University of Maryland in Baltimore

Office of Government and Community Affairs

Individual User Instructions for Using the Legislative Response Form

2012 Session of the Maryland General Assembly

Updated: 01/09/2012

The Maryland General Assembly will meet in legislative session from January 11, 2012 through April 9, 2012. During the 2012 Session, you will be provided proposed legislation via email. This is a change from previous years when you received hard copies of legislation via courier.

Please watch for emails from: , which will list the bills where we request your guidance. Your expert advice is needed within 5 days of the email-notice, since bills can be quickly scheduled for public hearing. Please enter your comments in the Legislative Response Form System.

How to Access the Legislative Response Form System:
You must have a UMBID and password for the eUMB system in order to enter your comments in the Legislative Response Form System.

If you already have a My UMBID and password for the eUMB system, simply go to: to enter your comments. Step-by-step instructions to enter your comments are shown below.

If you do not have a UMBID and password, go to: and follow the steps as prompted to establish a password.

Need Assistance:

Contact Ms. Diane Lopez or Ms. Melanie Moore at 410-269-5087 if you need assistance accessing or entering information in the Legislative Response Form.

Enter Response at:

Please bookmark this website. The screens will prompt you to enter the information described below. Please submit comments for each proposed bill.

Select one of the following options from the drop-down box in this

HB (House Bill)

SB (Senate Bill)

HJ (House Joint Resolution)

SJ (Senate Joint Resolution)

Enter the bill number as four-digits (i.e. HB 81, should be entered

as HB0081)

Select one of the options from the drop-down box to indicate the
version of the bill you are reviewing. See the subject line in the
email to indicate the bill type.


Select one of the options from the drop-down box to indicate
your position on the legislation.


Select the desired action or actions. Note that you may select more than one action (for instance, select both Letter and Oral Testimony, if you think that both written and oral testimony are

This is an open-ended field for you to enter comments, suggestions, or questions you have about the legislation. If you support the bill with amendments, please be sure to indicate the amendments that you think are needed. You also may indicate any estimated fiscal impact, but be sure to explain the basis for the estimate.

Submit/ Reset/ Change Password:

After you have entered all the information, select “Submit.” Once you select the “Submit” button, you will see a screen that advises you that the data has been submitted.

The “Reset” button clears all the information in case you made an error (i.e. the information is not submitted, if you select “Reset”).

You also can “Log Out” and exit the program or “Change Your Password” from this page.

Summary of Comments:

If you click on “See summary of comments you have entered,” you will be able to access a list of all the comments you have submitted for the current session. From that page, go to “Back to Legislative Response Form,” if you need to submit another response. Otherwise, you will be able to “log out” or exit the website from here.

Additional Help:

o  For administrative help with instructions, please contact:

Ms. Diane Lopez or Ms. Melanie Moore at 410-269-5087

o  For assistance with the substance of the proposed legislation, please contact:

Ms. Deborah Neels, Senior Director Government Affairs or Ms. Barbara Klein, Associate Vice-President at 410-269-5087.

J:\GCA Standard\Forms & Templates\Bill Distribution\Web Based Legislative Response Instructions 2012.doc