MEPRS Management Improvement Group

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Skyline 5, Suite 407, Main Conference Room


(* via phone)

TMA MEPRS (Altarum) (4) / Air Force MEPRS
TMA MEPRS (Altarum) / Air Force MEPRS
TMA MEPRS (Altarum) / Air Force MEPRS
TMA MEPRS (Altarum) / Air Force MEPRS
Army MEPRS / Air Force MEPRS

I. Chairman’s Call to Order and Opening Remarks

A welcome and introduction was givenby the Chairman. Following Roll Call, the Navyrepresentative announced that the new NavyGovernment POC for MEPRS and Data Quality. She explained that she will continue to be the Navy attendee at the meetings and will work the issues for Navy, back-briefing leadership as needed.

II. 31 March 2009 MMIG Meeting Minutes Approved and Posted

Minutes from the 31 March 2009 MMIG Meeting, having been approved by the Services and are nowredacted and posted on the website.

III.MEWACS Moment and Completion/Compliance

MEWACS Moment:

TMA MEPRS (SRA) reemphasized the Purpose and Methodology of the MEWACS Moment.

Purpose –

  • To notify TMA and Services of system and policy issues that may affect the data.
  • To allow for data corrections to occur prior to annual analyses that use the current fiscal year’s data.
  • To encourage information sharing about systems, business rules or other issues that impact the data.

Methodology –

  • Review Summary Outliers for MTFs.
  • Review Allocation Test for MTFs.
  • Review WWR/EAS Outliers for MTFs.

The Army representative shared concerns regarding submission to EAS past the 15th day of the month. Topic = 45 days does not always end on the 15th of the month. Usually, it is in favor of the Services. This year, some sites show as delinquent, because 45 days brought us to 17 March. TMA MEPRS (SRA) explained that we used to pull the data on the 20th of each month, now for clarity, we pull on the 16th. The Army representative requests a caveat on the month(s) that are affected. All Services concurred. The Chairman agreed to add a caveat about the pull date to leadership.

Army –

Bavaria MEDDAC is showing significant increases in Total Visits, Personnel Direct Expensesand Total Expenses.

WWR/EAS Disparities exist for Bassett ACH, TMC Ft. Richardson, Keller ACH and Occupational Health Clinic Ft. Dix.

Navy –

Naval Health Clinic New England had shown significant increases in FTEs and Expenses, but the issue is now closed.

WWR/EAS Disparity exists for NH Naples – the Navy representativehas contacted Naplesfor the status.

Air Force –

Mountain Home had shown a significant increase in Personnel Direct Expenses and significant decreases in Total Visits and Available FTEs, but theses issues are now Closed.

Kirtland is showing significant decreases in Available FTEs and Personnel Direct Expenses. The Air Force representative will investigate and report back.

Los Angeles is showing a significant increase in Personnel Direct Expenses and a significant decrease in Total Expenses. The AF representative believes this may be related to the implementation of DMHRSi –he will investigate and report back.

Osan is showing an increase in Personnel Direct Expenses –The AF representative has no insight on that one at this time.


TMA MEPRS (SRA) showed where we are today in EAS submissions(Completion/Compliance) versus previous months/years. She explained the weekly submission of Completion/Compliance Updates to leadership and added that they have a new way to look at data quality by looking at projections made to the Final Operating Accounts. Whereas the MEWACS tool is static because it only looks at a single point in time, this new way of looking at the data provides more robust measures. She stressed that when viewing data, we should be looking at the behavior of the data, not the numbers. She displayed the new metric which showed Air Force tracking very closely to the projections. She stated that we can also look at specific sites. TMA MEPRS (SRA) said that this information is produced weekly for TMA. She asked if the Services also want to see this weekly. If so, she can post it on the Web site.

The Chairman added that it looks like this shows us what we have been wanting – a tool that smoothes out the peaks and valleys. As we start to use it regularly, we will become more familiar with its benefits. The Chairman referenced the Year-to-Date Completion graph, which will be used to show leadership that the Services have done a great job in catching up.

IV.EAS Updates

The DHSS representative expressed their top twoinitiatives relevant to EAS. (One is for the EASi application and the other is for the EAS Repository)

  1. For the EASi application, DHSS is working to get 3 application servers up and running. The application is currently running on one server. There may be interface errors with the second server that they are currently working to resolve. They hope to be able to bring the second server back online soon.
  2. For the EAS Repository, DHSS is working to resolveerrors D0005 and D0003, which prevents users from running large or small reports intermittently. This requires a SIR to correct the problem. EDS is working with their experts and a Business Objects SME from the Business Objects Corporate Office to resolve these errors.

The DHSS representative announced that a member of DHSS leadership will be retiring soonand named the successor. TMA MEPRS will contact the successor to make sure that all the Service POCs are included on e-mail updates.

The DHSS representative confirmed thatthe EAS SCRs are not currently being worked because funding has been directed to the GFEBS/EAS Interface.

V.DoD (Comptroller) Tasker: MEPRS & GAAP Compliancy

The Chairman updated the Services concerninghis office’s reply to a DoD Comptroller inquiry asking, “… when would the TMA MEPRS Program Office work with the DoD Comptroller’s office to bring MEPRS into compliance with GAAP?” The Chairman stated that MEPRS was never intended to be GAAP-compliant, but once Health Affairs chose to use this data to estimate the future “Retirement Liability” (i.e., MERHCF), it became subject to the stringency imposed by GAAP. The Chairman and the Director of MC&FS have sent responses in the past (e.g., answers to DoD-IG Reports, etc.) about whether or not MEPRS should be GAAP-compliant, as it was never designed or intended to be. In this current response to the DoD Comptroller, theyessentially stated that there are no plans to make MEPRS GAAP-compliant for the following reason – DoD-IG reviewed MEPRS several years ago and found no problems with the system. DoD-IG only faulted the numerous feeder systems. Since each of the Services are developing their own ERPs to support end-to-end financial accounting, it will require DHP to develop three associated systeminterfaces to integrate with this external data. An alternative recommendation stated in the letter is to create a single DHP ERP that would be used by all three Services. This approach would standardize financial reporting across the DHP, thereby enhancing the ability to obtain a clean audit opinion on financial statements. The Defense Agencies Initiative (DAI) is the DoD’s effort to modernize the Defense Agencies’ financial management processes. Since the ASD(HA) has no control over what the Military Departments do with their respective ERPs, creating a single DHP ERP would be the best way to meet the financial needs of the MHS. Infact, this proposal has already been submitted to OUSD(P&R). So, in summary, the response to the DoD Comptroller is that there are no plans to make MEPRS GAAP-compliant, but the creation of the three Service ERPs, or even more optimal, the creation of a single DHP ERP will facilitate more accurate financial reporting for the DHP/MHS.

VI.FY10 Table Update

TMA MEPRS (Altarum) advised that the process is running smoothly so far, and there are not many changes this year. There are a few FCCs that were identified at the end of last year’s process for deactivation but because it was too late to make the changes last year, they are being implemented this year. The changes consist of consolidating ACA* into ACB*, AGC* into AGA*, AGC* into AGA*, AGD* into AGH* and BCC* into BCB*. On the Allocation Table, TMA MEPRS Support will change the Allocation Table so that ancillary accounts will also include ancillary allocated costs. This is similar to how Dental was corrected last year. On the BSL Table, TMA MEPRS (Altarum) stated that the limit codes that were supposed to be set-up for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act no longer need to be set-up because the funds are going to the Line for Army and Air Force and to BUMED for the Navy rather than the DHP.

The Chairman updated the MMIG on current activity regarding 4thLevel Primary Care codes. HA OSM has spoken to the MMIG previously about developing a set of metrics for the Patient Centered Medical Home initiative. HA OSM will be reviewing some MEPRS data, analyzing it and he will then try to demonstrate the difficulties due to the variance in names used for the 4thLevel Primary care codes. Once he has completed his analysis and has questions ready for the MMIG, we will schedule a teleconference with him and the MMIG POCs. The Army representative expressed concern that they may not understand that the 4thLevel codessometimes have unique names because they designate a specific location.

VII.DMHRSi Issue – NSPS Composite Rate Table

TMA MEPRS (Altarum) stated that with the Sub-Group Meetings held on 15 April 2009 and 24 April 2009, we have now launched a new forum to work DMHRSi functional issues (particularly those related to the LCA Module).

That being said, The Chairman wanted to specifically discuss the NSPS Composite Rate Table issue (CR 1189) at this MMIG meeting.

Navy has now stated that they still require an NSPS Composite Rate Table – even if it is constructed by simply using the Pay Band mid-ranges. Navy stated that they need some type of table to utilize for those rare instances when “Actuals” are not available.

Army clarified that they do not need an NSPS Composite Rate Table – they will always get “Actuals” if they are initially not available. Air Force agrees with Navy that having an NSPS Composite Rate Table is a good idea.

TMA MEPRS Program Office will review a very rudimentary algorithm/concept for an NSPS Composite Rate Table previously provided by DHSS (Ms. Johnson). If that is not acceptable for use, it will be up to the MMIG to develop something for this table. Perhaps Navy could lead that development, since they are the primary proponent for such a table.

Tangential to this discussion, the Chairman reminded TMA MEPRS (Altarum) to follow-up with DHSS on the submission of a SIR to explore “DMHRSi Costing Issues” – in general. In other words, not just in those instances that involve NSPS employees, but also potential costing problems even with GS.

VIII.DES Activities

The Chairman sent a memo to the Director, Military Public Health, Clinical & Program Policy

on 21 April 2009 advising her of the MMIG’s recommendation to use the FEDB/FEDC codes for this initiative.

Navy sent out a draft of the DoD 6010.13-M verbiage for the new FEDB/FEDC codes. The Air Force concurred with these new descriptions. Army is staffing this to SMEs within the Army Medical Department, so we will wait for that staffing/coordination to be completed.

Navy is also working on draft DoD 6010.13-M verbiage for the FEDD code, which will be staffed through the Navy LOA1 representative before distribution to the MMIG.

The Chairman asked for confirmation that we cannot begin using FEDB/FEDC until the beginning of the fiscal year. The Services confirmed that this is correct. The same applies to the use of FEDD.

Regarding the “DES "Summit" held on 30 March 2009, from a MMIG perspective this issue is closed. We have provided the Working Group our recommendation for the MEPRS codes. It is not the MMIG’s role to assist with the many other details this group must still address.

IX.Orphan DMIS IDs – Info from DHIMS

TMA MEPRS Support shared an e-mail he got from DHIMS (Mr. Washington) –

“… As discussed in Section 4.4 of this PR&DD, CHCS will be modified so that workload can be system-generated at the Foster CHCS for Location Orphans. Refer to that section for more information on this or for definitions pertaining to orphans. To further support Location Orphans on Foster CHCS systems, WAM will allow users to directly transmit a division-level EAS Workload ASCII file to the Location Orphan's Parent EAS IV system. Currently in WAM, EAS ASCII files can only be transmitted by a Lead Division. WAM will now add screening logic to also allow a division flagged as an orphan on foster CHCS in the Medical Center Division file to also transmit/retransmit an EAS ASCII file. This screening logic will be added to the "Create Monthly Workload ASCII File to EAS" option in WAM when a user attempts to create the file. A new indicator will be added to the filename for identification of these files (see section G. for the revised filenaming conventions). If the Orphan is a Navy workcenter, data would also be manually entered into parent CHCS so that CHCS can transmit workload to the STARS/FL system …”

The Navy representativewill look into what Navy is doing at the MTF-level, and report back. She knows that it has not been raised to the BUMED (Headquarters) level.

Originally, the issue was discovered with issues from Ft.Wainwright. When it showed up in MEWACS (WWR/EAS Disparity), it was decided that the issue be pursued with the goal of finding a permanent solution.

TMA MEPRS Program Office will continue to research the issue further with DHSS – EAS Program Office.

X.Service Issues

Air Force –

  • The Air Force representative mentioned that there are still plenty of seats available at the USAFE and PACAF MADI classes. He encouraged the other Services to invite their folks, including DQ staff.

Army –

  • The Army representative stated that she wants to ensure that we are all consistent and doing the same thing with regards to Depreciation. TMA will schedule another Depreciation meeting soon.
  • Army asked if some of the 81B funding could be shifted towards funding EAS SCRs. TMA will discuss this with SPEAR and DHSS – EAS Program Office.
  • Regarding Anesthesia, it was mentioned that the UBU discussed this at their recent meeting. We need to re-engage on this issue, and make sure that what the UBU is proposing is not contradictory to what was being proposed with the ARMD devices.

Navy –

  • No additional issues.

XI.E-MEPRS Update (added topic)

TMA MEPRS (Altarum) provided an update regarding the E-MEPRS project. He provided an email from SPEAR:

“… I have received an update today that the CHCS Change Package 343 (due for release 15 May 2009) will include the CHCS E-MEPRS Code Changes for Case Management should the Services/Commands choose to implement ...”

and –

“… 1) E-MEPRS Code Changes: Ft. Bragg CHCS E-MEPRS CODE SAT (System Acceptance Test) completed successfully 6 March 2009. CHCS E-MEPRS Code changes are available for deployment at the Services discretion as a normal CHCS change package.

2) The EWSR-E-MEPRS Code changes are part of the updated EWSR Ver. 1.1 which is in DT&E review with a SAT planned for June 2009. EWSR E-MEPRS Code Change test sites have been identified by the Services ...”

Information Received After the MMIG Meeting – An E-MEPRS “Close Out” meeting occurred on 22 May 2009. The final deployment date for the E-MEPRS is now 15 June 2009. Additionally, test sites for EWSR are:

  • Army - Martin ACH
  • Navy - NH Jacksonville
  • Air Force - McGuire AFB

XII.Closing Remarks and Adjournment

The Chairman reflected that looking back on the progress over the past year, it really shows that the Services have made great strides. We will continue to workhard at TMA to partner with the Services in ensuring future success.

With all agenda items discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 1200.


2009_05_19 MMIG Minutes