Mr. Melody
Welcome to the start of a new school year! This year, students will be studying Social Studies with a concentration on Middle East and Asia. We will investigate the history, government, geography, and economy of these areas and their impact on the United States. We are excited about this curriculum and its potential for helping students develop strong Social Studies knowledge and skills and are looking forward to a successful year for all of our students.
Course Description and Objectives
Student Expectations
•Students are expected to use their agendas daily to record assignments and assessments. A daily agenda will be posted, as will a running weekly agenda.
•Students are expected to attend class regularly, be on time and be prepared (with pens, notebook, homework, and handouts).
•All work turned in is expected to be neat, organized and reflect excellence.
•Homework can be expected on a regular basis and is due the following day in class, unless otherwise noted.
•Late work is NOT accepted unless there are extenuating circumstances and must be accompanied by a note from a parent.
•Absent students are responsible for making up all missed class work and homework assignments. Absent students can get information about missing assignments from the teacher, other students, Mr. Melody’s Wiki or Edmodo. District policy will be followed in regards to absences and make up work.
•Extra help is available and encouraged. I am able to help students during class, as well as outside of class by appointment or during scheduled tutorial days Edmodo or Mr. Melody’s Wiki are great tools for extra help. Students should be concerned about their progress on a daily basis, not just at the end of the nine weeks. Updated grades are posted in class on a weekly basis. After school help is available but you need to check with teacher for schedule of tutorials.
•Appropriate behavior is expected at all times. Students who disrupt the learning environment will suffer the appropriate consequences and can lose school privileges.
•Edmodo will be assigned in this class. It is your responsibility to keep up with it. Computers are available before and after school in case you do not have access to a computer at home
Grading Summary Students will be allowed to demonstrate their level of understanding of various topics in Social Studies. Assessments and grading are applied consistently to students’ demonstrated ability. Assessments are based solely on demonstrated progress and mastery of clear standards. Below are the grading procedures:
Grade Percentages/Weights
- Class assignments, homework, notebook checks, journals, group participation, make-up work & extra credit work constitute 40% of the grade .
- Student assessment activities including oral tests, teacher-made tests, nine-weeks tests & projects constitute 60% of the grade
Grades will be based on total points earned out of total points possible.
A-100-90%B-89-80%C-79-71%D-70%F-69 or below
Progress Reports: Besides mid-quarter progress reports, students will periodically be given progress reports that must be signed by parent or guardian.
Tutorial: Tutorial schedule will be announced and placed on Webpage
Social Studies Notebook Guidelines
Social Studies Notebook: Students will be required to have a 3-ring binder for Social Studies. Before the dividers, keep:
- ) This 4-page course syllabus
- ) Your up-to-date table of contents (will be supplied by the teacher).
Use the dividers for these 5 sections, clearly labeled:
1.Journal/Warm Up
2.Classwork & Notes
3.Graded Assignments (tests, quizzes and projects)
After each unit is completed, students will clean all sections of their notebook. These papers will be stapled together and filed in the classroom for further reference and for use in their portfolio.
Please review the above with your child. By signing below, he/she is making a commitment to keep their notebook organized. Students should have their social studies notebook organized and ready to use byTuesday, August 27th. Please put these papers at the front of the binder.
Edmodo Account: All students will need to create an Edmodo Account. Assignments/Quizzes will be placed on Edmodo. Any assignment on Edmodo will be given ample amount of time, in case internet access is not available at home. No Internet Access will not be taken as an excuse for it not being completed,. Computer access is available before and after school. You will need this access code to join, uf7kwu.Use your name to sign up, any name I do not recognize will not be approved access and will be deleted. Students who were with me last year, do not need to do anything. The group has been renamed 7th grade and you are in. You many need to see me if you need your password reset. Do not create a new account, I will not approve for group
Social Studies Syllabus Receipt
Student’s Name (Please Print)______
Parent / Guardian’s Name (Please Print)______
Phone Number(s) ______
Parent/guardian e-mail address ______
Parent/Guardian’s Signature ______
Thank you for sharing your student with me this year. I look forward to an awesome year of learning!
If you have any questions of concerns at any time during the year, please feel free to contact me.
E-mail: . Phone: 395.5235 ext 726168