Parts of Speech
part of speech / function or "job" / example words / example sentencesVerb / action or state / (to) be, have, do, like, work, sing, can, must / is a web site. I like
Noun / thing or person / pen, dog, work, music, town, London, teacher, John / This is my dog. He lives in my house. We live in London.
Adjective / describes a noun / a/an, the, 2, some, good, big, red, well, interesting / I have two dogs. My dogs are big. I like big dogs.
Adverb / describes a verb, adjective or adverb / quickly, silently, well, badly, very, really / My dog eats quickly. When he is very hungry, he eats really quickly.
Pronoun / replaces a noun / I, you, he, she, some / Tara is Indian. She is beautiful.
Preposition / links a noun to another word / to, at, after, on, but / We went to school on Monday.
Conjunction / joins clauses or sentences or words / and, but, when / I like dogs and I like cats. I like cats and dogs. I like dogs but I don't like cats.
Interjection / short exclamation, sometimes inserted into a sentence / oh!, ouch!, hi!, well / Ouch! That hurts! Hi! How are you? Well, I don't know.
Pronouns (zamjenice)
Personal pronouns: I, me, we, us, you, she, her, he, him, they, them, it,
Relative pronouns: that, which, who, whom, whose, whichever, whoever, whomever
Demonstrative pronouns: this, these, that, those
Indefinite pronouns: anybody, anyone, anything, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, neither, nobody, no one, nothing, one, somebody, someone, something, both, few, many, several, all, any, most, none, some
Reflexive pronouns: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves
Interrogative pronouns: what, who, which, whom, whose (in questions)
Possessive pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs
(Note: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their - possessive adjectives)
Adverbs (prilozi)
Adverbs that tell us How?
A: absentmindedly, adoringly, awkwardly
B: beautifully, briskly, brutally
C: carefully, cheerfully, competitively
E: eagerly, effortlessly, extravagantly
G: girlishly, gracefully, grimly
L: lazily, lifelessly, loyally
Q: quietly, quickly, quizzically
R: really, recklessly, remorsefully, ruthlessly
S: savagely, sloppily, so, stylishly
U: unabashedly, unevenly, urgently
W: well, wishfully, worriedly
Adverbs that tell us When?
A: after, afterwards, annually
B: before
D: daily
N: never, now
S: soon, still
T: then, today, tomorrow
W: weekly, when
Y: yesterday
Adverbs that tell us Where?
A: abroad, anywhere, away
E: everywhere
H: here, home
I: in, inside
O: out, outside
S: somewhere
T: there
U: underground, upstairs
Adverbs that tell us To what extent?
E: extremely
N: not (this includes n't), no
Q: quite
R: rather, really
T: terribly, too
V: very
Prepositions (predlozi)
aboard, about, above, across, after, against, ahead of, along, amid,
amidst, among, around, as, as far as, as of, aside from, at, athwart, atop
barring, because of, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, besides,
between, beyond, but, by, by means of
circa, concerning
despite, down, during
except, except for, excluding
far from, following, for, from
in, in accordance with, in addition to, in case of, in front of, in lieu of,
in place of, in spite of, including, inside, instead of, into
near, next to
of, off, on, on account of, on behalf of, on top of, onto, opposite, out,
out of, outside, over
past, plus, prior to
regarding, regardless of
save, since
than, through, till, to, toward, towards
under, underneath, unlike, until, up, upon
versus, via
with, with regard to, within, without
Conjuctions (veznici)
for (u značenju because, dok je u značenju za predlog), and, nor, but, or, yet, so
after, although, as, as if, as long as, as much as, as soon as, as though
because, before, by the time
even if, even though
if, in order that, in case
once, only if
provided that
since, so that
than, that, though, till
unless, until
when, whenever, where, wherever, while
both... and
either... or
neither... nor
not only... but also
whether... or
the definite article : the
demonstratives : this, that, these, those
possessives : my, your, his, her, its, our, their
the indefinite articles : a, an
a few, a little, all, another, any, both, each, either, enough, every, few, fewer, less, little, many, more, most, much, neither, no, other, several, some