Supply and Installation of 180-KVA silent dg set

in Bhanja Kala Mandap at Bhubaneswar.

Estimated Cost / : / Rs 17.00 lakhs (Approx)
Time of Completion / : / 3 months
Cost of tender paper / : / Rs. 6,000.00
EMD to be deposited with tender / : / Rs. 17,000.00
Date of sale / : / From dt.10.7.07 to dt.17.7.07 within 11 hours to 13 hours
Date of Submission / : / dt.21.7.07 up to 17.00 hours
Date of opening / : / dt.23.7.07 at 15.30 hours
MR. No. & Date / :
Issued to / :

Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation

Part – I


  1. After careful examination of the above specification together with the general conditions referred therein, we hereby offer to supply the materials covered thereon complete in all respects as per specification and general conditions at the rate quoted in attached schedule of prices of the tender.
  2. Our offer shall be valid up to 180 days from the date of opening of Price Bid of the tender.
  3. We hereby undertake to have the materials delivered within the time specified in the tender and to adhere to the quantity to be supplied at destinations to be prescribed by the owner.
  4. We hereby guarantee the technical particulars given in the tender, supported with necessary test reports from concerned authorities.
  5. We certify to have purchased a copy of the tender papers by remitting Rs.______(Rupees ______) only by cash and this has been acknowledged by you in your money receipt No dated .
  6. We agree to furnish the security deposit in the manner to be decided by your competent authority.

We remain.

Yours faithfully,


(With seal)

Note: This form should be duly filled in by the tenderer and returned to the General Manager (Elect), IDCO Bhubaneswar - 751 022 along with the tender.

Orissa Industrial Infrastructure

Development Corporation

(A Government of Orissa Undertaking)

IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar- 751022

Phones: (0674) 2542784, 2540820, Fax: 2542956


No. BBSR/HO/ELECT/PPC/E-4700/35/2007-08/11890 Dated: 30.06.07


  1. The General Manager (Elect) I/c, invites sealed tenders in different packages for Design, Supply, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of silent type DG sets complete with all accessories as mentioned in tender specification for Rabindra Mandap and Bhanja Kalamandap at Bhubaneswar. The tender documents will be issued on production of following documents.
  2. Documents in supports as manufacturer of diesel engines of makes specified below or their authorized OEM.
  3. Copy of valid VAT registration certificate. Firms not possessing OVAT Registration shall be liable to get them registered with Orissa Sales Tax Department within one month from the date of placement of order and submit the Registration certificate and clearance failing which payment shall not be released.
  4. Copy of valid PAN number / EPF Registration
  5. Documents in support of having Engine manufacturer’s service facilities at Bhubaneswar/ Cuttack
  6. Bidding documents may be purchased from the office of the undersignedorDivisional Head, Electrical from dt.10.7.07 to dt.17.7.07 within 11.00 hours to 13.00 hours on payment of non-refundable amount as indicated in the table below in the shape of cash.
  7. The document can also be downloaded from our Website at . In that case the cost of the bid document shall be submitted alongwith the tender in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of “Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation” payable at Bhubaneswar in a separate cover. The offer shall be considered only if the authority is satisfied about the fulfilment of eligibility criteria by the firm. IDCO shall not be responsible for any delay/ difficulty/ inaccessibility of the downloading facility. In case of any discrepancy between the tender documents downloaded from Internet and the master copy available in the office, the master copy will prevail. No claim on this account will be entertained.
  8. Bids must be accompanied by Earnest Money in the shape of Demand Draft for an amount as given in the table below payable at Bhubaneswar and drawn in favour of “ Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation”. Bids without required amount of Earnest Money will not be taken into consideration.
  9. The sealed bids must consists of 3 (three) parts i.e. (i) Commercial Bid (ii) Technical Bid (iii) Price Bid. Bid must be delivered to the office of the undersigned on or before the 17.00 Hrs of dt.21.7.07 by Registered post/ speed post only. The commercial and technical bids will be opened on dt.23.7.07 at 15.30 Hrs in presence of the bidders or their authorised representative, if any. If the office happens to be closed on the date of submission of the bids, the bids will be received and opened on the next working day of opening of the office at the same time and venue. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents.
  10. The authority reserves the right to reject or accept any or all the bids or parts without assigning any reason thereof.
  11. In case of any difficulty, please contact Mr. M. Mohanty, Dy.M. (Elect) over Tel-2541766 during office hours.

Pkg No / Name of the Work / Estt. Amount / Bid Security / Cost of Bid Documents / Stipulated Period of completion
1 / Design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 380 KVA Silent type DG sets for Rabindra Mandap at Bhubaneswar. / 25.00
Lakhs / Rs 25,000.00 / Rs. 6,000.00 / 3 months
2 / Design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 62.5 KVA Silent type DG sets for Rabindra Mandap at Bhubaneswar. / 7.50
Lakhs / Rs 7,500.00 / Rs. 4,000.00 / 3 months
3 / Design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 180 KVA Silent type DG sets for Bhanja Kala Mandap at Bhubaneswar. / 17.00
Lakhs / Rs 17,000.00 / Rs. 6,000.00 / 3 months
Engine Make:
Cater Pillar/ Cummins/ Volvo/ Greaves/ Kirloskar or equivalent
Alternator makes:
KEC/ Stamford/ AVKC/ Leroy Somar or equivalent

General Manager (Elect) I/c


1.0 / Bidder’s Complete Company Name / :
2.0 / Bidder’s proposal Number / :
3.0 / Bidder’s proposal Date / :
4.0 / Bidder’s proposal Validity / :
5.0 / Name and Designation of the Officer of the Bidder to whom all references shall be made for expeditious technical co-ordination. / :
6.0 / Whether EMD deposited? (Yes / No) / :
If so, give reference. / :
If not, give reasons. / :
7.0 / Whether registered with D.G.S. & D / E.P.M.? (Yes / No) / :
If so, what is the Registration Number? / :
Whether Photostat copy of the D.G.S. & D / E.P.M. reference letter enclosed? (Yes / No) / :
8.0 / Whether Photostat copy of currently valid STCC & ITCC and Sales Tax Registration No. Furnished? (Yes / No) / :
9.0 / Terms of Payment:
a) / Terms of payment as per owner’s specification are acceptable. (Yes / No) / :
b) / If not, specify the terms of payment / :
10.0 / Delivery and completion
a) / Terms of Delivery / Completion Period as per owner’s specification are acceptable. (Yes / No)
b) / If not, specify the terms of Delivery / Completion Period (in months) from the date of issue of Letter of Intent
i) Supply of material
ii) Installation, testing and commissioning of works complete in all respect. / :
b) / Is Delivery / Completion Period guaranteed under Penalty/ Liquidated Damage as per GCC? (Yes / No) / :
11.0 / Conformance:
a) / Is materials offered strictly in accordance with owner’s specification? (Yes / No) / :
b) / If not, have deviation sheets been duly filled up? (Yes / No) / :
12.0 / Is the Performance Guarantee period specified in GCC accepted? (Yes / No) / :
If not, specify
a) / From the date of commissioning at site / :
b) / From the date of despatch / :
13. / Whether after sales service facilities are available at Bhubaneswar. (Yes / No)
If Yes, give address & details
If No, location nearest service centre
14. / Whether tenderer is a manufacturer of approved models of diesel engine? (Yes/No)
If not, whether the tenderer have the authorisation from the engine manufacturer? (Yes / No) (Give supporting documents)
15. / Whether tenderer is a manufacturer of approved models of alternators? (Yes/No)
If not, whether the tenderer have the authorisation from the alternator manufacturer? (Yes / No) (Give supporting documents)


The following points are required to be noted by the party while submitting any Bank Guarantee.

  1. Non-judicial stamp papers on which Bank Guarantee is typed must be purchased in the name of the issuing Bank.
  2. The Bank Guarantee must be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of the value applicable in the State, where the Bank Guarantee has been executed.
  3. The Bank Guarantee must be furnished in the given proforma by any Nationalised Bank and made operable at Bhubaneswar only.
  4. The Bank Guarantee must be executed within six months from the date of purchase of non-judicial stamp papers.
  5. The Bank Guarantee should never be typed on both sides of the non-judicial stamp papers.
  6. The Bank Officer executing the Bank Guarantee must furnish the number and date of power of Attorney / Delegation of Authority by which, he has been authorised to issue the Bank Guarantee.
  7. The person executing the Bank Guarantee must write his full name and designation.
  8. The person, executing the Bank Guarantee, must sign in all pages of Bank Guarantee.
  9. All cuttings / additions / over writings in inks must be authenticated by the person executing the Bank Guarantee by his signature and seal of the Bank.
  10. Execution of Bank Guarantee must be witnessed by two persons.
  11. Witnesses must mention their full name and address.
  12. Three months time must be given to file claim or suit from the date of expiry of the Bank Guarantee.
  13. The Act, under which issuing Bank is constituted, should be correctly given.
  14. If EMD is deposited in shape of Bank Guarantee, it should be valid, operative and irrecoverable till 60 (sixty days) after the validity of offer.
  15. All dates should be carefully and correctly put in the Bank Guarantee.


(Formats & Deviations)



Bank Guarantee No.

Ref. No.


M/s. Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation,

IDCO, IDCO Towers, Janpath,

Bhubaneswar - 7,

Dist. Khurda (Orissa)

Dear Sirs,

In consideration of Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation, having its Registered Office at IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar (hereinafter called the ‘Owner’ which expression shall unless repugnant to the subject or context include its successors and assigns) having issued Notice Inviting Tender for “Design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 180 KVA Silent type DG sets for Bhanja Kala Mandap at Bhubaneswar” and M/s. having its Registered Head Office at (hereinafter called the ‘Tenderer’) who wished to participate in the said tender for “Design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 180 KVA Silent type DG sets for Bhanja Kala Mandap at Bhubaneswar” and the owner, as a special favour, have agreed to accept an irrevocable and unconditional Bank Bid Guarantee for an amount of Rs. valid up to on behalf of the tenderer in lieu of Cash Deposit required to be made by the Tenderer, as a condition precedent for participation in the said tender.

We the (Bank) incorporated under law and having one of our branches at Bhubaneswar and our Registered Head Office at do hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee and undertake to pay to the ‘Owner’ immediately on demand without any demur reservation, protest, contest and recourse to the extent of the said sum of Rs. (Rupees ) only. Any such claim/ demand made by the said ‘Owner’ on us shall be conclusive and binding on us irrespective of any dispute or differences raised by the tenderer. This guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall remain valid up to . If any further extension of this guarantee is required the same shall be extended to such required period on receiving instruction from M/s on whose behalf this guarantee is issued.

We, the said Bank, lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Owner in writing and agree that any change in the constitution of the said tenderer or the said Bank shall not discharge our liability here under.

I witness where of, the Bank, through its authorised offices has set its hand and stamp on this day of 2001 at .

Witness :


Name :Name :

Designation with Bank Stamp.

Official Address :

Attorney as per power of

Attorney No.


Note: The stamp papers of Rupees forty only shall be purchased in the name of “Bid Guarantee issuing Bank”.


If the proposal has got any deviation from the Technical Specification, the Bidder shall tabulate these deviations clause by clause in this Schedule. Additional sheets may be attached, if required.

Clause No. / Deviations


If the proposal has got any deviation from the tendering conditions and the General Conditions of Contract, the Bidder shall tabulate these deviations clause by clause in this Schedule. Additional sheets may be attached, if required.

Clause No. / Deviations

Against each and every deviation from the Technical Specification as enumerated in Deviation Sheet: Part - A, the amount by which the Bid Price will thereby be increased or decreased shall be intimated clause by clause in this Schedule. In case the amount is not mentioned in the Schedule against any of the deviations mentioned in Deviation Sheet: Part - A, it will be taken for granted that the same does not involve any change in the Bid Price. Additional sheets may be attached, if required.

Clause No. / Deviation if any / Amount by which the Bid Price will change
Increase (Rs.) / Decrease (Rs.)
List of Testing Facilities to be Extended During Factory Inspection

The Bidder shall tabulate the Routine and Acceptance tests to be conducted as per IS Specification and the Testing facilities, which would be extended by him or the manufacturer during the factory inspection before despatch of materials. Sample format of Inspection and test plan shall be enclosed for detailed activity of the job. Additional sheets may be attached, if required.

Sl No / Name of the Test / Whether required as per IS Specification / Whether Testing Facility Available

The Bidder shall tabulate the offered make of the major materials in the following proforma.

S.No. / Material Description / Make of materials


No of Corrections: Page No

Signature of the Tenderer


The Bidder shall tabulate the details of similar works done during last five years by him or the manufacturer, on whose behalf he is quoting, in the following proforma.

Sl No / Name of Client & Postal Address / Description of Work / Contract Value / Commence-ment Date / Scheduled Completion Time / Actual Date of Completion / Reasons for Time Over-run, if any.

The Bidder shall tabulate the details of similar works presently being undertaken by him or the manufacturer, on whose behalf he is quoting, in the following proforma.

Sl No / Name of Client & Postal Address / Description of Work with capacity / Contract Value / Commence-ment Date / Scheduled Completion Time / Expected Date of Completion / Reasons for Time Over-run, if any.

The bidders shall indicate herein his annual turnover during preceding 3 years based on the audited balance sheet/profit & loss account statement.


NOTE1.Copies of audited balance sheets with profit & loss account statement for last 3 years are enclosed along the bid.

2.Bidders shall work out Net worth on following basis.

Net worth: Reserve + capital - accumulated loss


No of Corrections: Page No

Signature of the Tenderer


General Instructions:

The work put to tender pertains to Design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 180 KVA Silent type DG sets for Bhanja Kala Mandap at Bhubaneswar. The tenderer shall ensure to follow the instructions given hereunder failing which the tenders shall be liable for rejection.

Scope of Proposal:

The scope of proposal shall be in accordance with the enclosed technical specification covering Design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 180 KVA Silent type DG sets for Bhanja Kala Mandap at Bhubaneswar including obtaining statutory clearances of the work on turnkey basis complete in all respect.

Submission of Tender:

Tenderers are advised to fill up the prices only in the prescribed format given by IDCO. The tender shall be submitted in three parts, each part being sealed in separate envelope.

Part I will contain the letter of application, proposal particulars, deviations, List of testing facilities to be extended during factory inspection, List of make of major materials, details of similar works done during last three years, details of similar concurrent works, annual turnover statement, VAT clearance certificate, PAN, VAT registration certificate and EMD.

Part II will cover the technical bid with required drawings, general conditions, special conditions and Guaranteed technical particulars.

Part III will cover only the price bid.

Each envelope shall be duly sealed and super-scribed with ‘Commercial Bid’, ‘Technical Bid’, and ‘Price Bid’ respectively. All the three envelopes shall be put inside another envelope, super-scribed with “Design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 180 KVA Silent type DG sets for Bhanja Kala Mandap at Bhubaneswar, Date of Opening: Dt. ” and sealed properly. The Commercial Bid and Technical bid in Part (i) & (ii) shall be opened on the due date of opening mentioned in tender call notice. Tenderers may be called to participate in techno-commercial discussions/ negotiations for finalisation of technical bid. The price bid shall be opened after finalisation of technical bid.

Telegraphic tenders will not be accepted.

Receipt and Opening of Tender:

Tenders as described under Clause - 3 above shall be received in the Office of the General Manager (Elect), IDCO, IDCO Towers, Janpath Bhubaneswar and shall be opened on the scheduled date.


The tenderer shall ensure that all rates are filled in the price schedule both in words and figures and submitted in Part ii of the tender. No overwriting shall be allowed. In case of any discrepancies in the rates tendered in words and figures, the same given in words shall be treated as final. The taxes, duties, transit insurance, transportation charges etc shall be clearly indicated separately. In case any of these is not mentioned, it shall be considered as inclusive with the quoted rate. Please note that this office will not issue any concessional form for sales tax.

Sales Tax and Income Tax Clearance:

The tenderer shall furnish valid current Sales Tax, Income Tax Clearance Certificates and Sales Tax Registration Number along with EMD contained in Part iii envelope. Tenders not accompanied with these documents shall be liable for rejection at the discretion of the purchaser.