A week in the working life of a social worker in training...

Monday 19th May

Good morning I’m Michaela – I’m a social worker in training& my role is just as it says on the tin.

Under integration Adult Social Services Social Workers are under the NHS.

I’m currently on a 5 month placement, where I learn all the skills of a social worker whilst still studying.

I am fortunate that I can take any case from any area of Highland, but all my cases are in Inverness.

Though I’ve been invited to reviews in Badenoch & Strathspey or on the West Coast.

Also fortunate to be on placement with the Self Directed Support Team, where I’m learning all about the new SDS legislation. @sds_4u

We are a small-ish team of 11, and cover the whole of Highlands.

Start up the laptop, and put the kettle on; time to answer emails and check on paperwork for this afternoon.

Natalie & I had 2 visitors this morning, Social Work Students coming to see how SDS sits neatly with social work practice since the new legislation in April.

Excellent meeting, we all got plenty out of it, and it was good to catch up with other students and compare notes!

My colleagues in Health & Happiness have their team meeting today.

I’ve been asked to pop in over lunch-time, to pick up a birthday present for the other half. Will tell them how things are going.

Great to see my other colleagues: now time to call housing department about repairs for a client.

Got to call some older adults to make an appointment to go see them later in the week.

5 o’clock and time to go home; though by way of Slimming World at the Ice Arena, where I meet a number of colleagues!!

I live 40 miles away, so take the back road over the Black-Isle to get home. Pick up partner from Council HQ and head home.

Back home, both cats fed, dog walked along the beach, now time to hit the books and write another essay for Uni.


Usual routine, laptop, then kettle, then the phone starts!

First enquiry of the day from a social worker wanting more info on SDS; part of my job to either answer them or get a colleague who can!

I have a Child’s Plan meeting to attend now, so off to pick up the family and get to the school.

Natalie is my link supervisor so I give her a brief run-down on what I’ve been doing.

She gives me some ideas on who to contact about a family I’m working with.

Off out to meet another family; I am working with their child in a local school.

So we are planning what type of extra support the child needs in and out of school, what support parents may need. #selfdirectedsupport

Late afternoon, and student supervision. This is done weekly and is extremely useful for my learning and to ensure my quality of work!

Out of supervision, and been given lots of research and work to do for supervision next week; researching Family Therapy and Solution Focused work.

Back home, same routine, but this time wee cat has brought me an eviscerated mouse, lovely!

Quick tea and time to hit the books!


Got SDS team meeting today, a great chance to see what everyone is doing, & how they are spreading the work of SDS throughout Highlands.

The team meeting is chaired & minuted by different people every month.

This brings a fresh feel to each meeting & we all input something to it. #selfdirectedsupport

Trying to catch up with the family nurse today to get some advice for a service user I have.

They are based in the same building as me, so easy to catch them.

Lunchtime; healthy eating, as I need to lose weight & change what I eat - then a brisk walk along Leachkin Road & back.

I have several older clients and I’m out to see them this afternoon.

They both live in different parts of the city so I see quite a bit of Inverness in sun and rain.

Excellent meeting with one client; but the other people were out! Left them a note saying I called round, & will call to arrange another time.

Back in office, written up some reports & updated others. Emails & calls to catch up on. May even get some research done on Family Therapy!

Off home and decide to stop for fuel at Alness, where I bump into a friend at the station. Chat for a few minutes before heading north.

Home, and cats playing out round our new pond, dog is wanting his tea, and we’re wanting ours!

Then time for a walk along the braes with the pooch and the cats.


Started out at 7.20 to make the first meeting at 8.45 at a local school.

Very useful meeting, then spent the next hour doing an observation on a child there.

Meeting to discuss how we best support that child in school, there are several professionals and parents who can help.

Back in the office and time for a bite to eat; lots of healthy stuff, and time for a quick cuppa before heading out again!

Family meeting to discuss the earlier child’s plan; family are happy with the outcomes for their child.

The Child's Plan is used to plan the types of support in and out of school for children with disabilities.

I've recommended out-of-school activities and some holiday activities during the summer

On way home spotted a Red Kite; seeing fewer of them at the moment. Although it is a long way to travel home, it’s the best scenery to drive through.

Cats fed, dog walked, fire set, tea eaten, laundry on, and now time to hit the books. Essay almost done.


TGI Friday and almost the weekend. But not yet.

Whilst writing an essay, I've also a wee presentation to do at work on Outcome Focused supervision

Spending an hour writing up the pro-forma for my placement

Essay research to do too, and research for my supervision for next week

Spending the whole day with a qualified social worker at the Community Care Team at John Dewar.

Brilliant day as she is on duty today so it’s a case of reacting to calls, and prioritising what may be an issue of Adult Support or Child protection.

Writing up reports for work! The work keeps on coming!

I have to attend a meeting about a case that may be an Adult Support and Protection concern

This happens when there is a concern about a vulnerable adult, and if there is a concern, more professionals will become involved

I was very welcomed by the team and managed to catch up with my cases with the team manager, a very productive day.

Learnt so much today and met some fabulous people. Cannot believe how busy they all are! Today is a great example of why I want to be a Social Worker.

Off home got to stop at Morrison’s on our way to buy some fresh fish for tea, then head home for a dog walk along the beach.

Back home, catch up with partner. Then hit the books to tackle the essay. Got plenty done just need references and I’m finished!

All finished by 8.30pm.

Time for us catch-up with “Vera” on TV, with a cup of tea (still watching the calories) & some fresh strawberries. A great start to the weekend.