Rolla Channel 6 (RC6) Advisory Committee
April 14, 2009 Meeting Minutes (10 a.m.)
Fidelity Communications Sales Office
Conference Room
1304 Highway 72 East, Rolla, MO
Committee Members Present: Monty Jordan, Melody Glick, Jenni Hushaw, Dr. Jerry Giger, and John Paul
Committee Members Absent: Andrew Careaga
Ex-Officio Members Present: Gabe Mankin, John Butz and Scott Grahl
Ex-Officio Members Absent: Dr. Aaron Zalis
1) Approval of March 10, 2009 Minutes: A motion was made by Melody Glick to approve the March 10, 2009 minutes and seconded by Jenni Hushaw. A voice vote on the motion showed unanimous approval.
2) Citizen Comments: None.
(a) Discuss broadcasting RMU Board Meetings on RC6
Gabe Mankin presented RC6 committee members with a copy of the agreement between RC6 and Rolla Municipal Utilities to have future Rolla Board of Public Works Board meetings broadcast on RC6. Gabe said he had already provided Dennis Roberts, Finance Director and Dan Watkins, then General Manager at RMU, a copy of the agreement, which they were making minor revisions to before it was finalized and signed. Gabe said he expected the agreement to be signed shortly after the minor revisions were made to it, and that the Board of Public Works Board Meetings would be airing soon on RC6.
(b) Discuss RC6 2009-2010 Budget
John Paul recommended to the RC6 committee that the RC6 annual budget for 2009-2010 begin on July 1, 2009 and run through July 1, 2010. He said the timing of this proposed fiscal budget year for RC6 will allow for a timely presentation of the RC6 budget to the Rolla City Council and Rolla Public Schools Board of Directors. There was unanimous consensus among committee members to proceed with a fiscal year budget for RC6 to run from July 1, 2009 through July 1, 2010. John Paul said he and Melody Glick would be preparing a proposed RC6 annual budget for 2010 for the committee to review and discuss at the next RC6 meeting on Tuesday, June 9.
(c) Update on 2009 potential underwriters of RC6 programming
Gabe said he has confirmed the following underwriters for RC6 programming for Spring 2009 as of April 14, 20-09, and that he is currently meeting with other businesses in the area regarding underwriting opportunities: Annie Bass RE/MAX Heart of America; Phelps County Bank; Fidelity Communications and Gethsemane Lawn Service, Inc.
a) Review of draft of RC6 Marketing Brochure
Gabe said the RC6 Community Calendar has been getting a lot of attention and use by the Rolla community and requests to purchase slides on the community calendar become more popular.
Gabe made a request for RC6 to participate in the Summer Youth Employment Program (COPIC) offered through the Missouri Career Center by hiring up to four youths (ages 14-24) to assist with RC6 programming, production and other operations. If hired, Gabe said there would be no cost to RC6, and that their wages would be funded entirely through the COPIC Summer Youth Employment Program. A motion was made by Jenni for Gabe to pursue the possibility of hiring up to four youths at RC6 for the Summer Youth Employment Program, and it was seconded by John Paul. A voice vote on the motion showed unanimous approval.
Adjourn – Having no further business, Chairman Jordan adjourned the meeting at approximately 11:45 a.m. The next RC6 Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 9, 2009 at 10 a.m. in the Fidelity Sales Office on Hwy. 72 in Rolla.
Minutes prepared by Scott Grahl, Communications Coordinator, City of Rolla.