四月看圖寫作 綜二1 No. 1王亭詔(132 words) 

Judy took a math test yesterday, but she read comic books instead of studying math the day before yesterday, so she failed the test. She was crying when she knew her poor grade. She complained to her smart boyfriend, Tom. Tom suggested that she should change her study habit, but Judy didn't want to do that. When she went back to her seat, she began to revise the wrong answer and did the math question again. She found that all the questions were what the math teacher had taught.Judy thought that she had to spend more time studying math.Today, Judy figured out all the questions on the math test, she passed the test. She showed off her test to Tom. Needless to say, Tom is pleased for her, too.


四月看圖寫作 綜二1 No. 2石邦佑(140 words) 

Last week, Jeremy and Sally had a math test in class. Jeremy got a great grade, so he was very happy. But Sally was not happy because her grade was so bad that she felt sad. While Jeremy knew why Sally was sad, he decided to help Sally to get a great grade next time. Over the past week, they have studied hard together. Today, they also have a math test in class. Sally thinks she can get a great grade because she studied for a week, and she also didn't read her comic book. When she takes the test, she feels it is so easy that she can solve all the math problems during the test. Finally, Sally gets a great grade in this, and Jeremy also feels happy for her because he takes delight in helping other people.

四月看圖寫作 綜二1 No. 3江柏慶(138 words) 

One day in Sally and Ray’s class, the history teacher wanted to give a test, Sally was shocked because she didn’t review what she had learned last night, and neither did Ray. As the test grade came out, Sally got a poor grade. But Ray didn’t. She asked Ray why he could get a good grade without studying.

Ray told her it was because he paid attention in class. As for Sally, she played with her smart phone in class, No wonder she got a poor grade.

She thought about her attitude for a whole day and decided to study harder. After a few days, another test came and this time, both Sally and Ray got very good grades, so they were happy. Now Sally and Ray understand the true meaning of the saying,” No pains no gains.”

四月看圖寫作 綜二1 No. 4何道得(126 words) 

Sandy, one of the junior high school students, has an important math exam every Monday. After the exam, she got a score of 40. She left terribly sorry because she has studied it for 10 hours. She cried loudly. When Sam passed by and saw her cry, he comforted her and said that everyone might make mistakes. Don’t care too much about it. Just do better next time. He also taught her how to study in an efficient way.

After being comforted by Sam, Sandy felt better, and she also accepted Sam’s advice. She started to study without distraction. After a week, Sandy got a good grade, which is a score of 100. she was happy and she determines to treat Sam to a big dinner.

四月看圖寫作 綜二1 No. 6林明乾(143 words) 

Last week, a girl named Sally failed her math test, and she felt sad. One of her classmates, David, asked what happened and whyshe cried. She explained to him that she failed her math test, and that she didn’t know how to do well in her math test.For a while, David figured out how to help her study math. He said that she had to study math hard and that she had better practice doing the math questions so that she could get good grades in her math test. But he said that all she had to do is practice doing math exercises and had better not play when she studied.

Finally, she took his advice, and then she got good grades in math tests. She felt very happy. Therefore, she gave a surprise gift to him in return for his help.

四月看圖寫作 綜二1 No. 7張祐齊(117 words) 

In the last exam, Emily failed in her math, which made her cry. In order to improve her math, she went to ask her teacher for help. After school, Emily thought if she wanted to improve her math, she couldn’t read comic books anymore because it was the major season why he failed in the math. In addition, she studied math harder and harder, and her teacher thought she was such a great student that he taught Emily math after school until next exam. As the exam is coming closer and closer, but Emily has confidence in her math. In the end, Emily got the highest score in her class because she worked harder than her classmates.

四月看圖寫作 綜二1 No. 8陳威任(119 words) 

Tina was upset because she got a poor grade in the math test. Tina felt sad and talked to John that she studied math last night, but she still got a poor grade. John responded to Tina,“You should study math every day and reviewed the lesson which the teacher has already taught. Besides, you should practice the math questions instead of just reading it.”Tina accepted John’s advice.

That night, Tina tried to understand each of the math questions and practiced them again and again. The next day, Tina got an excellent grade in math. Tina was very happy that she got a high grade by herself. And she found that math is an interesting and challenging subject.

四月看圖寫作 綜二1 No. 9陳相碩(120 words) 

Mary cried yesterday because she did poorly on her math exam. At the moment, a boy who worn a pair of glasses was walking to her. The boy’s name was Tommy, who is the most intelligent person in the class. Tommy gave Mary some advice on how to study and suggested she should control time.
Mary took Tommy’s advice. Mary used to watch comic books after school, but now she changed her study habit. Mary would read books at once after she went home. Finally, Mary got a good grade in her final exam. Mary was very glad, and Tommy was, too. During the story, I learn not only a correct study habit but also the importance of controlling time.

四月看圖寫作 綜二1 No. 10單志恆(135 words) 

“Vivi, why are you crying?”Allen asked. Vivi answered, “I failed my math test! I am so sad!”Allen said,“Oh, you may have some problem with your math learning. Can you tell me some of your ways to study math? ” Vivi answered, “Uh… I usually study math and read comic books!”“That’s why you failed the math test. You can’t do that. If you do that, you will always fail the test.” Vivi said, “But I have to read comic books everyday so that I can forget all the unhappy things in school.” Allen said, “You should study math instead of reading comic books because you need to pay attention to the book.” Vivi said “Oh, I will try it.”

After several days of hard work, Vivi got good grades in math.

四月看圖寫作 綜二1 No. 11謝宗憲(114 words) 

One day Linda took out her math test paper.She got very bad grades,and she was very sad.Then she asked Alex how to study math. Alex was thesmartest student and always got very excellent grades in math test. Alex toldher to recall what she did every night and spent how much time studying math. Linda found she always read comic books every night and spent little studyingmath, so she started to study math every night. In her math class, she was diligentand focused on what she did.Fnally she got very great grades in math tests, andshe thanked Alex for giving her a great piece of advice.

四月看圖寫作 綜二1 No. 12顏維億(183 words) 

One day, Mimi cried loudly at school when Bill came across the classroom. Bill asked why she was so sad. She said that she did not do well in her math test and got a very bad grade, so she wanted to give up math. Bill comforted her and taught her some tips to learn the math better. First, when she studied, she didn't know how to deal with the questions, she had to ask her teacher or friends for help instead of sitting there and wasting time. Second, she could concentrate on what she studied. Don't be bothered by anything. Last but not least, raised her hand when she didn't know what her teacher taught about in class, and did as much as possible. Then, your math would become better.

The next day, the math teacher gave them a quiz. Mimi wasn't afraid of it at all because she followed the tips about studying. She got the highest score in class. She was so glad. Now, Mimi isn't poor at math. She can teach other people and do well on all exams!

四月看圖寫作 綜二1 No. 13王若涵(114words) 

Vivian got a bad grade in math. She was very sad and didn’t know what to do. Her classmate, Lucas asked Vivian what happened. Vivian told Lucas because she always got bad grades math, but she wanted to learn math well. So Lucas figured out the way to help her. First, Lucas should teach Vivian math. Second, Vivian has to have a good study habit. For example, Vivian should not read comic books every day. Moreover, Vivian should learn to make use of her time. Finally, Vivian got a good grade in math. She is very happy to study with Lucas. Learning math is very important. So we should learn math every day.

四月看圖寫作 綜二1 No. 14王笳樺(106 words) 

Eva failed her math test, so she was sad. At that moment, Sam, the class leader in her class, asked her why she failed her math test. He asked, “Didn’t you study for the math test this time?” Eva answered, “No,I didn’t have time to study.” Eva recalled what she did last night. She read the comic books and didn’t do anything. She felt ashamed of herself.

To get good grades, she studied hard for the math test. And she gets a great grade. She was happy, and she asked herself to study hard every time because she didn’t want to get a bad grade.

四月看圖寫作 綜二1 No. 15江佳玲(86 words) 

When Mary gave me my math exam, I cried because I got forty. I felt so sad, and I decided to study hard. Mary not only suggested that I should spend more time studying, but she also taught me math after school every day. I really thank her.

After one month, I got a score of 100 in my math test. Mary and I were so happy. After school, my mom decided to treat Mary to dinner in order to thank her for teaching me math.

四月看圖寫作 綜二1 No. 16余冠慧(155words) 

Today was a terrible day. It was the day after the quiz. When Sue received her math test paper, she felt helpless and cried alone. Fortunately, Peter, who sat next to her comforted her with encouraging words. Peter helped her change her study habits. He asked her not to read the comic books all the time and paid attention to her schoolwork. Peter also told her not to give up whenever she faces the challenge. If the question is very difficult, try to think more times. In the final exam, Sue got one hundred scores. Peter was very surprised that his words were effective. Finally, they became good friends and helped each other go to the great college.

After reading the article, I felt that friends are imperative. No matter when you face the hardship, friends will give you a helping hand. Never give up and try to find the way to solve the problem.

四月看圖寫作 綜二1 No. 17吳靜怡(104 words) 

Lisa was sad because she failed the math test. She even cried. Her classmate, James, who is good at math, encouraged her to study math. She never spends time reading comic books or magazines. Lisa thinks it is right. She has to spend more time studying math. She started to do the math questions for two hours a day. She asked James the math questions which she did not understand. After one week, a math quiz comes. In the end, she gets a high score, even higher than James. Lisa understands the saying,“Practice makes perfect”and never give up. They are very happy..

四月看圖寫作 綜二1 No. 18呂筱芸(124words) 

Amy cried sadly because she failed the math test. Her classmate, Hank went to comfort her. He encouraged Amy to do math exercises everyday; then she will get better and better. Amy sat at the desk and figured out why she got poor scores. She recalled what she did yesterday. She read comic books instead of doing math exercises. No wonder that she failed the math test today. She made up her mind to study hard in the future. Now Amy studied harder than she used to. She didn’t read comic books until she finished her homework. After studying hard, Amy got first prize in her class. She was excited and shared happiness with Hank. Both of them were delighted and laughed happily.

四月看圖寫作 綜二1 No. 19李佳玲(134 words) 

We had a math test this morning, but I was so tired that I did not study last night. So I did not do my best in the math test. Consequently, I got a very bad grade. To get the good grade, I talk to my best friend about this problem. He suggested that I should make good use of time to study at school so that I might not get bad grades if I really wanted to sleep at home. The following days, I obey this tip, studying any subject at school as much as possible. Because I was in an effort to study hard, I got good grades in the test. Besides, I get rid of the habit of sleeping as soon as I come home, which lets me have more confidence.

四月看圖寫作 綜二1 No. 20李慈玲(142words) 

One week ago, I was so sad because I failed in my test. I ran into John, my classmate who always did the best in our class. I told him that I always did badly in my test, and I asked him for help. He told me that I just paid attention to what I study and avoided reading so many mangas so that I had more time to prepare for my test.

When I arrived home, I just started to write down my study plan, and started to study. Yesterday, I got the highest grade in my English test. I was so happy, and I told John if he didn’t teach me the means, I wouldn’t get full marks. He also felt happy! Now, I follow my study plans to prepare all my tests and always do my best, and you?

四月看圖寫作 綜二1 No. 21林亭女勻(128words) 

One day, Sandy thought she would pass the math test, but the truth was that she failed the test. Sandy felt sad, and her friend, John, came and asked, “What happened to you, Sandy?”Sandy answered, “I failed the math test. I thought I would do well on it. ” John tried to help her. He said, “If you didn’t read too many comic books, you might do well on your next test.”

After school, Sandythought about what John said today and tried not to read many comic books.Sandy spent lots of time reading math and English instead of comic books.

After she studied hard, she finally passed the test. To thank John, Sandy treated John to eat lunch, and she would pay all of money.

四月看圖寫作 綜二1 No. 22林冠萱(109words) 

Sandy failed the math test, and she felt sad. When she cried, Tony, who was good at math, went toward her. He said,” Were you OK?”Sandy said,” No! I only got a score of 50.” Tony said,” Take it easy! If you study harder than before, you might be a test taker like me.”

Over a month, Sandy studied very hard and paid attention to the class every day. She believed that she could be like Tony. When she got a score of 100 on the test, she was grateful and told Tony this. Tony was happy that Sandy could listen to him. Henceforth, they always studied together.

四月看圖寫作 綜二1 No. 23侯欣妤(138 words) 

One day, Lisa chatted with Jason, and Lisa suddenly cried loudly. Jason asked Lisa what happened, and Lisa told him that she studied math very hard and stayed up very late in order that she might get good grades in the math test, but finally she fail the test. After knowing that, Jason decided to teach Lisa math because he was good at math and always got good grades in math tests. Lisa made up her mind to study math in a correct way that Jason taught her.

After two weeks, Lisa was successful in getting great grades in her math test. Jason and she were very happy and excited. Lisa was very thankful to Jason for teaching her how to study. And from then on, Lisa always gets good grades in her math test and never fails.