ISCO & Loctite would like to present the opportunity to conduct a LoctiteWorkshopat your facility. The workshop focuses on sharingthe knowledge of the many cost savings and product quality enhancements that today’s adhesives and sealants have to offer. The workshop can cover a broad range of topics, or be tailored to meet very specific needs. Please consider the following information as you determine the need and scope of our workshop.

As much as 50% of all manufacturing costs are incurred in the assembly process.

As much as 95% of assembly costs are incurred as direct labor.

The latest chemical breakthroughs in adhesives, sealants, lubricants, and equipment can significantly reduce many of these costs and improve productivity.

Your key engineering, manufacturing, and quality personnel will learn techniques to help solve today’s toughest manufacturing, assembly, and design problems. The workshop will showcase examples of how industry has utilized our technology to:

Increasing productivity / Improved quality
Lowering assembly cost / Lower warranty cost

Depending on your needs, we offer the following topics:

Key Considerations when Designing with Adhesives (Adhesives vs. Other Joining/Assembly Methods)

Joint Design (How To Optimize Adhesive Joint Designs)

Key Selection Criteria (Consideration of Uncured, Curing, and Cured Properties)

Processing Equipment (Dispensing Valves, Pressure Vessels, Controllers and UV Curing Equipment)

Henkel’s resources and capabilities available to support product testing


Loctite & ISCO have found this training to be most effective when presented in a discussion forum tailored to your company’s specific needs. We would like to meet with you prior to setting a workshop date so that all potential participants can express their Wish List of what they would like to be covered or focused on. About two weeks prior to the presentation, we can review the results and decide what should be covered in the time allocated. Most workshops last between one to two hours depending on your time constraints, however, we will tailor it to fit your needs.

We encourage seminar participants to bring parts or drawings concerning specific applications for discussion during the presentation. Seminar participants will be provided with reference materials to help them immediately address cost savings, product improvements, and process improvement opportunities that arise as a result of the discussion.

Contact your local ISCO representative to schedule or learn more about this informative, educational, and cost effective workshop so that you can start increasing efficiencies now.


Industrial Supplies Company & Loctite