National Council on Rehabilitation Education
A Professional Organization Dedicated to Quality Services for
Persons with Disabilities through Education and Research”
Application for Voluntary Service
International Representative
Save application to your desktop and type your responses into the form field questions below. Submit this 3-page application with all the required documentation listed on page 2 via email only to the NCRE Administrative office at no later than SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25 by 5:00PM PT.
Academic Institution/Agency:
Job Title:
Mailing Address:
City/State/Zip Code:
Work Phone:
Email Address:
All individuals must apply and submit the required documents
1. NCRE Application for Voluntary Service (required in MS Word document only).
2. Current Vita; required
3. Be an Individual Member of July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 membership year. Please check with administrative office to verify membership.
4. Visionary Statement; required (submit in MS Word document only).
5. Picture in jpeg format, 4”x6 (optional)
Term: Begins October 2018 and ends October 2021
Questions 1-3
Please respond to the questions below in a separate MS Word document only. Attach this document when you submit all the required documents to the administrative office.
1. In your current position of employment, describe how your chief duties and responsibilities involve and/or align with rehabilitation education and the purpose of NCRE.
2. Highest educational degree attained and area of concentration:
(Doctorate in Rehabilitation Counseling Education, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, etc.)
3. Have you performed leadership roles for other organizations? (Officer, Board Member, Committee Chair, etc.)
Regional Representative Role Description
An elected regional representative shall serve for a period of three years, and will sit on one major committee. Regional representative must be an Individual Member of NCRE during the time of service.
The regional representative is responsible for maintaining contact with member institutions on a regular basis, and soliciting newsletter material from each institution.
They will also distribute information to regional members as requested by the Executive committee and/or Executive Director.
As a board member, they shall attend scheduled both fall and spring conference board meetings, both face-to-face and electronic/telephonic meetings as requested. A written report will be submitted to the administrative office prior to all board meetings (Fall and Spring conference).
They may also be asked to sit on the nomination and election committee. They will assist the organization’s various committees by recommending individuals in their region for potential service. Regional representatives can expect to devote about 60 hours per year to work related to NCRE.
International Representative Role Description
As the appointed international representative you shall serve for a period of two years, and will sit on one major committee. International representative must be an Individual member of NCRE for each year of their term.
The international representative is responsible for maintaining contact with member institutions on a regular basis, and soliciting newsletter material from each institution. They will also distribute information to regional members as requested by the executive committee or board.
As a board member, they shall attend scheduled fall and spring conference board meetings, both face-to-face and electronic/telephonic. A written report will be submitted to the administrative office prior to all board meetings (Fall and Spring conference).
They will assist the organization’s various committees by recommending individuals in their region for potential service. Regional representatives can expect to devote about 60 hours per year to work related to NCRE.
Documentation and Signature
I have attached a copy of my current vita, visionary statement, application for voluntary service with NCRE, and membership application (if not previously submitted).
I understand my visionary statement, along with my picture (if submitted in jpeg format, 4”x6”), will be formatted into a pdf and included in the voting process to individual members of NCRE.
I have read the information about the commitments and responsibilities. Further, I understand my responsibilities may change at the discretion of the board.
I agree to be nominated for Regional Representative and if elected, I am willing to undertake the required commitments and responsibilities.
I attest that I am not on the board of another organization that conflicts with the terms/ years of this position.
Please make a copy for your records
Electronic Signature:
Revised December 2017
Please note:
1. Once the application is submitted it will be reviewed by the nomination committee.
2. You will receive an email for the above mentioned within two weeks.
National Council on Rehabilitation Education © 2017-2018 All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated in whole or in part.