Minute of the Spiritual Care Committee
held on Friday, 6 May 2011 at 10.00 am
in Salvation Army Citadel, Castle Street, Aberdeen
David Cameron, Chairman (Chair)
Laura Gray, Director of Corporate Communications
Fred Coutts, Head of Spiritual Care
Nigel Firth, Equality & Diversity Manager
Jim Simpson, Chaplain
Harvey Grainger, Church of Scotland, Aberdeen Presbytery
Hassan Ali, Muslim Faith
Jane Alton , Salvation Army
Sharon Duncan, Staff Side Rep
Stuart Hannabuss, Humanist Society of Scotland
Ian Groves, Part-Time Chaplain
Gillian Trew, Pastoral Assistant, Kirk of St Nicholas Uniting
Vincent Perricone, Part-time Chaplain, Scottish Episcopal Church
Colin Dempster, Church of Scotland, Kincardine & Deeside Presbytery
Jenny Greener, Non-Executive Director
In Attendance:
Mary Innes
Astrid Bendomir, Occupational Physician (observing)
Caroline Cormack, Chaplain Volunteer (observing)
Pauline Strachan, Chief Operating Officer (observing)
James Falconer, Chaplain
Elspeth McKay-Smith, Student
Item / Subject / Action /1. / Tea/Coffee – Introductions
2. / Geoff Lachlan introduced “Reflections of Life – words of comfort and encouragement”
Geoff Lachlan, Health Development Officer, Scottish Inter-Faith Council and NHS Education, was welcomed by the Chair. Dr Lachlan then gave a presentation on the launch of the book “Reflections of Life – Words of Comfort and Encouragement”. This had been published by NHS Education for Scotland and was the result of much listening and working together by representatives of 13 different faith groups as well as 5 healthcare chaplains.
Dr Lachlan was thanked for his very informative presentation.
3. / Apologies
Apologies had been received from Liz Tait, Linda Oldroyd, Dorothy Tervitt, Ruth Richardson, Sara Campbell, Margaret Coll, Sue Kinsey
4. / Minute of meeting held on 11 February 2011
This was accepted as a true record.
A welcome was extended to Vincent Perricone, Episcopal Chaplain, representing the Scottish Episcopal Church and Colin Dempster, Church of Scotland Minister from the Mearns Coastal Parish, two new members of the Committee.
5. / Matters Arising
5.1 / Contacts with CHPs
As promised at the last meeting, this had been discussed with the Chief Operating Officer. At present, there were ongoing changes in the leadership arrangements of the CHPs and once these new management arrangements were in place further discussion would take place re representatives on this Committee. It was agreed to carry this forward but to rename subject heading as Contacts with Sectors. / LG
5.2 / Mortuary Developments
It was reported that dialogue had been established to resource some previously prepared plans for the mortuary and to check if these were still fit for purpose. Estates would have them costed so that a funding source could be established. / LG
5.3 / Emergency Care Centre and Health Village
No reply had yet been received from the Director of Planning about spiritual care facilities in the ECC and Health Village developments.
5.4 / National Recruitment & Retention Premium for Chaplains
The Scottish Government circular announcing the cessation of the recruitment and retention premium for Chaplains had been circulated. This had caused great concern for the chaplains as it could result in hardship for many. There was also concern from a management perspective, not only in recruiting but in retaining current staff.
HR had since confirmed that this issue was due to be discussed at the next Partnership Ts&Cs Group as there was provision in the circular for local arrangements. It was explained that in the national RRP there were a number of professions involved, some where there would be less impact. Once separated, it was hoped that a resolution could be found for the Chaplains.
6. / Raising Awareness about faith and community groups
The papers submitted detailing contents of the course on An Introduction to Beliefs and Practices were noted. As Sarah Campbell had submitted her apologies, it was agreed to carry forward to the next meeting. / SC
7. / Community Listening Project (James Falconer in attendance)
A year ago a pilot study for Chaplaincy Community Listening Projects was started by the Scottish Government and NES for 5 community partnerships in health boards.
This year-long pilot had been audited and assessed and a report issued on the 5 projects. It had been decided to extend the pilot and it was felt that NHSG should participate in this. It was not clear if support funding was available but an application would be lodged.
It was hoped that one GP practice would take part in this. James Falconer would take the project forward.
8. / Foresterhill Mosque
Dr Ali was welcomed to the meeting and he gave the background to prayer in relation to Muslims. There were 5 mandatory prayers in a day, at specified times. Prayer could be carried out individually, in a group or in a mosque.
The current hospital mosque was in a portakabin which could accommodate, with difficulty, about 100 people. Most of these were NHS and university staff and university students.
The current issues were as follows:
· Unable to accommodate all for Friday prayer due to the increasing number of people
· No separate place for ladies to pray in the Mosque
· Difficulty in forming a committee for the mosque – do not have formal representation, therefore had difficulty with formal communication within the Board and other bodies
· There was a need for a link between hospital mosque and the Muslim community
It was recognised that there were many changes occurring on the Foresterhill site which could have implications for the mosque. There might be an opportunity for space in the vacated accommodation when the ECC comes into operation.
In relation to communication, it was hoped to find a way for a small working group to work with Dr Ali and his colleagues. / LG
9. / PMS and Information
9.1 / Communication with Faith Groups
Concerns around providing information about patients to churches had been discussed at the last meeting.
A lot of work had been ongoing and the example letter to various faith groups encouraging members to ensure that they complete the Patient Data Form when it is a planned admission was noted. The letter also requested that, in emergency admissions, it would be helpful if faith groups could ask their members to request staff to record their wishes on PMS, or to complete the Religious and Spiritual Support Cards used in ARI. A leaflet had also been produced and a related slide would go onto the Hospedia TV screens at every bed.
It was recognised there were significant difficulties arising from two main problems – one technical and one in relation to people, ie were staff asking the right questions. On the technical issue, Pauline Strachan agreed to keep this issue high on the agenda for the next PMS meeting and also to discuss with the Delivery Team and General Managers on how to action. On the people issue, this would require a cultural change in order to ensure that the message got to all of our staff that this information was just as important as medical information. / PS
9.2 / Spiritual Care Leaflet
9.3 / Slide on Hospedia Service
Not discussed.
10. / Bereavement Care
Apologies had been received from Linda who was lead in relation of bereavement care and the brief update was noted.
The Committee was aware that implementation of the bereavement paper circulated at the last meeting was being taken forward. It was noted that the Medical and Nurse Directors were executive leads for this.
11. / Report from the Head of Spiritual Care
The report was noted and the following highlighted:
Knowledge & skills framework – the huge difficulty encountered in completing this process in the Spiritual Care Department was highlighted. A lot of time was devoted to supporting people through this, both online and face to face meetings. In respect of people who worked different hours (some full-time, some part-time) it did not feel like the best way of carrying out reviews and personal development plans,
This year the annual KSF review would be shared out amongst the team after the retirement of the Head of Spiritual Care. It was agreed that it would be worthwhile for the Committee to discuss this further. / FC/JS
12. / For Information
12.1 / Reflective Practitioner Vol 3 – noted
12.2 / UKBHC Newsletter April 2011 – Noted.
13. / AOCB
13.1 / It was reported that an approach had been made by a Hindu consultant in RCH to the manager in Old Age Psychiatry to use a day hospital one day a week for a Hindu activity. It was agreed to deal with this outwith the meeting.
13.2 / Thanks were extended for the use of the excellent facilities of the Citadel for the meeting.
13.3 / The Chairman thanked Jane Alton for all her input into the Committee and wished her success in her new job.
14. / Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting is 9 September 2011. This will be held in Elgin but there will be VC facilities in Summerfield House for those unable to travel to Elgin.