Technology Plan


Knob Noster R-VIII School District

401 E. Wimer

Knob Noster, MO 65336

(660) 563-3186

Table of Contents


Committee……….…….……………………………………………………………………….. 4-5

Educational Technology Mission...... …………………………..…...... 6

Analysis/Sources of Raw Data………..…………………….……………………………….....7-9

District Technology Goals……………..…………………….………………………………...... 10

Technology Focus Area 1: Student Learning………………………………………………11-15

Technology Focus Area 2: Teacher Preparation…………………………………………..16-18

Technology Focus Area 3: Administration…………………………………..……………..19-22

Technology Focus Area 4: Resources……………………………….………………………23-26

Technology Focus Area 5: Tech Support……………...………………..…………………..27-29

Disseminate, Monitor & Evaluate……………………………..……………………………30-31


The Knob Noster School District R-VIII is located in west central Missouri and includes the town of Knob Noster and Whiteman Air Force Base. Knob Noster, population 2,300, is a rural agriculture-based community, with service-oriented businesses in the town proper. Besides the Air Force Base, the largest employers in the area are the Tyson Foods Poultry Processing Plant and Johnson County Egg Producers, which is a commercial egg production facility. Both of these facilities employ a large percentage of migrant workers.

The schools and community are a unique blend of rural Missouri and diverse U.S. Air Force populations. The student population is a composite of diverse nationalities and economic levels. In the 2006-2007 school year, dependents of military or civilian contract personnel made up 65 percent of the student population in the district.

The Knob Noster R-VIII School District has an enrollment of 1,600 students in grades K-12. The district supports one elementary school (K-5) in Knob Noster and another elementary (K-5) on Whiteman Air Force Base. The district has a middle school (6-8) and a high school (9-12) which are located in separate facilities in Knob Noster.

The district’s last Missouri School Improvement (MSIP) review was February 2003 and a new Comprehensive School Improvement (CSIP) Plan was approved shortly after the review. The CSIP is updated on a regular basis.

The format of the Knob Noster District Technology Plan is aligned with the scoring guide provided by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and is an extension of the District’s Comprehensive School Improvement Plan. The District Technology Goals are reflected in the District Technology Mission Statement.

An analysis of data was compiled forming objectives and action plans for each of the Technology Focus Areas. This plan revises and updates the last one.

District Technology Committee

The students, faculty and community are represented by the following individuals on the technology committee:

Member / Position / Students
TFA 1 / Teachers
TFA 2 / Admin.
TFA3 / Resource
TFA 4 / Support
Jonathan Henderson / Student / X
Jesse Sahlfeld / Board of Education, Parent / X / X / X / X / X
Margret Anderson / Superintendent / X / X / X / X / X
Debbie Sevier / Teacher, Media Specialist / X / X / X
Kelly Krause / Media Specialist, Parent / X / X / X
Angela Skrypczak / PDC Chairperson, Parent / X / X
April Williams / Curriculum Coordinator, Parent / X / X
Michele McCollester / Teacher / X / X
Ben Franklin / Building Level Technician / X / X / X
Beth Cobaugh / Teacher, Media Specialist / X / X / X
Diane Ringen / Teacher, Media Specialist / X / X / X
Jean Turner / Building Level Tech, Parent / X / X / X
Jeff Davis / Technology Coordinator, Parent / X / X / X / X
Heidi Mackey / Administration / X / X
Bill Chambers / Teacher / X / X

The committee meets at least quarterly to review technology activities, outcomes and overall progress. Specifically, the committee:

·  Advocates for expanded opportunities for students and teachers in the area of technology;

·  Provides for the professional development needed as new technology is introduced into classrooms;

·  Considers how new technology will impact student learning; and

·  Works to ensure that teachers get the resources and technical support they need.

The last three years have brought changes in leadership to the district and to the committee. New members have been added as staff has changed and as needs have dictated representation. The committee has been responsible for an intensified focus on the impact of technology on student achievement and for an increased sense of urgency to integrate technology into classroom instruction.

District Education Technology Mission Statement

The mission of the Knob Noster R-VIII School District with regard to technology continues to be “To Provide Educational Excellence through Technology.” The intent is to integrate technology into the instructional, curricular, and management functions of the district in such a way that it will enhance learning, provide for improved evaluation and assessment and prepare students to be productive citizens. This mission remains unchanged.

The district’s Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) has three main goals:

The first focuses on increasing student achievement,

The second focuses on technology integration, and

The third focuses on community partnerships.

The technology mission overlaps the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) by providing support for all the goals. It might be represented by the following diagram.

In connection with CSIP goal 1 (Increased Student Achievement) and CSIP goal 2 (Technology Integration) the Knob Noster R-VIII School District seeks to integrate technology into all areas of the curriculum in order to:

Maximize student learning Develop skills for lifelong technology literacy

Foster student independence Develop each student’s feeling of self worth and accomplishment

Prepare students for the workplace

To accomplish CSIP goal 1 (Increased Student Achievement) and CSIP goal 2 (Technology Integration) the Knob Noster Technology Goals include:

Increasing teacher proficiency integrating technology into classroom instruction;

Expanding student roles to include producers of knowledge, communicators and self-directed learners;

Moving from a technology or teacher-centered pedagogy to a student learning/constructivist pedagogy;

Measuring student mastery of content and process standards; and

Providing the tools, training and support necessary to accomplish the goals.

Table 1. Raw Data Sources

Data Analyzed / Data Source / Data Originated / Reviewed By
District Administrative Tools
Crystal Reports
District and Building Budgets
Technology Budget
Firewall Reports
Network Mgt Software
Command Virus
Licensing Agreements
Distribution Software / Administrative records, financial and management software / State, District / TFA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
MORENET Tools for Network Evaluation
Internet Bandwidth Report
Ethereal Software Traffic
Remote Console
DESA Surveillance Camera / Administrative networking tools / State, District / TFA 3, 4, 5
Communication Tools
telnet / Communication Tools / District / TFA 3, 5
Data Analyzed / Data Source / Data Originated / Reviewed By
Data Management Tools
Student Information Systems (SIS)
Software Unlimited Financial Management Software
FOLLETT Library management Software / Data Management Tools / District / Building / TFA 2, 3, 4, 5
Comprehensive School Improvement Technology Plan
Professional Development Plan / Local Design / District / Building / TFA 1, 2, 3, 5
Board Policies
Student Handbooks / MSBA, Local Assessment / District / Building / TFA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Student Academic Achievement
Reading Inventory / Standardized Assessments / District / State / Nation / TFA 1, 2, 3
District Curriculum
Curriculum Guides / Electronic Alignment Tool / District / TFA 1, 2, 3
Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP) (CSIP) / Local Assessment / State DESE / TFA 1, 2, 3
Hardware/Software Needs
Census of Technology
Instructional Technology Needs Assessment / Survey / District / TFA 3, 4, 5
Show Me Standards
State Technology Plan
National Education Technology Standards (NETS) / Web, DESE / State, National / TFA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Data Analyzed / Data Source / Data Originated / Reviewed By
Professional Development Program Evaluation / Evaluations / training data / District / Building / TFA 2, 3, 4, 5
District Operating Systems Evaluation / Records, Survey / District / TFA 5
Library Operating System Evaluation / Records, Survey / District / Building / TFA 1, 2, 3, 4,5
State Education Technology Plan / DESE / State / TFA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Faculty Technology Aptitude / Self Report / District / Building / TFA 2
Software Application Report / Building Reports / Building / TFA 1, 2
Facility Readiness—Space, wiring, lighting, electrical capacity, etc / Principals, Maintenance, Custodians / Maintenance Dept. / TFA 4, 5


Goal 1: Student Learning

The Knob Noster R-VIII School District will improve student achievement though integration and implementation of technology into all areas of the curriculum at all levels.

Goal 2: Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction

The Knob Noster R-VIII School District will provide ongoing professional development to assist teachers to deliver effective, technology supported instruction to improve student learning.

Goal 3: Administration

The Knob Noster R-VIII School District will use technology to improve instructional leadership, management and communication throughout the district as well as to improve communication between/within the school and the community.

Goal 4: Resources

The Knob Noster R-VIII School District will provide adequate and equitable access to current/emerging instructional technology tools and resources for students and staff.

Goal 5: Technical Support

The Knob Noster R-VIII School District will provide timely and quality assistance and support for student and staff learning and work environments.

Technology Focus Area 1: Student Learning

TFA Area 1: Current Status Compiling Raw Data

To understand the current status with regard to Technology Focus Area 1 (Student Learning) the committee reviewed:

·  MAP Scores (Crystal Reports) Common Assessment Reports

·  Dibbles Reading Inventory Curriculum guides

·  Graduation Rates SIS Reports

·  Advanced Classes Graduate Follow-up data

·  Student, teacher, parent surveys

Strengths and Weaknesses:

Overall it was found that student achievement is high. (All performance objectives on the Annual Performance Report were met at high levels.) However, some students do not make Adequate Yearly Progress. Graduation rates and student participation in advanced classes is average. Curriculum guides are currently being updated and entered into the Electronic Alignment Tool. That work is on-going. Surveys indicate the district does not make extensive use of technology especially in classroom setting. The Technology curriculum is not being implemented in a consistent manner.

How and why the content and process for compiling data has changed in the past three years:

Previously the technology committee focused primarily on technology literacy. Data collection revolved around the technology itself rather than how effectively it was integrated for student learning. Student achievement data was not used to make technology decisions. That is changing. We do not have the time or resources to go in many different directions. Now the focus is on how technology can support instruction. We are also looking at how technology can create new learning opportunities—making learning more student-centered. Technology can help us meet the learning needs of all students.

TFA Area 1: Review of Previous Technology Plan’s Goals and Current Status

TFA Area 1: Goal / Status/Results
To ensure students will be able to utilize technology tools to enhance their academic achievement. / Ongoing and incorporated into the current Student Learning Goal. Action plans have shifted from access to integration of technology. Ensuring equity is more of a focus in the new plan.

TFA Area 1: Objectives and Action Plans

Goal 1: Student Learning

The Knob Noster R-VIII School District will improve student achievement though integration and implementation of technology into all areas of the curriculum at all levels.

TFA Area 1 Objective 1: Students at every grade level will have access to technologies that support skill development and mastery leading to improved academic achievement. (New, continued, revised from previous plan.)

MSIP / CSIP / Action to be Taken / Person(s)
Responsible / Time
Frame / Funding Source
6.8 / 1.2.3
1.2.5 / Technology resources will be integrated into existing curriculum and classroom instruction. / Teachers/ Curriculum Coordinator / Ongoing/ annual eval. / District Budget
6.8 / 2.2.2 / Students will become familiar with various instructional technology devices to enhance their learning. / Teachers/
Media Specialists / Annual evaluation / District Budget
6.8 / 1.2.3
1.2.5 / Students will have access to online and virtual classes (VIP) to expand learning opportunities—enrichment, advanced placement, etc courses. / Principals / Ongoing/ annual eval. / State, District funds
6.8 / 1.2.1-8 / Implement a district wide assessment system to evaluate K-12 student achievement / Asst.Supt./ Principal/ Technology Director / 2007--08 / District Budget
Show Me Standards 1.1, 1.2, 1.4

TFA Area 1 Objective 2: Students will use technology to acquire and manipulate information. (New, continued, revised from previous plan.)

MSIP / CSIP / Action to be Taken / Person(s)
Responsible / Time
Frame / Funding Source
6.8 / 1.2.5 / Students will acquire research techniques. / Teachers/
Media Specialists / Ongoing with annual eval. / District Budget
6.8 / 1.1.1 / Students will learn how to use information and apply it to real life experiences. / Teachers/
Media Specialists / Annual evaluation / District Budget
6.8 / 2.2.2 / Students will be given opportunities to use information gathering tools to acquire information. / Teachers/
Media Specialists / Ongoing with annual eval. / District Budget
Show Me Standards 1.1, 1.2, 1.4

TFA Area 1 Objective 3: Students will use technology as a learning tool. (New, continued, revised from previous plan.)

MSIP / CSIP / Action to be Taken / Person(s)
Responsible / Time
Frame / Funding Source
6.4 / 2.2.1 / Students will use a variety of software tools to enhance their learning. / Teachers/
Media Specialists / Ongoing/ Annual evaluation / District Budget
6.4 / 2.2.1 / Students will become familiar with various instructional technology devices to enhance their learning. / Teachers/
Media Specialists / Ongoing/ Annual evaluation / District Budget
Show Me Standards 1.4, 1.10, 2.7

TFA Area 1 Objective 4: Students will have the opportunity to explore and experience existing/emerging technologies. (New, continued, revised from previous plan.)

MSIP / CSIP / Action to be Taken / Person(s)
Responsible / Time
Frame / Funding Source
6.4 / 1.2.5
2.2.1 / Student will use technology tools to manipulate data, produce knowledge and communicate effectively. / Teachers/ Principal/Assistant Superintendent / Ongoing/ Annual evaluation / District Budget/ Grants
6.4 / 1.2.5
2.2.1 / Students will become familiar with various instructional technology devices to enhance their learning. / Teachers/
Media Specialists / Ongoing / District Budget
Show Me Standards 1.4, 2.7, 3.3

TFA Area 1 Objective 5: Students will develop a sense of efficacy relative to technology use. (New, continued, revised from previous plan.)