The minutes of the meeting of Hales and Heckingham Parish Council held on Wednesday, 11thJanuary, 2012 at 7.30pm in Hales Village Hall.
PresentCllr. A. Mason
Cllr. R. Wilkins
Cllr. M. Epps
Cllr. C. Grant
Cllr. H. Herring
Cllr. A. McDonald
Cllr. K Billig, District Councillor
In AttendanceMrs Jane Hale, Clerk to the Council
members of the public
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Parish Council and thanked them for their attendance
89.To receive apologies for absence from Council members unable to attend
Apologies had been received and accepted from Cllr. J. Sturman who had to work and PCSO Kevin Nightingale who had agreed to attend the Bergh Apton meeting.
90.To receive Declarations of Interest on matters on the Agenda
Cllr Epps declares an interest in the planning application for Copperstone, School Lane as he was working on the property.
91.To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday, 11th November, 2011
The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 11th November, 2011 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
92.To receive and comment if appropriate on planning applications and correspondence as received and note comments registered
2011/2030Copperstone, School Lane, Heckingham
Proposed conservatory to front.
The Council considered the application and agreed they had not objections to the development.
Decisions received:
Springwell House, School Lane, Hales – Council had no objections - Approved
Lavender Cottage, Heckingham Holes, Council had no objections - Approved
Hales Hospital, Yarmouth Road, Heckingham – Council had concerns and objected – Approved with 27 conditions. The Clerk was requested to obtain a copy of the original plans for Hales Hospital as the Council did not appear to have one in its files.
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- To adjourn the meeting to receive for information any issues raised by members of the public.
There were no members of the public in attendance so the meeting was not adjourned.
- To discuss and agree a way forward following receipt of the Council’s letter at the Hales Village Hall AGM on 7th November,2011
The Clerk was asked to write to the Village Hall Committee thanking them for their information but asking whether or not their accounts have been submitted annually to the Charity Commission in line with Charity Commission regulations.
It was agreed Cllrs Mason and Herring would form the working party to look into progressing the provision or upgrade/relocation of the village and report back to Council. It was agreed that Cllrs Mason and Herring would have an informal chat with the Chairman of the Village Hall Committee about the way forward/future of the hall.
The Working Party will ascertain village views regarding the hall, whether a project to provide/move/improve the village hall would be a project the village would like to see or not, and report back to the Council.
- To discuss the Diamond Jubilee/Olympic 2012 event – meeting on 14.1.2012 for residents.
There is to be an event on the 14th January for all residents to attend to indicate whether or not they would like to see an event to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee/Olympics 2012. It was agreed that a fund of £300 would be held by the Parish Council to underwrite such an event and that the Parish Council would pay for the use of the hall on the 14th January, which would be £12, which would be drawn from the earmarked fund.
The Clerk to ascertain whether or not the Parish Council insurance would cover the public liability for such an event.
- To discuss the Hales Bowls Club information received and agree a way forward.
The is no further information at this time. Cllr Herring is going to produce a business template for the Club. Cllr Wilkins is not available to assist any further with this project at this time but will forward a template to Cllr Herring for consideration/use.
- Hales Playing Field – to receive information regarding the notification that a child hurt his finger on the goal post, discuss and agree any further maintenance required.
The Clerk advised that the goal posts had been inspected, photographs taken. There was no indication as to where this accident could have taken place as there was no blood evident on any of the posts. The Council agreed that a fully documented file would be kept on this matter and the Clerk would ensure this is done as a priority. To date nothing further has been heard from the family.
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It was agreed that the Insurance Broker would be notified of the event and advise requested as to what action, if any, should be taken now. It was agreed a separate file would be created for this event in case of any future action.
- To receive an update on the works required/undertaken at the bus shelter and agree any further necessary works. (To date no further information on grants for bus shelter)
Proposed plans for the bus shelter had been circulated. No grants for this were are available. The estimate for the work is £500. It is proposed to remove the front of the shelter, have a steel frame made and Cllrs Grant/Mason/Epps and Wilkins all volunteered to undertake the necessary work.
It was agreed that a budget of £500 would be set aside to allow the work to be undertaken.
- To receive a verbal report from the Chairman following attendance at a training day at The Norfolk Rural Community Council regarding Fuel Poverty.
The Chairman advised of the information gained following his attendance at a Fuel Poverty training/information day. It was agreed that Cllr Mason would liaise with the NRCC to organise an event promoting help relating to fuel poverty i.e. information and assistance. It was agreed that H & HPC would pay for the hire of the village hall and get some flyers printed to promote the event.
- Community Composting Scheme – further report from the Chairman
The Chairman confirmed that he had received information that the 250m ruling relating to the siting of the Composting Scheme is no longer in place. Cllrs Mason and Grant will speak with Peter Cargill regarding a suitable piece of land.
- The Pit – tender letter and Licence Agreement
The Clerk had circulated a tender letter and Licence Agreement for consideration. Both documents were accepted and it was agreed the Chairman/Clerk would place an ad in Contact requesting letters of interest to be received by the Clerk by a specified date, letters to interested parties would be sent out with a closing date for the tenders of 3rd March, 2012. All tenders would be considered at the Council meeting on 7th March, 2012 and the winning tenderer would be contacted soon after.
- To receive and comment on correspondence received as listed
Soil Associaton Statekholder Consultation
Thank you letters from Charity recipients
Signpost - Norfolk RCC Newsletter – Chairman to read.
Norfolk ALC Norfolk Link Extra – Localism information
SNC Scheme of Officer Delegation for Planning information
Greater Norwich Development Partnership CIL information & way forward.
NALC – copy of Planning Explained, further information on Neighbourhood Planning will be forwarded later in the year.
Norfolk Police – invitation to an open meeting to discuss the Police Budget 2012/2013 on 19.1.2012 at Jubilee House, Wymondham.
Information about fireworks for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
NCC – Gritting Routes Leaflet.
Information from National Grid regarding wind farms to be connected to the National Grid.
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- To approve expenditure on accounts received
Roberts & Son – Parish newsletter re Diamond Jubilee/Olympics£14.00
Hire of the village hall for meetings – May 2011 – January 2012 inc.£56.00
- To receive a verbal report from the Clerk
The Clerk advised that the website was an on-going project and that all the Councillors and the Councils contact details would go on the site, together with a picture of each Councillor. Minutes and agenda would also be on the site and it would be possible to contact the Council through the site. Cllr Wilkin requested that both his phone number and address not be place on the site due to his work.
The Clerk was asked whether or not the Council had a constitution, the Clerk advised that following the abolition of the Standards Board for England the Code of Conduct would no longer be ‘valid’ for Parish & Town Councils and that they would have to adopt their own. The Clerk advised that the Council should consider adopting their own Standing Orders and Financial Standing orders. The Clerk advised that the Council are governed by National Standing Orders so are covered but that to have their own, which would incorporate those covered by statute would be a good way forward.
The Clerk was asked to prepare some Standing Orders, the Clerk advised that this will take some time but would be done.
The Clerk as asked to prepare the minutes notated for ‘Actions’, stating who is to do what, Cllr Wilkin stated he had already noted 16 actions from the minutes - as the minutes are a public document, it was agreed that an ‘Action List’ would be created and circulated.
- To receive a report from the Police
Not available.
- To receive a report from the County and District Councillors
Not available.
- To receive reports from Councillors
Councillors are extremely concerned regarding the overgrown hedge on the corner of Green Lane/Yarmouth Road, on the left hand side entering Green Lane from Yarmouth Road. Clerk will contact Highways and ask them to contact owner.
Cllr Mason advised that Anthony Foster will maintain both churchyards for £500pa on a contract. A letter detailing the work to be prepared. Mr Shrimp will use his own equipment to cut both churchyards.
Charity Marsh, Andrew Wright will take the marsh for 2012-2013. Cllr Mason is contacting Hamish Carrie to ascertain when the ESA ceases and any other information available.
A new footpath map was also discussed – the Clerk has been unable to find one. Cllr Wilkins will source one.
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- To confirm the date for the next Parish Council meetings as Wednesday, 7th March, 2012 at 7.30pm in Hales Village Hall, which will commence with the Annual Parish Meeting followed immediately by the Parish Council meeting.
The next meeting of the Parish Council was confirmed at 7.00pm on Wednesday, March 2012 commencing with the Annual Parish Meeting, immediately followed by the Parish Council meeting. The new members of the Council were advised of the relevance of the Annual Parish Meeting and the part is played in the Council year.
The meeting closed at 9.03pm
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Clerk to respond to Copperstone planning application.
Clerk to obtain a copy of the plans relating to Hales Hospital.
Clerk to write to the Police Authority regarding the presence of a Beat Officer at the Council meeting and the number of meetings that should be attended.
The Clerk to write to the Village Hall Committee asking whether or not their accounts have been submitted annually to the Charity Commission in line with Charity Commission regulations.
Cllrs Mason and Herring to form the working party. The Working Party to ascertain village views regarding the hall, whether a project to provide/move/improve the village hall would be a project the village would like to see or not and report back to the Council.
Diamond Jubilee/Olympics 2012 – consultation event on 14.1.2012 – Council to underwrite and possibly insure. Clerk to ascertain Parish Council cover for such an event.
Cllr Herring is going to produce a business template for Bowls Club.
Cllr Wilkins to forward a template to Cllr Herring.
Cllrs Mason and Herring to have an informal chat with the Chairman of the Village Hall Committee.
Working party (AWM/JH) to look into provision etc or village hall & report back.
Clerk to contact the Insurance Broker regarding accident on the playing field.
Clerk to create file relating to the accident on the playing field.
Cllrs Grant/Mason/Epps and Wilkins to undertake remedial works on the bus shelter.
Cllr Mason liaise with NRCC re Fuel Poverty.
Cllr Mason to organise flyers, village hall, promotion etc.
Cllrs Mason/Grant to speak with Peter Cargill re composting site.
Clerk/Chairman to organise advert for Pit, send out tender letters for consideration at next meeting.
Clerk to pay outstanding accounts. Chairman to give cheque to Village Hall Chairman.
Clerk to commence preparing Standing Orders and Financial Standing Orders.
Clerk to Create and circulate Action List
Clerk to contact highways regarding hedging on Yarmouth Road/Green Lane junction.
Clerk to prepare letter for Anthony Shrimp’s contract to maintain churchyards.
AWM to liaise with Hamish Carrie regarding ESA timescales.
RW to source a Parish footpath map.