Jacob Sheep Society

Minutes of a Meeting of the Jacob Sheep Society Council held at the Carlton Club, St. James’s Street, London. Thursday 2nd March 2017


Mr Clive Richardson (Chairman)

Mr Ron King (President)

Mr Gordon Connor (Field Officer)

Mrs Pat Black (Treasurer)

Mrs Lucy Thompson (Central RCM)

Mr Paul Colhoun (Ireland RCM)

Ms Joy King (on behalf of Eastern Region)

Mrs Barley Gould (Southern RCM)

Mrs B Webster (Scotland RCM)

Miss Anne Urwin (Northern RCM)

Mrs Jean Simmons (Assistant Secretary)

1. Welcome

Mr Richardson welcomed and thanked everyone for attending and thanked Mrs. King for representing the Eastern region.

2. Apologies.

Mr Peter Gorringe (South West RCM) Mrs Siwan Harries (Wales RCM) Miss Lisa Adams (Easter RCM)

3. To Agree the Minutes from November 2016

The minutes were formally agreed and duly signed.

4. Matters Arising

Most matters to be discussed were on the agenda.

Mr Richardson was pleased to report that: Mr Lyndon Trumper had been nominated, unopposed, as Chair-elect; Miss Melanie Harper, unopposed, as Scotland RCM; Mr Paul Colhoun, unopposed, as Ireland RCM and Mr Peter Gorringe, unopposed, as South West RCM.

The chairman reminded RCMs that the Tay Sachs notations must be included in the sale schedules and catalogues.

Mrs Black said that the rises in registration fees were now in place; 50p per ewe lamb and £1 per ram lamb.

Mr Colhoun told Council that the National Young Handlers’ day would be organised in Ireland 2017

5. Correspondence.

No correspondence had been received.

6. Chairman’s Report

Mr Richardson had previously circulated a paper Suggested Amendments to Bye-Laws. He had consulted Mr Nigel Davis on Health and Safety issues at shows and sales, with regard to moving, loading, unloading, showing and selling the sheep. Council decided that the issues raised should be and probably are covered in the catalogue by the auctioneers and RCMs when organising the shows and sales should check that the rules are in place.

It was agreed that the rule suggested by Mrs. Thompson which would only allow one handler per sheep in the show ring be adopted.

Council members agreed that young children needed to be protected at shows and shows and sales but the Society’s powers were probably limited in enforcing any rule banning young children from show or sale rings. It was agreed that a disclaimer will be added to the bye-laws and stated in schedules and catalogues.

Mr Connor told Council that any judge who felt that a handler could not manage the sheep they held could be asked to leave the ring and he would be reinforcing this with judges at seminars.

Council agreed that the rule put forward by Mr Connor that rams of one-shear or older must be kept on halters in the show ring be adopted.

Council discussed the rules of disqualification of judges. It was agreed that the existing rules were adequate. Mr Connor explained that he discussed individual complaints or queries with both complainants and the judge involved.

If a judge for good reason is unable to attend a seminar within the three year period as stated in rule (e) (iii) of the Bye-laws, Gordon can speak to them on the telephone to update them and discuss matters raised at the seminars; Council agreed that this should be left to the Field Officer’s discretion.

Council voted to leave in place bye-law (f) (iv) “For any other reason at the discretion of Council.”

Council discussed a code of conduct for judges and agreed that it was in principle a good thing but decided not to make it part of the bye-laws. The code of conduct would be given in writing to each judge by the Field Officer, and included in the autumn Journal. Members would be able to access it on the website.

It was agreed that if an RCM or other member of Council was either the complainant or defendant in a complaints procedure that Council member will be replaced by another Council member in the subcommittee convened to deal with the dispute. Any dispute should be dealt with by the subcommittee in a timely fashion without the defendant or complainant having to wait for the next Council meeting.Council may choose to meet via teleconferencing or other similar process in order to reach a decision.If the complaint is felt to be of a very serious nature, the subcommittee has the right to suspend the judge from the judges’ panel whilst the investigation is taking place. The words “and will be confirmed in writing to the judge concerned” to be appended to bye-law (f) (vi)

Council decided to leave the current dates of registration of lambs into the Flock Book as it is.

Breed Book : Mr Richardson said he had a draft manuscript ready and that following various conversations with members changed some of the original synopsis content. A major part of the book would be about the history of the Jacob but he was now going to include more photographs in place of the chapter on influential breeders as this would be very subjective but the chapter on preparing sheep for the show ring would remain. Mrs Webster asked if advertising space would be made available, it was decided that the book would not include advertisements.. Mr Richardson’s research had discovered that Jacob DNA has no relationship to other British breeds and it was agreed this will be a very interesting subject area. A foreword by HRH Princess Alexandra will be included; Council congratulated Mr. Richardson on the work so far and approved he asks two long standing members to read the content for their opinion. Mrs King offered to proof read the book when ready.

7. Treasurer’s Report.

Mrs Black had previously circulated a copy of the Financial Report with charts that will be published in the Journal and she will be presenting to members at the AGM. She explained that the gross income was down but this had been expected when some of the investments were moved into a deposit account. Dr Strong who advises the Society on its investments had moved the money as a precaution when the stock market dropped. As the membership has increased so the expenditure has increased as a percentage; the Journal costs have risen as well as the monies used to subsidise the Tay Sachs testing. Mrs Black said she was happy with the expenses of the Society. The trustee’s expenses were down but she expected a slight increase this year as the hotel allowance has been raised from £50 per night to £75. Overall the Society’s finances continue in a sound position with an excess of income over expenditure of £4014 compared to £7999 in 2015.

Mrs Black presented a printout of the Society’s investments updated since November and revised Financial Guidance for Council members was also given out.

Directors Liability: Mrs Black has obtained a quote and consulted the insurers of the Society: for cover against individuals stealing from the Society; poor investments; a claim under health and safety issues against an individual or the Society the cost would be £1200 per annum. Council discussed the necessity of the cover but as all expenditure is approved by two people and it would be necessary for the Society to have a formal grievance procedure Council decided it would not take out the insurance.

Mrs Gould suggested that the need for the Liability insurance be discussed again in two years time. This was agreed.

Council thanked Mrs Black for her work on the accounts and the reports.

8. Field Officers Report

Mr Connor told the meeting that it was with regret he had to report the loss of two judges, Anna Milner and Tony Reilly who had both died. Three judges; Isobel Nicholson, Deborah Ruscombe-King and Ivor Coates have retired and received a letter of thanks for their past work from the Field Officer.

All judges and adjudicators have been confirmed for the shows and sales 2017

Since the November Council meeting all judges have returned their annual returns form; Mr Connor reaffirmed that any judge who did not send their return form to him by the required date would be removed from the panel.

Mr Connor told Council that there is insufficient consistency in the judging of Flock Competitions and it is his intention to discuss with judges and members the reconstruction of the competitions as he visits events round all the regions. He will take note comments in all regions and will standardise the structure of the competition and judging criteria following these consultations. Mr Connor and Mr Richardson will work together to produce a format for discussion at meetings across the regions.

Following requests from some judges that part of seminars are held without members present, Mr Connor will in future following discussion close the seminar to members and continue with judges only.

Mr Connor has received one nomination for the Pat Bromley Trophy for the Young Person of the Year so far. The age limit for the award is 21 years.

9. Office, Grassroots and NSA Report

The report having been previously circulated Mrs Simmons told the meeting that the Society would shortly have a new computer and thanked Mr Emberton for his help with IT; the shows were in touch and she thanked Mr Bramley for keeping the show dates updated on the website.

The NSA had held a meeting with breed societies to discuss a proposal by the NSA to develop a strategy for adding value to sheep supply chains. The meeting had been very interesting and the report sent to societies from the NSA following the meeting was available for Council members to read; Council agreed that it would not donate the requested £500 towards the continuation of a feasibility study because it seems at the moment that the proposal would not benefit enough of the society’s members to justify the money.

10. Reports from Regions.

The reports having been previously circulated the following issues were brought to Council’s attention:

Ireland: Mr Colhoun asked if it would be possible for members in Southern Ireland to pay membership fees by Direct Debit. Council approved his requests for monies for the NSA event, Tullamore Show and the market fees at Blessington considering them important for the Society’s work in Ireland.

Southern: Mrs Gould asked for approval of money necessary for the Society to have a small marquee at Kent County show for 2017 and 2018. Merchandise sales at this show have made a profit. Council agreed.

Central region: Mrs Thompson said that she and Mr Emberton would continue to work updating the Society’s stand and would be able to tell Council the amount of money necessary to be spent in March 2018 in time for the National NSA event. Mrs Thompson had received a written complaint following the Central Region flock competition that a member had not received written feedback

from the judges. It was agreed that judges should give feedback and Mr Connor would include this issue in his restructuring of the competitions.

Eastern: Miss Adams had been asked by a member if the Society could affiliate to the multi-breed in-lamb sale at Newark market which is held each year in November. Mrs Black had contacted the market to find out costs and feasibility. Council discussed the benefits to the Society which would receive 1% of the sales of Jacobs; the entry fee to members would be £5+VAT. If pedigree sheep were offered for sale the Society would need to inspect them and this would incur costs. If non pedigree animals were sold the Society has no need to be involved. Mr Connor said that he would be interested to know how many members would sell sheep there and Mr Richardson asked for feedback from the sale as to numbers of pedigree sheep sold so that Council could gauge the success of the sale for future discussion. It was agreed not to affiliate at this time.

Wales: Mrs Harries informed Council that the Wales Region show and sale would be held on Friday 25th August at a new venue; Monmouth Livestock Centre.

Southwest: Mr Gorringe requested money for a gazebo for the region; he had priced them with printing. Council decided that the expense of printing was unnecessary as the banners would be used in conjunction with the gazebo. Health and safety issues were raised by Council members who had concerns about the Society’s use of the structures. It was agreed that the region could have up to £100 to buy a gazebo subject to Mrs Black checking with the insurers that they covered damage caused by a gazebo caught by the wind.

11. Merchandise Report.

The report having been previously circulated; Mr Bramley had sent samples of suggested merchandise for Councils approval. Council were impressed with the items and agreed to offer ties, trailer stickers and tea bag holders.

Mr Bramley is requesting ideas for merchandise in readiness for the 50th anniversary from members and he is researching the possibilities of commemorative items such as plaques and mugs. He reported that the web shop is doing well and over £700 worth of merchandise was sold in the run-up to Christmas. The calendars had proved popular.

Council thanked Mr Bramley for his work which is proving to be very beneficial to the Society.

Regional Stock Take: Ms Urwin had undertaken the stock take and reported her findings to the treasurer. There are three regions without banners and RCMs were asked at the meeting to request the number and type they needed, a total of 4 pull-up banners and 14 tie-on banners. Ms Urwin had sourced pull-up and tie on banners with the agreed photographs and logo which she will order accordingly. The costs depend on numbers but she had found good quality ones for very reasonable costs, delivery to RCMs will be arranged by Ms Urwin at the most cost effective way.

Council thanked Ms Urwin for her work and everyone looked forward to the new banners.

12. Communications Update.

Mr Richardson, the Journal editor, reported that the spring Journal was completed and with the printers and he asked RCMs to ask members to advertise in the Journal to help with its costs. The template for the show results which RCMs fill in has worked well. Mr Richardson reiterated that he would welcome someone to come forward to work with him with a view to them taking over at some stage.

The handbook will be published to go out with the autumn Journal, Mr Richardson has asked members to check their contact details in the last handbook and let Grassroots know of any changes or corrections to their entries.

Council thanked Mr Richardson for his work on the Journal.

Mr Locker continues as the Web Master and keeps the Web Site refreshed but reiterated that he would like to be able to resign and asked that Council appeals to the membership for someone to take over.

13. AGM Progress Report

Mrs Webster said that she had visited the hotels recently and was pleased with the arrangements. There will be 111 -120 members attending the weekend with just a few confirmations outstanding. Lifts are being organised by the Scotland Region for members arriving by train or plane and transport is provided for members’ travel between venues. Items have been procured for the auction which Miss Harper is putting on the website for members’ perusal. The Scotland committee will meet to cover all final details soon. Mrs Webster thanked everyone in her region who was helping to organise the weekend.

14. AGM 2018

The AGM weekend of 27th – 29th April will be held at the Devon Hotel in Exeter. Part of the deposit has been paid. The SW committee will meet to arrange visits which may include a flock visit to the Slees, a tour of the Natural Fibre Company by kind invitation of Sue Blacker, a visit to Compton Castle by kind invitation of Angela Gilbert, Arlington Court, and a tour of the Devonian tannery.

Council thanked Mr Gorringe for his work.

AGM 2019: To be held in the Northern region at Grange over Sands. Ms Urwin and Betty Palmer are to visit the hotel and make arrangements for accommodation for members and HRH Princess Alexander who it is hoped will be able to attend.

15. AOB

Mrs Webster said on behalf of the Scotland region she was looking forward to seeing everyone in April.

Mrs Black asked that the approved accounts could be signed on behalf of the trustees. Agreed.

Mr King proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman. Agreed.

16. Time and Date of Next Meeting.

Thursday 2nd November 2017 at the Carlton Club.