Non-Work Registrant Step-by-Step Enrollment
Providers are allowed to enroll a small percentage of non-work registrants into the RISE pilot. The number of non-work registrants enrolled cannot exceed 15% of participants enrolled in the entire pilot (both BFET and RISE Enrollments).Providers are required to continually monitor their 15% enrollment of Non-Work Registrants and cannot exceed the allowable enrollments identified in EPIS. Use the attached tracking sheet to calculate your Non-Work Registrant enrollments based on your EPIS Caseload counts.
NOTE:The RISE Team will be monitoring Non-Work Registrants in EPIS for the 15% enrollment. If a provider is over 15% enrollment,the provider will be asked to refrain from enrolling non-work registrants until they are below the 15% maximum.
The Work Registrant Calculation is on the Demographics Screen in EPIS and calculated for each individual provider. The accuracy of this information will be based on the completion of the Work Registrant Field on the client enrollment screen. When a Case Manager is creating a new case in EPIS, they must complete the Work Registrant field by selecting yes or no for the Work Registrant status. This will allow for accurate reporting of the 15% of Non-Work Registrants (See EPIS Desk Aide Enrolling a Non-Work registrant).
\\Dshsfloly4100a1\shared\DEAP\Office of Programs & Policy\Admin\Basic Food\RISE (E&T Pilot)\Desk-Aids\Enrolling NonWork Registrants - Mathmatica.docx
If you have identified an active basic food recipient that would be suited for RISE and meets all other RISE eligibilityand is considered a Non-WorkRegistrant, follow the steps below prior to RISE eligibility Screening and EPIS Randomization:
- Review with the participant the Non Work Registrant status and discuss their participation to determine if they are a good fit for RISE and if they are willing and able to participate in employment and training activities.
- Verify demographic information in EPIS to determine if your agency can enroll a non-work registrant. If your agency is within the 15% of allowable enrollments, then you can proceed to enroll a non-work Registrant.
- Check BFET eligibility in eJAS.
- Completing a Non-Work Registrant Enrollment:
- If the BFET eligibility step gives you access to the RISE Eligibility Screening hyperlink, thenprocess client through the usual RISE screening process;
- conduct a RISE Screening in eJAS,
ii. complete the baseline information for Randomization in EPIS,
iii. check Non-Work Registrant on the client screen in EPIS
iv. complete the RISE screening in eJAS, to reflect random assignment.
v. document your client note, and include that this was a non-work registrant
- If BFET eligibility says they are BFET eligible, though you do not receive a RISE Eligibility screening link, it may be that they are receiving WASHCAP BFA or ABD benefits. If this is the case:
- please complete a paper version of the RISE Eligibility Screening form.
- complete baseline information for Randomization in EPIS,
- check Non-Work Registrant on the client screen in EPIS.
- complete the RISE screening in eJAS, to reflect random assignment
- document your client note, and include that this was a non-work registrant
- if the client is assigned to RISE, then submit a 15% Non Work Registrant FP request form to , to have the FP component opened.
Each agency will be required to submit their Non Work Registrant tracking log at the end each month, due by the 5th of the following month. Example: February’s log should be sent by March 5th.
When sending the tracking log into , please add the following in the Subject line of the email;
County, Agency name, Non Work Registrant Tracking Log.
If you should have any questions regarding the enrollment of a non-work registrant, please send your questions to .