Subject: / 810 / Page 4 of 4 / March 3, 2008

May 6, 2008


The following is a brief summary of the new and revised paragraphs in the Standard for Capacitors, UL 810, which have a future Effective Date of May 21, 2012 and the action that may be required to determine compliance.

Paragraphs / General Subject and Comment /
1.1,1.2.2, SA / Summary: The revision is a clarification regarding which capacitors may be evaluated using only the construction requirements of Part I (CZDS2 category) and not the fault current testing of section 10. Oil filled, wax filled, or any capacitor that contains a liquid that can vaporize and increase pressure within the capacitor under a fault current condition must comply with both the construction requirements of Part I and the fault current test requirements of Part I.
Dry type capacitors (i.e. those that contain no liquid and utilize a solid dielectric medium other than wax) utilized in circuits where they will be subjected to fault currents shall comply with both the construction requirements and the fault current test requirements of Part I.
Electrolytic capacitors shall comply with the requirements of the new supplement SA requirements.
Impact: These revisions will require a review of current constructions evaluated for “construction only” under CZDS2 and additional testing of those certified capacitors found to no longer belong under the CZDS2 category.
1.2 / Summary: The revision is a clarification of which power factor correction units (PFCs) belong under the UL 810 CYWT category. Those PFCs found to have automatic or other circuit monitoring controls will be moved to the UL 508A Industrial Control Panel category.
Impact: This revision will result in a review of current construction and may result in additional construction requirements and testing for those currently certified PFCs that will be moved to the UL 508A categories.
1.2.1 / Summary: provide information on minimum fault current rating of capacitors used in PFC units.
Impact: none
2.2.0, 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.3, 2.3.4, 2.3.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.8.1, 2.9, 2.11, 2.13.2, 2.14.1, 2.15, 2.15.1 2.15.2, 2.17 / Summary: Revised and new definitions
Impact: none
3.3.1 / Summary: clarification regarding referenced updated standards
Impact: none
6.1 / Summary: Updated references for UL 746C
Impact: none
6.3 / Summary: deletion of volume resistivity and dielectric strength requirements for internal insulating materials
Impact: reflects current practice, none
7.2 / Summary: clarification of requirements for bare leads intended for connection to a PWB
Impact: none
7.3 / Summary: The revision is a limitation on the use of wire binding screws for capacitor terminals to connections of 10 AWG or smaller conductors.
Impact: This revision will result in a review of current capacitor constructions and revision to current reports to limit the use of wire binding screws to connections of 10 AWG or smaller conductors.
7.4 / Summary: clarification on requirements for terminal forks
Impact: none
8.1 / Summary: Allow use of UL 840 evaluation for reduced spacings outlined
Impact: none
Section 10 / Summary: Editorial revisions to fault current testing section and addition of test method currently used for dry type capacitors
Impact: None, reflects current practice
Section 11, 12.1, 44.1 / Summary: Deletion of special dielectric test for oil filled types of capacitors. Dielectric test methods same for oil filled and dry type capacitors. Clarification to allow DC test potential. Revision to one-second production line test values.
Impact: Revision to current files to reflect updated values and possible re-testing of oil filled types unless determined that testing is covered through production line testing
13.1, SA6 / Summary: The capacitor marking requirements have been revised to require a capacity tolerance.
Marking required for internally protected capacitors for those evaluated for fault current.
KVAR ratings allowed for capacitors intended for use in PFC units.
Markings and instructions for electrolytic capacitors shall be in accordance to the requirements outlined in the new supplement SA for electrolytic capacitors.
Impact: The revisions noted above will require a review of the markings and may require a revision of current certification constructions.
Review reports of currently certified construction to verify that only those capacitors complying with fault current protection requirements outlined in Part I are marked to indicate they are protected.
Although there is no change in the Canadian requirements regarding the temperature markings for C-UR capacitors, construction shall be reviewed to determine that the temperature marking for capacitors evaluated for the UL Mark for Canada reflects ambient temperature ratings for use and not material ratings.
15.10, 15.13 / Summary: Revised references
Impact: none
17.1, 21.6, 23.1.2, 30.1.2, 30.1.6, 30.1.7, 30.1.9, 30.2.6, 30.4.4, 30.4.5, 30.4.6, 30.4.7, 32.9 / Summary: Replacement of the term “limited energy circuit” with “limited power circuit” and the term “low voltage” with “SELV”. General editorial revisions.
Impact: none
20.7, Sect 21A / Summary: New Section 21A. Bending space requirements for field wiring compartments of PFC units that match the requirements in the National Electric Code have been added to UL 810 to ensure that PFC units are providing appropriate spacings for field wiring connections.
Impact: This revision will require a review of current construction and may result in a revision to current certifications if it is determined that there is inadequate spacing provided for field wiring connections.
20.10 / Summary: Outlines use of appropriately sized strain relief for external power supply cords. Reflects current practice
Impact: none
20.6, 22.3, 25.2,28.1, 29.1, 49.2.3, 49.2.4, Appendix A / Summary: Editorial revisions and references updated
Impact: none
Section 31, 31A / Summary: New Section 31A. Revise secondary circuit requirements to define SELV and limited power circuits
Impact: None as these requirements are equivalent to current practice
32.5, / Summary: Revisions to grounding requirements to allow for ground symbol
Impact: none
33.5 / Summary: The revision reflects a change to the NEC that indicates sheet metal screws shall not be used for connection of bonding conductors to enclosures.
Impact: This revision will require a review of current PFC unit construction and may require revision to current certifications to ensure that sheet metal screws are not utilized for securing bonding conductors.
Section 37, 37A / Summary: New section 37A. SELV determination replaces open circuit potential test. Test methods for determining SELV circuits and limited power circuits.
Impact: None, methods of testing equivalent to previous practice of determining open circuit voltage and limited energy circuits.
46.1.1 / Summary: Components utilized in PFC units marked with fault current ratings shall have fault current ratings that match or exceed the PFC unit.
Impact: This revision will result in a review of current construction and may result in a construction change and/or testing of currently certified construction.
53.1 / Summary: PFC units marked for outdoor use shall be tested for outdoor use and use appropriately rated outdoor use enclosures and fittings.
Impact: This revision will result in a review of current constructions and may result in a construction change and/or testing of currently certified constructions.