CampusLocation:Georgetown,Dover, WilmingtonEffectiveDate: 2018-51
CourseNumberandTitle:SOC 215Business Ethics
Prerequisite:BUS 101, ENG102
CourseCredits andHours:3 credits
0lab hours/week
CourseDescription:This course examines thephilosophical foundation ofmoralityand ethics. Theoryisappliedto a varietyof business situations using examples and casestudies. Situations areviewed from the perspectives ofbusinesses, employees, consumers, and society.Thestudent develops an appreciation forthecomplexities ofmoral dilemmas.
RequiredText(s):Obtain current information at or visit the bookstore. (Check your course schedule for the course number and section.)
Additional Materials:
MethodofInstruction:Classroom,Hybrid, Online
1.Definebusiness ethics,and describeits relevanceand importanceto organizations in an
international context. (CCC 1, 2, 4, 5; PGC 1, 2)
2.Evaluatethe arguments from Adam Smith that examinethe relationship between market capitalism and theutilitarian goal of maximizingnetsocial benefits. (CCC1, 2, 4, 5; PGC 1,2)
3.Examinethe competitive marketplace, and identifyethical issues faced bymanagement and business executives.(CCC1, 2, 4, 5; PGC 1, 2)
4.Examinethe decision support model formakingethical decisions.(CCC1, 2, 4, 5; PGC 1, 2)
5.Applythe moral principles used to decidewhen an ethical dilemma exists in abusiness context. (CCC 1, 2, 4, 5;PGC 1, 2)
6.Applyethical theories usinganethical decision makingprocess to oral andwritten casestudy evaluations. (CCC 1,2, 3, 4, 5; PGC 1, 2, 6)
SeeCore Curriculum Competencies(CCC)and Program Graduate Competencies(PGC)at the end of thesyllabus. Course objectives arecoded to the competency(cies)theydevelop.
Upon completionofthis course, the student will:
1. / Defin / ebusiness ethics,and describeits relevanceand importanceto organizations in anintern / ational context.
1.1 / Definebusiness ethics.
1.2 / Define and discuss various ethical theories.
1.3 / Discuss opposingethical theories and their limitations.
1.4 / Define and discuss ethicaldilemmas.
1.5 / Explain the role ofvalues in ethical decision making.
1.6 / Definetheethical issuesarisinginglobal business.
1.7 / Describeaprocess forethicallyresponsible decision making.
1.8 / Explain the reasons why“good” people might engagein unethical behavior.
1.9 / Explain the impact of managerial roles on thenatureof our decision making.
1.10 / Define corporatesocial responsibility.
1.11 / Explain the role of corporate branding andreputation as onepossible motivation
behind corporate social responsibility.
2.Evaluatethe arguments from Adam Smith that examinethe relationship between market capitalism and theutilitarian goal of maximizingnet social benefits.
2.1Summarizethe historyofbusiness ethics.
2.2Describeand explain corporate social responsibility.
2.3Distinguish between instrumental and social contract approaches tocorporate management.
3.Examinethe competitive marketplace, and identifyethical issues faced bybusiness executives.
3.1Identifyand discuss ethics inmanufacturing.
3.2Discuss the ramificationsof product safety.
3.3Discuss the ramificationsof product liability.
3.4Describethe concept of acceptable risk.
3.5Applyanethical decision-making frameworkto issues in marketingand sales.
3.6Describethekeyconcerns of ethical analysisof marketingissues.
3.7Debate theinfluenceof advertisingon customers and society.
3.8Identifyand discuss ethics in human resources.
3.9Explain the concept of dueprocess in theworkplace.
3.10Definediversityas itapplies to theworkplace.
3.11Defineemployment atwill.
3.12Discuss whetheritis possible to downsize abusinessin an ethical manner.
3.13Describethenatureof anemployer’s responsibilitywith regard to employeehealth
and safety.
3.14Describethe ethical sources of privacyasafundamental value.
3.15Discuss the concept of areasonable expectation ofworkplaceprivacy.
3.16Discuss recent developments in connection with employeemonitoring.
3.17Explain whymonitoring employeework has manyimplications.
3.18Discuss the ethics of employmentdrugtesting.
3.19Explain the interest of an employer in regulatingan employee’s activities outsideof
3.20Discuss theissues pertainingto excessive executive compensation.
3.21Identifyand discuss ethics inorganizationalfinance.
3.22Outlinethe requirements of the Sarbanes-OxleyAct.
3.23Explain common ethical issues involvingaccountingandfinancial professionals.
3.24Identifyand discussthe implicationsoftechnologyon ethics.
4.Examinethe decision support model formakingethical decisions.
4.1Explain the ethical tradition ofutilitarianism and how it applies toeconomic and business decision making.
4.2Explain how freemarkets might servethe utilitarian goal of maximizingtheoverall good.
4.3Explain the strengths andweaknesses of utilitariandecision making.
4.4Summarize egoism as it pertains to moral and ethical decision making.
4.5Explain the strengths andweaknesses of egoistic decision making.
4.6Explain principle-based,ordeontological, ethical traditions.
4.7Explain the concept of moral rights.
4.8Distinguish moral rights from legalrights.
4.9Describehow conflicts of interest canariseforbusiness professionals.
4.10Distinguish between primaryand secondarystakeholders related to ethical decisions.
5.Applythe moral principles used to decidewhen an ethical dilemma exists in abusiness context.
5.1Define corporate culture.
5.2Explain how corporate cultureimpacts ethical decision making.
5.3Discuss thedifferences betweena complianceculture and avalues-based culture.
5.4Discuss the role ofcorporate leadership in establishingthe culture.
5.5Discuss the role ofmission statements and codesof conduct in creatinganethical corporate culture.
5.6Develop thekeycomponents of an ethics policy.
5.7Explain how various reportingmechanisms, suchas ethics hotlines andombudsmen, can help integrate ethicswithin a firm.
5.8Identifythe keycomponents of ajob description for an ethics officer.
5.9Discuss the role ofassessing, monitoring,and auditingthe cultureand ethics program.
5.10Identifyvarious rewardsfor ethical behavior used byorganizations.
6.Applyethical theories usinganethical decision makingprocess to oral andwritten case studies.
6.1Analyze various casestudies anddevelop strategies forresolvingthesituationin question byapplyinganethical decision-making process.
Evaluation Criteria/Policies:
Students must demonstrate proficiency on all CCPOs at a minimal 75 percent level to successfully complete the course. The grade will be determined using the DTCC grading system:
92 – 100 / = / A83 – 91 / = / B
75 – 82 / = / C
0 – 74 / = / F
Students should refer to the Student Handbook ( for information on the Academic Standing Policy, the Academic Integrity Policy, Student Rights and Responsibilities, and other policies relevant to their academic progress.
Core Curriculum Competencies (CCCs are the competencies every graduate will develop):
- Apply clear and effective communication skills.
- Use critical thinking to solve problems.
- Collaborate to achieve a common goal.
- Demonstrate professional and ethical conduct.
- Use information literacy for effective vocational and/or academic research.
- Apply quantitative reasoning and/or scientific inquiry to solve practical problems.
ProgramGraduateCompetencies:(The competenciesevery graduatewilldevelopspecific to his/hermajor.)
1.Integrate professional,ethical, and legal standardsinto business practice.
2.Employthe various theories ofmanagement andmarketinginabusiness.
3.Develop integrated salespresentations.
4.Utilizegraphic designelements to develop professional hard-copyand electronic marketing/advertisingmaterials.
5.Applye-Marketingtechniques to createa competitivepresence.
6.Analyzethe marketingstrategic planningprocessof an organization.
7.Evaluatethe actions taken to acquire andretaincustomers.
Disabilities Support Statement
The College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. You are encouraged to schedule an appointment with your campus Disabilities Support Counselor if you feel that you may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability. A listing of campus Disabilities Support Counselors and contact information can be found at or visit the campus Advising Center.