / 512-465-1557 / Y
Y / Tim Berry / Supervisor / UMC Lubbock EMS / / 806-535-6004 / Y
Y / Mike Megna / Executive Director / UTMB / / 409-772-5107 / Y
Also In Attendance
TF Member / Name / Title / Organization / Agency / email / Phone / 22 Aug 06
Bonnie Hartstein / BAMC: Peds GETAC Committee / / 210-393-4000 / Y
Mark Wilson / Brackenridge Hospital ED / / 512-324-7238 / Y
Jan Cody / CareFlite Dallas / / 927-339-4238 / Y
Nim Kidd / City of San Antonio / / 210-207-8580 / Y
Greg Wilburn / DSHS / / 512-834-6675 / Y
Maxie Bishop / DSHS / / Y
Steve Janda / DSHS / / 512-834-6745 / Y
Kim Petty / DSHS - OEMS/TS / / 512-834-6794 / Y
Lori Boyett / Hillcrest Hospital / TSA-M (HOTRAC) / / 254-202-8599 / Y
Robert Ravizza / Houston Fire Department / / 713-495-4219 / Y
Charles Jaquitti / MCC, Waco PD, Pedi comm. / / 254-750-3620 / Y
Butch Holmes / MetroCare EMS / / 409-729-0212 / Y
Jorge Klein / Parklane / / 214-590-8717 / Y
Lucille Maes / RAC "R" / Angleton Area EMC / / 979-849-3547 / Y
Susan Neel / RAC-R / Central EMS / / 979-345-2390 / Y
Dudley Wait / Schertz EMS / / 210-658-6678 / Y
Eric Epley / Executive Director / STRAC / / 210-602-4322 / Y
Brenda Putz / TSAN / St. Joseph, Bryan / / 979-776-4917 / Y