This form should be filled in by the RHUL Programme Director, in consultation with the collaborative partner where appropriate, for the following collaborative partnerships:
  • Validated programmes;Franchised programmes; Endorsed programmes, and
  • Programmes delivered by flying faculty in collaboration with overseas partners.
The RHUL Programme Directorshould confirm the deadline for submission with the Academic Quality and Policy Office; different deadlines will apply to each collaborative programme.
The collaborative reportconsists of four parts:
  • Part A: Partnership details
  • Part B: Quality Assurance and Enhancement
  • Part C: Operational Issues
  • Part D: Partnership Review
Parts A, B and Cand associated documentation should be completed and submitted to the Annual Steering Group (or equivalent).Part B supplements the College’s Annual Review Report form for taught programmes, the External Examiner(s) reports, responses to these, and Staff-Student Committee minutes, which should also be considered by the Annual Steering Group.
Part Dwill be considered by the College’s Collaborative Provisions Committee andshould be completed only by the RHUL Programme Director.
The completed form (Parts A – D) plus all associated documentation, including the College’s Annual Review Report for taught programmes and associated documentation, should be submitted in the first instance to the Academic Quality & Policy Office:
Please see the flow chart for an outline of the process.


  1. Department at College
/ Click here and type
  1. Partner institution
/ Click here and type
  1. Royal Hollowaykey contacts

Programme Director / Click here and type
Liaison Manager (where applicable) / Click here and type
  1. Partner Institution key contacts

Programme Director / Click here and type
Liaison Manager (where applicable) / Click here and type
  1. Award on successful completion of the programme
/ Click here and type
  1. Awarding body
/ Royal Holloway, University of London
Royal Holloway and Bedford New College
  1. Start date of programme delivery and period covered by this review
/ Click here and type
  1. Expiry date of contract
/ Click here and type
  1. Brief summary of collaboration
Indicate which party has operational responsibility for each part of the collaboration e.g. admissions, student records, delivery, assessment, validation
Click here and type
This part of the form supplements the information provided in the College’s Annual Review Report form for taught programmes, which together with the External Examiner(s) reports, responses to these, and Staff-Student Committee minutes must be considered at the Annual Steering Group and submitted to the Academic Quality & Policy Office.
  1. Formal warnings
Indicate the number of formal warnings issued to students for failure to meet minimum attendance requirements and/ or submission requirements.
Click here and type
  1. Academic Misconduct
Indicate the number and type of assessment offences that have been identified, including plagiarism, collusion, commissioning and examination offences, and any actions taken as a result.
Click here and type
  1. Academic Appeals
Indicate the number and type of appeals submitted in the academic year/ sessions under review, and how many were upheld; e.g. appeals against the decisions of the examinations board, against terminations of registration or against assessment offence penalties. In cases where appeals were upheld briefly explain the reasons and, where applicable, any remedial action taken.
Click here and type
  1. Complaints relating to academic provision
Indicate the number of informal and formal complaints that students on this programme raised during the academic year/ sessions under review
Click here and type
  1. Student Support and resources
Indicate any issues that relate to the provision of support services and resources to students (e.g. library and/ or IT provision where applicable).
Click here and type
  1. Other issues
Indicate any other issues that have arisen which may raise concerns about the quality andenhancement of provision, e.g. breaches of security in relation to examinations, processing of marks and results, appointment of teaching staff.
Click here and type
  1. Visits to teaching venues and staff observation
Indicate details of visits to teaching venues and observations of non-College staff
Date / Activity, e.g. visit, observation / Issues that have arisen / Action taken to resolve issue (where appropriate).
Type here / Click here and type / Click here and type / Click here and type
Type here / Click here and type / Click here and type / Click here and type
Type here / Click here and type / Click here and type / Click here and type
  1. Programme
Outline any programme amendments, new courses, or changes to existing courses that have been approved or are still to be approved for the next academic year/ sessions.
Item Changed: / Details:
Click here and type / Click here and type
Click here and type / Click here and type
Click here and type / Click here and type
  1. Action plans and review of progress

(a) Detail what actions will be taken as a result of issues identified in this Report.
Proposed Action to be Taken / Ref
(Year/#) / Timescale / Milestones / Staff / Body Responsible
Click here and type / Type here / Click here and type / Click here and type
Click here and type / Type here / Click here and type / Click here and type
Click here and type / Type here / Click here and type / Click here and type
Click here and type / Type here / Click here and type / Click here and type
Click here and type / Type here / Click here and type / Click here and type
Click here and type / Type here / Click here and type / Click here and type
(b)Review of Progress on Previous Actions
Where deadlines have not met please include an explanation of what factors have affected this
Action / Ref
(Year/#): / Progress Made / Further Action
Click here and type / Type here / Click here and type / Click here and type
Click here and type / Type here / Click here and type / Click here and type
Click here and type / Type here / Click here and type / Click here and type
Click here and type / Type here / Click here and type / Click here and type
Click here and type / Type here / Click here and type / Click here and type
Click here and type / Type here / Click here and type / Click here and type
PART C: Operational Issues
  1. Changes to contract schedules
(a)Comment on whether any changes to the Operations Manual are required to improve its clarity and/or reflect changes agreed by the Steering Group in the light of issues identified as part of the review of the programme.
Paragraph Number: / Suggested Improvement:
Click here and type / Click here and type
Click here and type / Click here and type
Click here and type / Click here and type
Click here and type / Click here and type
(b)Outline any changes/ updates which have been made or are required to existing programme documentation included in contract schedules, e.g. the Student Handbook to reflect changes in regulations, College policies or procedures.
Document: / Section: / Changes made / required:
Click here and type / Type here / Click here and type
Click here and type / Type here / Click here and type
Click here and type / Type here / Click here and type
Click here and type / Type here / Click here and type
(a)Confirm that these have been agreed with the Assistant Registrar (Partnerships) and approved by the Academic Quality & Policy Office and the Vice-Principal. If not, please confirm the anticipated date by which these will be made so that contract schedules can be updated and signed. / Yes
Sign Off:
Programme Director (RHUL). If author of report is not the Programme Director please indicate that here.
Signature: ...... Click here and typePrint Name & Title: Click here and type
Programme Director (partner).
Signature: ...... Click here and typePrint Name & Title: Click here and type


  1. Date of previous review by Collaborative Provisions Committee (where applicable):

  1. Performance against the financial model since the previous report was submitted to CPC
  • indicate the number of students enrolled on the programme and comment on any variation of this number from the original model
  • indicate the number of students successfully completing the programme (or progressing to the next stage of the programme)
  • provide accounts for the period indicating the financial input and output against the original financial model and comment on the reason for any discrepancies

  1. Contractual relationship
(b)Include an assessment of whether the terms of the contract/relationship are being met, and what actions are being taken where this is not the case. This includes but is not limited to meeting contractual obligations as per student numbers recruited against target, timely payments, providing required student data to the College in a timely fashion, issues relating to the appointment of teaching staff.
Are all the terms of the contract being met? (YES/NO):
If ‘NO’ please identify what issues have been raised, and how these are being addressed. Please insert extra lines as necessary.
Issues identified / Action taken to resolve issue (where appropriate).
(c)Include below dates of management and/ or liaison meetings which have taken place, and the date of the Annual Steering Group meeting and any issues which have arisen between the College and the partner institution which need to be brought to the attention of the Collaborative Provisions Committee. Where relevant attach minutes of meetings. Please insert extra lines as necessary.
Meeting Date / Issues identified / Action taken to resolve issue (where appropriate).
  1. External Environment
Detail any recent and potential changes to the market and environment in which the programme operates, and detail how these changes could impact upon the programme and how they can be addressed.
  1. Risk Register Update.
Indicate whether the risk register for the collaboration has been reviewed and updated, any changes which have been made, and highlight any trends or changes in the environment or with either partner which could have further effects.
Has the Risk Register been reviewed? / YES/NO
If any changes have been made, or are required, please list them below and attach the revised Risk Register to this form:
  1. Publicity Information:
Please attach examples of publicity or materials associated with the programme in which reference is made to the collaboration with Royal Holloway. Indicate whether these raise any concerns.
  1. Value of the collaboration
Indicate the overall value of the collaboration to the department/school and the College – this may be broader than the revenue value e.g. network, previously untapped catchment
  1. Proposals for the future of the collaboration
Give any proposals for the future of the collaboration and provide the justification for these proposals – this could be a recommendation to change the programmes offered or not to extend the current contract
Collaborative agreements are normally subject to renewal every 5 years. If this report is submitted within 12 months of the date of expiry of the collaborative agreement please indicate:
  • if the department/school wishes to continue with the collaboration for a further period
  • the key reasons as to why the collaboration should continue
  • any changes that should be made to the contractual arrangement

Annual Collaborative Review Report / 1