The Group is committed to promoting its Equality & Diversity Strategy and Equal Opportunities Policy. One of the aims of the policy is to ensure that all applicants are treated equally and are not discriminated against on grounds of sex, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, age, race or disability. The omission of other groups should not be interpreted as condoning discrimination against them.
We ask that you complete the Equality & Diversity Monitoring form. This information is strictly used for monitoring purposes. We hope that you will assist us in completing this section. This information is gathered in order for the Group to monitor the operation of its Equalities and Diversity policies and the effectiveness of the advertising media used. The data will be treated in strictest confidence. It will not be taken into account when assessing your application and it is removed before the application form is sent to the recruitment panel.
Questions on these matters will not normally be asked at interview, but if you are offered an appointment this will be on the understanding that there is nothing in your personal circumstances which we may need to consider for supporting you to carry out the full duties of the post.
Post Applied For
/Full Name
/Date of Birth
/ /National Insurance No.
/1. Gender
Please tick the appropriate box
Do not wish to disclose
Please tick the appropriate box
Civil Partnership /☐
Divorced /☐
Married /☐
Partner /☐
Separated /☐
Single /☐
Unknown /☐
Widowed /☐
Please tick the appropriate box
I do not wish to disclose my ethnic origin /☐
B. White
Please tick the appropriate box
White – European /☐
White – Australia/New Zealand /☐
Any other White background (please detail) /C. Mixed
Please tick the appropriate box
Any Mixed background (please detail) /D. Asian
Please tick the appropriate box
Indian /☐
Pakistani /☐
Bangladeshi /☐
Chinese /☐
Any other Asian background (please detail) /E. Black
Please tick the appropriate box
Afro Caribbean /☐
African /☐
Black American/Caribbean /☐
Any other Black background (please detail) /F.
Please tick the appropriate box
Other Ethnic Background (please detail) /4. nationality
Please tick the appropriate box
African /☐
Any other Asian background /☐
Any other Black background /☐
Any other White background /☐
Bangladeshi /☐
Caribbean /☐
Chinese /☐
Indian /☐
Irish /☐
Other British /☐
Pakistan /☐
Scottish /☐
Unknown /☐
5. Disability
Dunedin Canmore Group is a disability symbol user and welcomes application forms from people with disabilities and is committed to interviewing all applicants with a disability who meet the essential requisites for this post. It is recognised that disabled people are not only those whose disability is immediately apparent (e.g. blind people or those in wheelchairs) but also those whose disability is not immediately obvious (e.g. heart trouble, mental illness or diabetes).Please tick the appropriate box / Yes / No
Do you consider yourself to have a disability? /
I do not wish to disclose this information. /☐
It is recognized that disabled people are not only those whose disability is immediate apparent (e.g. blind people or those in wheelchairs) but also those whose disability is not immediately obvious (e.g. heart trouble, mental illness or diabetes).Please give information about reasonable adjustments you would like Dunedin Canmore Group to consider making in respect of the job you are applying for in order that you might carry out the essential tasks of the job and during the recruitment process.
In order to comply with these regulations, sexual orientation and religion/belief will be monitored in all applications.
Sexual Orientation
Please tick the relevant box / Yes / NoHetrosexual /
Bisexual /☐
Gay /☐
Lesbian /☐
Do not wish to Disclose /☐
Religion / Belief
Please tick the relevant box / Yes / NoBaha’i /
Buddhist /☐
Catholic /☐
Church of Scotland /☐
Hindu /☐
Jain /☐
Jewish /☐
Muslim /☐
Sikh /☐
Other Religion /☐
Not Religious /☐
Do not wish to Declare /☐
Applicant’s Signature: / Date:Thank you for your cooperation.
Please Note: This form will be removed before completed applications are considered by the recruiting manager and will be retained for unsuccessful candidates for one year.
Choices housing, living, working 2