Unit :Picasso Colour, Painting &Portraiture / Year 7 / Duration : 12 Lessons
LLantwit Major School
Prior Learning
Acquired drawing techniques in line and tone.
Gained understanding of portraiture.
Awareness of proportion, scale a ratio of the human face. / Skills and Learning across Curriculum
By researching the artist Pablo Picasso pupils should be given the opportunity to develop their understanding of colour theory, as well as developing ICT Adobe Photoshop and painting skills. A focus should be placed on cubist portraits and pupils should investigate key elements associated with the production of these portraits including: Realism, Abstraction, Colour and Emotion.
Homework HT2: Copy a section from the weeping woman in colour.
1: In line2: Add colour3: Carefully finish
Homework HT3: Cut out half a face from a magazine draw other half in a cubist style
1: Cut, glue & draw in line 2: Add colour3: Carefully finish / Resources
  • Weeping Woman cut and paste sheets
  • Picasso A3 discussion sheet
  • LIT MATs
  • Picasso Visual resource folder
  • ICT Computer Room x2 Lessons
  • Painting equipment

Acquiring and developing skills
Develop colour mixing and painting techniques. Be able to adapt their skills by using digital media to developfinal outcomes. / Selecting and applying skills
Apply understanding of Cubism for effective distorted portraits. Adapt techniques to produce interesting, varied outcomes.
Knowledge and Understanding
Pupils will gain knowledge about Cubism and other Art forms that are not necessarily realistic in nature. Pupils will understand the importance of looking closely at paintings to gain a greater meaning. / Evaluating and Improving/ Assessment for Learning
Pupils are to discuss and understand a cubist portrait and make effective evaluations of its style and meaning. Use of peer assessment and discussion to develop ideas further.TIMM/ self-assessment and time given to allow improvement.
Numeracy Elements covered :
  • Number skills
Aspects covered in SOW :
  • Fractions decimals percentages and ratio
Learners will be given opportunity to be able to:
  • Use ratio and proportion to calculate and enlarge scale of a portrait.
  • use common units of measure
/ Literacy Elements covered :
  • Organising ideas and information
  • Writing
Aspects covered in SOW :
  • Meaning, purposes, readers
  • Language
Learners will be given opportunity to be able to:
  • Explain ideas fully
  • Use impersonal language to convey ideas information
  • Use varied and appropriate vocabulary, including subject specific words and phrases.

Lesson / Learning Objectives / Suggested Activities and Homework / Competences
Teaching and Learning / Resources / Cross Curricular / Key Skills /


4 / To investigate the work of Picasso & understand key characteristics of cubist art.
Respond to and evaluate art.
Gather resources and materials / INVESTIGATION
Show and discuss fully examples of work by Picasso, in particular his cubist portraits/ abstract. Colour and meaning: Story of Picasso’s work.
What are the differences between a cubist portrait and a realistic portrait?
Class question and answer session:
Think, pair, share.
•Why is she weeping?
•What has happened to her?
•Why has Picasso painted her in this way?
•How do the colours make you feel?
Homework Stage 1 & 2: Copy and colour a section from Picasso’s Weeping Woman.
Use Guernica Video to develop thinking about emotion and colour.
Create an understanding page/pages
Use Weeping woman cut and paste sheets and Picasso fact sheets to organise ideas about this cubist portrait and its meaning. Present varied and appropriate vocabulary, including subject specific words and phrases to convey ideas discussed in sketchbooks.
Use TIMM assessment sheets to allow time for improvement of this page. / Reflecting and improving,
TIMM / Weeping Woman cut and paste sheets
Picasso A3 discussion sheet
Picasso Folder
Power Point
Video / ICT – Use of the Internet

Literacy Elements covered :
  • Organising ideas and information
  • Writing
Aspects covered in SOW :
  • Meaning, purposes, readers
  • Language
Learners will be given opportunity to be able to:
  • Explain ideas fully
  • Use impersonal language to convey ideas information
  • Use varied and appropriate vocabulary, including subject specific words and phrases.
/ Homework 1
A4L & TIMM assessment on Weeping woman.
8 / Use traditional collage or ICT collage techniques.
Use Picasso research to stimulate and develop ideas
Apply understanding of the artist to the students work
Review and modify work as it progresses / Homework 3: Picasso’s Weeping Woman read teacher comments and improve.
In sketch book produce an A6* portrait using two photographs from different angles and photographic collage techniques. (* it is important it is A6 as it will be scaled up in next section to A4)
When completed discuss compositions suggest improvements.
Use tracing paper to transfer into book and develop portrait further using other Cubist techniques. / Thinking methods – making links.
Reflecting and improving. / Camera
Collage material
ICT Room
Tracing paper /
Group Assessment, Peer marking. / Homework stage 2.
12 / Realise intentions, work on a variety of scales and explore the media of painting / Homework 4 & 5: Cut out half a face from a magazine and draw the other half in a cubist style line and then add colour.
Carefully enlarge A6 portrait to A4 using a simple scale grid and then paint.
Teacher introduces paper sizes and codes: A1-A6
Discuss proportion and scale in terms of measurements of edges (note: Not Area)
Measure and draw a 2cm grid over A5portrait.
Explain scale factor 1:2 means you will be multiplying everything by a factor of two to make it twice the size. Explain difference of order 2:1 halving the size.
Draw out 4cm grid on A4 sheet and enlarge portrait by a scale factor of 1:2. (2cm x 2 = 4cm)
Homework 6: Read teacher comments and improve magazine cubist face.
Paint composition using colour to represent emotion and feelings. / Developing range of techniques.
TIMM Assessment / Rulers
Selection of paper sizes.
Painting equipment. / Numeracy Elements covered :
  • Number skills
Aspects covered in SOW :
  • Fractions decimals percentages and ratio
Learners will be given opportunity to be able to:
  • Use ratio and proportion to calculate and enlarge scale of a portrait.
/ Homework 4
Outcome to correct scale.
Well painted.
Colour and painting techniques.
Homework 6
A4L & TIMM assessment final portrait.