2016 – 2017 Academic Year
Autumn Semester
Semesterstarts: 05-09-2016
Semesterexpires: 28-01-2017
Autumn semester courses
No / Subject / ECTS / Lecturer1. / TotalQualityManagement / 6.0 / lect. Janina Balsytė
2. / Marketing / 6.0 / lect. Indrė Razbadauskaitė
3. / MarketingResearch / 6.0 / lect. RuslanKutovoj
4. / AppliedStatistics / 6.0 / assoc. prof. dr. Laura Šaltytė
5. / ImageofOrganization / 6.0 / lect. Remigijus Dailidė
6. / InternationalBusiness / 6.0 / lect. OluwafemiOdebiyi
7. / BasicsofCommunication / 6.0 / assoc. prof. dr. Giedrė Strakšienė
8. / TheoryofEconomics / 6.0 / lect. Laura Savickienė
9. / InnovationTransferandCommercialisation / 6.0 / assoc. prof. dr. Rasa Grigolienė
10. / CompanyModernisationandDeploymentofTechnology / 6.0 / assoc. prof. dr. Rasa Grigolienė
11. / Financial analysis / 6.0 / assoc. Prof. Kristina Puleikienė
* Subject will be taught, if not less than 10 studentschoose it.
Volume of subject / 6.0 ECTSLecturer in charge / Lecture Janina Balsytė
Annotation / Total quality management contributes to substantial improvement of product (service) quality striving for satisfaction of customer needs in the best way. Customer focus, never-ending process of improvement and total involvement of personnel in the quality process – these are the issues to be solved by every company. Therefore, it is important to understand the relevance of total quality, to know the differences between TQM and traditional management, also to know and understand the core task of organization to satisfy consumers - and the importance of integration of the total quality system. Students should understand the importance and relevance of group work, impact of quality circles to enterprise performance, principles of quality standards formation, significance and core principles of continuous quality improvement and learning. The course also contributes to understanding the importance of problem defining and the key issues of active management as well as to recognizing the importance and possibilities of communication.
Topics /
- Total Quality concept.
- Traditional and Total Quality Management comparison.
- Total Quality Management Pyramid (components).
- Total quality management and users.
- Total quality costs (the costs). Quality cost structure.
- Workers place for quality system. The manager's role.
- The quality problem-solving measures.
Procedure for assessment of knowledge and competences / Applicable ten grades and cumulative assessment. Semester independent work tasks assessed by a mark, exam session, determined final grade, different grades are multiplied by the weighting factor and summing those products.
Volume of subject / 6.0 ECTSLecturer in charge / Lecture Indrė Razbadauskaitė
Annotation / Materials of the course explain the essence of marketing and its importance for the company to achieve business objectives, describe the impact of marketing actions and desicions on the results of an organization or a company. Students are given information that allows them to understand the relation between marketing and market and other economic categories. Students get familiarised with micromarketing, macromarketing, they learn to analyze and evaluate marketing environment (microenvironment and macroenvironment). Materials give an overview of macroenvironment trends of marketing of Lithuania and other EU countries, evaluate possibilities of Lithuanian companies to enter markets of EU countries and to strengthen their positions there. Students are taught to perform marketing research, market segmentation, understand functioning of marketing information systems. The course gives knowledge about consumer behaviors, factors that determine behaviors, process of purchase of products, marketing programs (mix), marketing planning.
Topics / Nature, content and development of marketing
Marketing and other business orientations
Marketing environment
Marketing research and its organization
Determination of target market
Concept of consumer behaviour
Concept of product
Concept of price
Distribution channels, marketing logistics
Communication process
Strategic marketing planning and management
Procedure for assessment of knowledge and competences / Self-studying during the semester is assessed by marks, the final mark is given on the exam session. Exam can be taken only if all the tasks of the semester are carried out and given positive assessment. The 0-10 scoring system and the following cumulative assessment scheme is used: G-final assessment, S – self-study tasks, E – examination assessment.
G = S×0,4+E×0,6
Volume of subject / 6.0 ECTSLecturer in charge / LectureRuslanKutovoj
Annotation / Market research study module is designed to teach students to collect market and marketing information from primary and secondary sources, to be able to to apply all available measures for market research, to process received data and to make correct conclusions.
Topics /
- Marketing and market research definition and classification
- Types of marketing research
- Methods of collecting qualitative data
- Observation. Experiment and its terminology
- Creating the questionnaire. Assessment of opinions
- Selection of respondents. Sample size
- Marketing research of small businesses and non-profit organizations
- Interpretation of results
- Market analysis and forecasting
- Marketing research of international markets
Procedure for assessment of knowledge and competences / Self-studying during the semester is assessed by marks, the final mark is given on the exam session. Exam can be taken only if all the tasks of the semester are carried out and given positive assessment. The 0-10 scoring system and the following cumulative assessment scheme is used: G-final assessment, S – self-study tasks, E – examination assessment.
G = S×0,4+E×0,6
Volume of subject / 6.0 ECTSLecturer in charge / assoc. prof. dr. Laura Šaltytė
Annotation / Students are introduced to the economic phenomenon as statistical object characteristics, decisive for determining of economic-statistical measures of system selection, training to perform various mathematical-statistical calculations. The course allows accessing basic data collection and control in order to maximize the accuracy of the study, the principles of statistical monitoring forms, shapes and forms. Students are introduced to statistical method selection problems, taught to carry out data visualization, statistical data processing using computer programs and statistical packages. Students are introduced to the comparative and mean characteristics, dynamics series analysis.
Topics /
- General statistical theory
- Statistical information squaring and grouping
- Absolute and relative values
- Statistical mean and variance indicators
- Correlation analysis
- Regression analysis
- Dynamics series
- Statistical indices
Procedure for assessment of knowledge and competences / Self-studying during the semester is assessed by marks, the final mark is given on the exam session. Exam can be taken only if all the tasks of the semester are carried out and given positive assessment. The 0-10 scoring system and the following cumulative assessment scheme is used: G-final assessment, S – self-study tasks, E – examination assessment.
G = S×0,4+E×0,6
Image of organization
Volume of subject / 6.0 ECTSLecturer in charge / Lecturer Remigijus Dailidė
Annotation / The topics are lectured based on modern models and companies, backed by the latest information accessible. And the practical part of this study module is done by actually simulating a running company, managing its corporate image and collecting real data. Best lecturing and assessment methods are applied to teach and later evaluate the student at highest precision in all possible scenarios ranging from crisis management to leveraging already successful situation to an even better. After this course student will be able to investigate, examine and understand the needs and problems of an organization as same as practical means to shape and control, the impression of the policies, personnel and operations of organization that reflect on its image.
Topics /
- Definition of a company’s image, its significance and importance.
- Connection between the success of a company and its image.
- The environment and structure of a company
- The strategy, culture and management of a company
- The inner and outer communications, training
- Brands – the history of success
- Key points of a good brand and how to create one
- Introduction to the damage and its types to the company’s image
- Damage prevention and protection of a company’s image
- Using the potential of the already successful image to leverage it further
Procedure for assessment of knowledge and competences / Self-studying during the semester is assessed by marks, the final mark is given on the exam session. Exam can be taken only if all the tasks of the semester are carried out and given positive assessment. The 0-10 scoring system and the following cumulative assessment scheme is used: G-final assessment, S – self-study tasks, E – examination assessment.
G = S×0,4+E×0,6
International Business
Volume of subject / 6.0 ECTSLecturer in charge / LecturerOluwafemiOdebiyi
Annotation / An introduction to globalization and the cultural, economic, political, and legal environments of international business including an overview of risks, challenges, and opportunities of competing in the global marketplace.
Topics /
- Globalization
- OurGlobalEconomy
- Cultural Influences on Global Business
- Cultural Influences on Global Business
- Government and Global Business
- Structures of International Business Organizations
- Importing, Exporting and Trade Relations
- Foreign Exchange and International Finance
- Foreign Exchange and International Finance
- Global Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
- Human Resources Management
- Labor Around The World
- International Career Planning
Procedure for assessment of knowledge and competences / Applicable ten grades and cumulative assessment. Semester independent work tasks assessed by a mark, exam session, determined final grade, different grades are multiplied by the weighting factor and summing those products: exams, quizzes, homework, problemsolving, caseanalysis, presentationsand/orproject.
BASICS OF Communication
Volume of subject / 6.0 ECTSLecturer in charge / assoc. prof. dr. Giedrė Strakšienė
Annotation / The Basics of Communication offers an engaging look at the inseparable connection between relationships and communication. Combining theory and application to introduce students to fundamental communication concepts. Activities throughout the course help students take a closer look at important concepts and help develop skills most effectively. Along with learning how people, in general, communicate in important relationships, this course will help students understand how to communicate with others and how can do an even better job.
This course also provides practical instruction on communicating interpersonally, in groups, and on making effective presentations. The classes encourage students to think critically, to link communication theory to their own experiences, and to improve their communication skills in the process. At the end of this course, students should be knowledgeable about major concepts, theories of communication and will get practice abilities.
Topics /
- Preface. An overview of communication. Why we communicate?
- The process and the models of communication.
- Verbal communication.
- Nonverbal communication.
- Listening. Elements in the listening process.
- The perception process and emotions
- Culture and communication.
- Gender and communication
- Public speaking. What makes an effective communicator?
- Preparing for a public presentation.
- Developing a public presentation.
- Delivering a public presentation.
Procedure for assessment of knowledge and competences / Theprocedureforassessmentofknowledgeandskillscomprisedofexamandpublicpresentation, also contribution to theclass.
•Exam (2 open-endedquestions) - 50% (25% +25%).
•Publicpresentation- 40%
•Contribution to the class - 10%
Total 100%
Volume of subject / 6.0 ECTSLecturer in charge / Lecturer Laura Savickienė
Annotation / This subject consists from two parts: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. Microeconomicscourseis teachingstudents tounderstandthe generalprinciples of functioning ofthe market, to see patternsbetweeneconomic phenomenathat affectthe business environment.Lectureswill address theeconomicsof demand and supply, resources, andlimitations oftheirchoice.It also examinesthe supplyand demandanalysis framework, the demand and supplyelasticity,and consumerbehaviourbased onutilitytheory,indifferencecurvesand budgetstraight line. Much attention ispaid toforms ofeconomic organizationsin Lithuania,the companyproduction costsand profits.Analysis ofmarket structureandeconomicefficiency,are analysed in detailthe factors of productionmarket andincome. Macroeconomics course isintended to expand theknowledgeabout the economy, providing information about themacro-economicprocesses andto teachstudents topredicttheir impact on thebusinessdevelopment ofthe national economyand internationallevel. TheStudy module highlights understandingand assessment ofmacroeconomicprocessessuchas inflation, unemployment, cost of living, economic development cyclicality andso on. Students' attention is paid to monetary and fiscal policies, the differences between them, meaning business, the role of banks in the financial system and macroeconomic processes, households and firms use on macroeconomic processes, state budgeting basics. Students' attention is paid to structure of aggregate demand and aggregate supply, international trade, the effects on macroeconomic processes.
Topics /
- Economic researchand methods.
- Resources, their limitations and choice.
- Demand and supply analysis.
- Elasticity theory.
- Consumer market.
- Production theory.
- Production costs and profits.
- Perfect competition and economic efficiency.
- Monopolistic market.
- Monopolistic competition in the market.
- Oligopolistic market.
- Market of production factors and income.
- Macroeconomics and its main indicators. National income
- Total demand and total supply. Balancing national product
- Cash and modern banks
- Currency system, the national currency
- The central bank and monetary policy
- Fiscal policy and its impact on the economy
- Economic cyclical growth
- Unemployment and it’s regulation
- Inflation
- International Trade and Trade policy
Procedure for assessment of knowledge and competences / Self-studying during the semester is assessed by marks, the final mark is given on the exam session. Exam can be taken only if all the tasks of the semester are carried out and given positive assessment. The 0-10 scoring system and the following cumulative assessment scheme is used: G-final assessment, S – self-study tasks, E – examination assessment.
G = S×0,4+E×0,6
Innovation Transfer and Commercialisation
Volume of subject / 6.0 ECTSLecturer in charge / assoc. prof. dr. Rasa Grigolienė
Annotation / Thiscourseunitnotonlyprovidesnewknowledgeaboutthelearningorganisations, knowledgemanagementinthem, innovationsandnewtechnologies, but also encouragesstudents to lookfornew, tillnownotbeingused, solutionsbythemselves, to “borrow” themfromoneactivitysectoranduseinanother, to experimentandcommercialisetheexistingknowledgeandskills. Afterchoosingthiscourseunitandcompletingitsstudies, studentsacquireknowledgeandpracticalskillsoftechnologytransferandcommercialisation, aswellas:
- applythemainToT (TransferofTechnology) theoriesandconceptions;
- independentlydetermineandanalysethescientificproblems, related to innovationsandaninnovationprocess;
- demonstrateextensiveknowledgeaboutproductcreationanddevelopmentprocesses, properlyevaluateToTpoliticalevents, knowhow to applytheacquiredknowledgewhilesolvingpracticaltasks;
- analyse a needofinnovation, collectandassessthefacts, related to noveltytransferandembeddingincompanies, aswellasknowledgemanagement;
- identifyinnovationsandopportunities to embedtheminto a businessofconcreteareas;
- knowandapplyinpracticethelegalaspectsofinnovationcommercialisation, whilesuccessfullyimplementingthechange.
Topics /
- A theoreticalconceptionoftechnologiesandinnovation
- A scientificactivityandinnovation
- Thecreativeinnovationprocessanddesign a newproduct
- Methodsofeconomicassessmentofinnovations
- Innovationmanagementandprotection
Procedure for assessment of knowledge and competences / Self-studying during the semester is assessed by marks, the final mark is given on the exam session. Exam can be taken only if all the tasks of the semester are carried out and given positive assessment. The 0-10 scoring system and the following cumulative assessment scheme is used: G-final assessment, S – self-study tasks, E – examination assessment.
G = S×0,4+E×0,6
Company Modernisation and Deployment of Technology
Volume of subject / 6.0 ECTSLecturer in charge / assoc. prof. dr. Rasa Grigolienė
Annotation / Sequentiallyinterconnectingtopicsdevelopthestudents’ understandingabouttheimportanceofmodernisationanddeploymentofnewtechnologyinthecontextofglobalmarketanddynamicchange.Studentshavingcompletedthiscourse, thestudentswill be able to:
• adapttheknowledgeofcompanymodernisationanddeploymentoftechnology at organisations;
• analysetheimportanceofcompanymodernisationanddeploymentoftechnology at contemporarycompanies;
• to evaluatethedemandfordeploymentoftechnologyandmake a motivateddecision;
• to chooseanappropriateintelligenttechnologyorsystemandsupporttheirchoice;
• to planandcoordinatetheprocessofdeploymentofnewtechnology;
• to applythemethodsofsocially-orientedsystemsindeploymentofnewtechnology;
• to evaluatedifferententerpriseresourceplanningsystems;
• to defineadvantagesanddisadvantagesofindividualenterpriseresourceplanningsystems;
• to makedecisionsinthecontextoforganisationmodernisationanddeploymentoftechnology;
• to solveproblemsrelated to organisationmodernisationanddeploymentoftechnology;
• to preparebusinessimprovementplanbyevaluatingtheimportanceofthemodernisationoforganisations;
• to knowand be able to applyenvironmental-friendlyplanninginpractice;
• to applythetheoryofsustainableconsumptioninone’sactivity.
Topics /
- Theoreticalconceptofmodernisationandtechnology.
- Contemporary informatikon andcommunicationtechnology.
- Theoreticalconceptofenterpriseresourcemanagementsystems.
- Theoreticalaspectsof e-businessmanagement.
- Newtendenciesinthecontextofefficientorganisationmanagement.
- Theconceptandtopicalitiesofinnovationmanagement.
Procedure for assessment of knowledge and competences / Self-studying during the semester is assessed by marks, the final mark is given on the exam session. Exam can be taken only if all the tasks of the semester are carried out and given positive assessment. The 0-10 scoring system and the following cumulative assessment scheme is used: G-final assessment, S – self-study tasks, E – examination assessment.
G = S×0,4+E×0,6
Financial analysis
Volume of subject / 6.0 ECTSLecturer in charge / assoc. prof. Kristina Puleikienė
Annotation / The new content of financial management requires of the new economic - mathematical modelling techniques, the precise methods of calculating financial indicators in the market economy. Therefore, it is important to use economic - mathematical methods and data based on financial analysis. After the course students will be able to understand the theoretical basics of financial analysis and the importance of financial analysis to enterprise's situation assessment and development opportunities, students will be able to find out methods and techniques for the financial results of operations and financial performance analysis,will be able to apply these methods and techniques in practice.
Topics /
- The meaning and significance of financial analysis in the market economy.
- The organization of financial analysis work.
- Financial analysis methods, techniques and types.
- Horizontal and vertical analysis of balance sheet and profit (loss) report.
- Profits and profitability analysis.
- Asset management efficiency analysis.
- Solvency analysis.
- Stability analysis.
- Market indicators analysis.
Procedure for assessment of knowledge and competences / 15 percent – separate practical exercises in auditorium;
35 percent – homework in small groups (to evaluate activity of enterprise), make presentation in auditorium;
50 percent – final exam.