Parish of All Saints Stretford

Sunday 28th August 2016
Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity

This week’s Hymns are from Mission Praise

Introit Thank you Lord for this new day 247

Gradual Open our eyes Lord 211

Offertory Brother, sister, let me serve you 33

Communion When I needed a neighbour 285

Recessional O Lord my God 198

Readings for today p978

Proverbs 25.6-7 Albert Martyn

Psalm 112 Stuart Gilbertson

Hebrews 13.1-8,15,16 Bea Morrow

Gospel: Luke 14.1,7-14

Intercessions: June Kettle

Lay Assistants: Albert Martyn Valerie Smith

Sides Persons: Duncan Gilbertson Joan Thorley


We give thanks for those who have had prayers answered and pray especially for the sick and distressed including: Bob Thirsk, Lisa Smith, Alma Pratt, Jean, Rose Partington, David, Mark Roberts, Christine Parkes, Mercedes Braithwaite, Joan Welch, Helen Cooper, Tracey Cook, Karen, Will, Max Crompton, Phil Wall, Allan Roberts, David West, Susan Fall, Chris Allen, Joan Hornby, Simon Pitt and Stephen Tomkinson.

We pray for the faithful departed especially Frances Higson and remember her family and friends and all who mourn at this sad time.
We remember those whose names appear in our Book of Remembrance, including: Annie Bayley, Chris Rogers, Eveline Bell, Beryl Turner, Harold Croft, Alice Martin, John Brightmore, Thomas Sneyd and William Brookes.

May they each rest in peace and rise again in glory. Amen

Psalm 103

[R] Light shines in the darkness for the upright.

Alleluia. Blessed are those who fear the Lordand have great delight in his commandments. Their descendants will be mighty in the land,a generation of the faithful that will be blest. Wealth and riches will be in their house,and their righteousness endures for ever. [R]

Light shines in the darkness for the upright;gracious and full of compassion are the righteous. It goes well with those who are generous in lendingand order their affairs with justice. For they will never be shaken;the righteous will be held in everlasting remembrance. [R]

They will not be afraid of any evil tidings;their heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Their heart is sustained and will not fear,until they see the downfall of their foes. [R]

They have given freely to the poor; their righteousness stands fast for ever;their head will be exalted with honour. The wicked shall see it and be angry; they shall gnash their teeth in despair;the desire of the wicked shall perish. [R]


Mon-Thurs: Morning Prayer (all welcome) 8am

Monday: Silent Prayer 2pm
Wednesday: Mid-Week Eucharist 9:45am
Thursday Frances Higson Funeral 1:15pm

Readings for next Sunday 4th September

Sides People: Carl Horne Teslyn Braithwaite


SONGS OF PRAISE: TONIGHT – An evening of praise and worship through song, Sunday 28th August 6.30pm

HIPS & HEART: Chair based exercises to keep you healthy. Every Monday 10.30am in the hall.

FRESHERS WEEK: Mothers Union are once again welcoming new students to Manchester. Please donate Tea Bags, Sachets of Hot Chocolate and Coffee, Cup a Soups, Individually Wrapped Biscuits and pass to Joan Thorley before Sunday 4th September (NO MUGS NEEDED).

ECUMENICAL PRAYERS: Next prayer meeting will be Tuesday 6th September – note different time – 9.45 am service at Sevenways Methodist. Everyone is invited to attend.

ADDITIONAL PCC MEETING: All PCC members please ensure you have this in your diaries, the will be a meeting on Weds 7th September 7.30pm to discuss Mission Action Planning with Mike Chesterton from the diocese team.


Dementia Training Day Sat 3rd September, more details to follow.

Licensing of Revd. Huw Thomas @ St Michaels 7th August 6.30pm

Lostock Youth Fun Day Sunday 11th September

PCC Meeting MONDAY 19th September 7pm Holy Communion 7.30pm Meeting.

Walsingham Pilgrimage Monday 26th to Thursday 29th September

Macmillan Coffee Morning Friday 30th September 11-1pm

All Saints Christmas Fayre Saturday 26th November 11-2pm

Stretford Silver Band Christmas Concert Saturday 17th December 7.30pm

Sharing the love of Christ, the Light of the World,

with the people of Stretford.


O God, our refuge and strength,
our help in times of trouble.
Have mercy on the lands where the earth has given way.
Have mercy on the lands where the weather has destroyed livelihoods.
Prosper those who rebuild houses,
and strengthen those who rebuild hope
so that entire communities
may face the future without fear.
