Unitarian Universalist Small Group Ministry Network Website
Topic Do Angels Exist?
Leomeister, MA (Rev.Susan Suchocki Brown)
Opening Words:
Drab is the life
And sighfully long,
Which never has heard,
An angel’s song.
Dark is the night,
Whose sky-full of space,
Is starless of fancy,
With its promise of grace. Rev.Tony Friess Perrino (The Numbering of Our Days UUA Meditation Manual,1988)
Sitting in Stillness:
As we prepare to create and enter a sacred space let us take a moment to sit and listen in silence together
Communing/ connecting / checking in
Lighting candles, as we share what is going on in our lives.
A time to check in for a few moments, to express and then set aside what we carry from our day so that we can be together in mind, body and spirit.
We will be listening, not commenting as each person either speaks of passes.
An opportunity to share news of what has been happening.
What are you giving up to be in this group today?
Each group should develop its own customs about the length of sharing and responses. This would become part of the covenant
Covenant review/ project discussion/ other business
Reviews of prior year’s covenants determine if and or what changes. How to act together. Discuss service project
Theme for Reflection: what do you believe about angels?
Questions for Reflection
One or more of these questions may speak to you as you think about the topic. We will each have a few moments to respond, without comment from others. Passing is always an option
Are there angels on earth, can we see them?
What were you taught about guardian angels, do you have one?
Why are angels depicted as cute little beings when throughout the bible many of the stories of angels depict them in quite another way. E.G. A fiery angel kept watch over the Garden of Eden to keep humans from returning there. Daniel one of the prophets saw the angel Ezekiel and the angel was a frightening one. Michael is called the archangel and he is said to judge us at the time of death which determines our eternal condition. Jacob was locked in battle all night long with an angel (maybe God) till the angel released his hold and gave Jacob a new name - Israel, why was it necessary for Jacob to wrestle with an angel, have you ever wrestled with an angel. What other biblical stories do you know about angels?
Have you ever entertained angels unaware? Do you want to tell the story?
Likes and Dislikes
Each participant has an opportunity to say I liked (about this meeting) or I wish (what might have been different). Participants might also share briefly if they have been touched by another person’s speaking.
Words for parting
We extinguish this flame but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we carry in our hearts until we are together again. Elizabeth Selle Jones.