Date:December 20, 2016

To: Literature Program Students

From:Tenney Nathanson, Director,Graduate Literature Program

Re:Annual Reports

Attached is the Graduate Student Annual Report form for 2016, together with a short list of instructions for completing the report. The Annual Report is required of all students in the program. It is due by Wednesday, February 1, 2017. Please email your completed report to Marcia on or before that date. If you have any questions, please see me.

The report should not take you very long to fill out. Most of it (items 1-10) asks for a fairly straightforward accounting of your progress through the program. Items 11-14 ask you for information about scholarly and other professional activity that should already be on your cv (so that "see cv" may be a sufficient response). Item 15, which applies only to GATs, asks you to comment briefly on the intersections (or lack of same) between your teaching and your other activities as a graduate student. Items 16-17 invite you to comment more generally about your progress through the program.

All these items provide both the occasion for a self-assessment and the basis for the GLC to see how individuals, as well as cohorts who entered the program in different years, are progressing. The information you provide is important to the GLC in assessing the state of the program. It also contributes to mentoring by giving the GLC and Program Director a more accurate sense of how individual students are making use of the program. After receiving a letter of response from me, you will be invited to schedule a follow-up meeting if you wish.

Please note that the information you provide about your publications, conference presentations, grants, awards, service work, and outreach may be published in our periodic announcements about graduate student achievements (unless you ask us to withhold particular information).

Finally, items 18-19 invite you to assess the program. In order to insure that your responses are anonymous, we ask that you fill these items out as a Qualtrics survey; you’ll receive an email with a link to the survey shortly. (However: if, for whatever reason, you would also like to include your responses to either or both of these items as part your overall annual report, so that we can identify the responses as yours, you may do so. But if you do, you should also submit your responses on Qualtrics.)

Please note that you should attach a current copy of both your unofficial transcript and your curriculum vitae to your report (we suggest that you prepare your vita before completing the report itself; “see attached vita” may be an appropriate answer to some of the questions on the report form).

While those of you who have just entered the program may not have a lot to report here, completing this form will be a good way for you to begin planning your program.

Graduate Program in Literature

Department of English


1.Update your vita.

2.Read the annual report form and assemble the requested information. You may attach any additional materials you wish.

3.Submit your completed report with your updated vita to the Administrative Assistant for the Graduate Literature Program byFebruary 1. Keep a copy for your own files. We will keep your original in our files for reference from year to year.

We recommend that you review the assembled information with the Director of Graduate Studies and/or your faculty mentor. Take the occasion to talk about our program, your professional development, and your career plans.

Graduate Program in LiteratureNAME: ______

Department of EnglishADDRESS: ______


PHONE: ______

(Please provide your address and phone number.)


AY 2016

1.Attach an updated copy of your vita to this report.

2.Who is your faculty mentor?

3.During what semester and year did you first enroll in the Graduate Literature Program?

4.Attach a current, unofficial copy of your transcript. This is available on-line, via UAccess. Write in names of instructors for the courses that appear on the transcript.

5.If you completed the MA or M.F.A. at the University of Arizona, please provide the date of the oral exam and names of your committee members.





If you completed your MA elsewhere, indicate where and when.

Please attach the examination reading list approved by your faculty committee. If you do not yet have an approved reading list, when do you expect to have one?

6. When do you plan to take the MA examination, and who are the three members of the Literature faculty you anticipate will serve on your examination committee?




7.If you have passed your Qualifying Examination, provide the date of the exam and the names of your committee members.






If you have not taken your Qualifying Examination, when do you plan to take the exam (month and year)?

Have you identified the one article-length paper that you will submit for the exam?

Who are the two literature faculty members you will choose for the committee?



8.If you have passed your Comprehensive Examination, provide the date of the oral exam, the names of committee members, and areas of the exam.







Major Authors:


If you have not passed your Comprehensive Examination, when do you plan to take the exam (month and year)?

Have you identified the four or five faculty members who will serve on your committee?





Have you identified the literary period, genre, and two major authors (or third area) that you will study for the exam?



Major Authors or Third Area:



Has your committee approved your reading lists for the three areas of your examination? If not, when will they do so?

9.If you have passed your Comprehensive Examination, describe the progress you have made in the past year on your doctoral dissertation.

Who is your director?

Who are members of your committee?




What is the subject and tentative title of your dissertation?

Program guidelines require within six weeks of passing the Comprehensive Examination, you must file a brief statement of purpose (no longer than one page), signed by all members of the committee, identifying the area(s) of research the dissertation will deal with and focusing on the set of problems it will address.

Have you filed your dissertation statement of purpose, signed by all committee members, with the Director of the Graduate Literature Program?

If not, when do you plan to do so?

Program guidelines require within six months after passing theComprehensive Examination, Ph.D. candidates should have formulated a proposal for the dissertation—a statement of thesis or purpose and an outline of the study, with appropriate bibliography—generally not to exceed ten pages. Have you given your director a dissertation proposal and work plan? If not, when do you plan to do so?

Have you filed a signed copy of the proposal and work plan with the Graduate Administrative Assistant?

When do you expect to complete the dissertation (month and year)?

10.What language have you prepared (or do you plan to prepare) for your foreign language requirement?

Has this requirement been satisfied? How and when?

If not, when will it be (month and year)?

Do you plan to take the departmental translation test or to take the required course work?

11.List any papers presented at local, regional, national, and international meetings during the past year. These should be on your cv.

12.List any articles or other work you have published or submitted for publication in the past year. These should be on your cv.

13.List awards, scholarships, fellowships, and other forms of recognition you have received in the past year. These should be on your cv

14.List any departmental committees that you have served on in the past, as well as any other department service and outreach activities. This information should be on your cv.

15.If you held a GATship, write a short (one page at the most) statement on how the experience of teaching has related to your professional development this year. Attach the statement to this report.

16.Add any other information we should have in order to assess accurately your professional development in the Graduate Literature Program at the University of Arizona.

17.What goals have you set for your next year in the program? Please be brief, specific, and realistic.

The following two items should be completed on Qualtrics, to preserve anonymity. A link to the Qualtrics “survey” for these items has been emailed to you.

Please feel free to also submit a copy of your Qualtrics responses here, if (for whatever reason) you would like us to know that they are yours. But please make sure to complete the Qualtrics survey.

18.Please comment on strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum. What courses would you like to see the program offer during the 2017-2018academic year? Would you register for these courses?

19.Please tell us about any notable events, conditions, or problems that you have encountered within the past year in the department that have affected your progress positively or negatively. We welcome comments on either positive or negative things that are going on, so they can be reinforced or corrected. If you have suggestions for anything that would improve the program, please give these to us as well.