A meeting of the Lettings Sub-Committee was held in the Town Hall, Market Hill,Huntingdon, on Thursday26th September2013 at 7.00pm.

Present:Councillors A Blackwell; AJ MacKender-Lawrence; T Sanderson; and P Shrapnel

Absent:Councillor R Subhan


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor A Cole.


It was proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to appoint Councillor T Sanderson as Vice Chairman to the Sub Committee for the Local Government year 2013/14.


There were none.


Copies of the minutes of the Lettings Sub Committee meeting held on 25th July 2013 (M2) had been circulated in advance of the meeting. It was proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to approve these as a correct record and they weredulysigned by the Chairman.


There was none.


Members had before them details of a request for grant of wayleave by Virgin Media on the boundary of the Sallowbush Road Allotments site, for the installation of a power cable linking a telecommunications unit on Sallowbush Road to the electricity sub station adjacent to the site.

The Chairman told the meeting that he had visited the site and foresaw no problems with the proposals. Members were assured that since surveyor costs were to be met, the work would be professionally overseen in the Council’s interest. Members also heard that a specificationof works and method statement would form part of the agreement and that therefore allotments plot holders at the Sallowbush Road site could be fully informed in advance about the works and any health and safety issues could be addressed. It was therefore proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to recommend to Finance Committee that the Wayleave be granted in accordance with the draft agreement terms proposed.


Members had before them a report detailing various repairs and works to flooring, changing rooms and showers and to toilets, which had been competitively tendered by the Trustees of the Gymnastics Club.

In a brief summary, Members were reminded about the Council’s agreement to undertake some historic repairs and maintenance at the request of the Gym Club Trustees, despite a transfer of responsibility from Council to Club in September 2012.

Members were asked to consider approving the release of funding in the amount of £14,422 in order that the works might be completed whilst building work on the extension was in progress. The Town Clerk advised that further expenditure for funding from the Council’s allocation would be required on some major works to the tank and to the building structure, but that costs were still unknown.

Members asked about the Council’s liability for repairs and maintenance to the building in future and were assured that under the terms of the new lease, liability both in the original and the new building was the Club’s.

It was therefore

RESOLVED to recommend approval of the release of expenditure for the works detailed in the report and to await report of the cost of further works for which the Council was liable with interest.


Members had before them a report on the provision of floodlighting for the roof of the Huntingdon Town Hall, following allocation of £460 for this purpose earlier in the year. Estimates obtained from two contractors to illuminate both the flagpole and the cupola on the Town Hall rood ranged from £4062 to £4535.

Members considered that the Town Hall was a focal point of the Market Hill and that particularly with Christmas approaching, installation of lighting was key to maintaining the building’s prominence.

Discussed took place on the difference between the estimates, noting that energy efficient equipment was proposed by one and not the other; that varying numbers of lamps were proposed; and that whilst Murfitts mentioned that a certificate of test would be provided, Coulson did not.

Members considered that low energy bulbs might be more energy and cost efficient, but that maintenance costs would be higher and the quality of light poorer. It was therefore proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to recommend that the estimate of £4062 provided by Coulson should be accepted, subject to their provision of a test certificate on completion.


Members had before them proposals and estimates for the supply and installation of AV Equipment in Courts 1 & 2 from three suppliers, the cost of which ranged from £23,168 to £35,276. Two suppliers had provided alternative quotations of different standards.

Members considered that owing to the quantity and technical content of the information, some further detailed scrutiny should take place. It was suggested that Trustees of the Commemoration Hall, John Morgan and Mel Pugsley might be invited to comment, owing to their technical knowledge and that the advice of the Mayor and/or former Councillor Jeremy Jacobs would also be helpful.

It was agreed that the equipment installation was necessary for effective marketing of the facilities for hire and some recouping of recent investment in improvements to the Courts and other parts of the building, but Members

RESOLVED to defer a decision on award of contract until some further scrutiny and evaluation could be carried out.


Members heard that a request had been received by the Council from Richard Meredith of the Huntingdon and Godmanchester Civic Society for safekeeping of pictures considered to form part of the town’s historic heritage.

The Town Clerk advised that Members’ direction was required in response to requests like this, since space for display was not unlimited at the Town Hall. Members heard that the County Records Office had recently agreed to accept for safekeeping some large pictures of the Borough Council Members which had been in the Council Chamber for some time.

Since there were no details of sizes or the subject of the paintings available at the meeting, it was proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to defer consideration until such details were available.


Members had before them a draft lease for office premises to CAB Rural Cambridgeshire at Huntingdon Town Hall. A report of the Town Clerk provided details on basic heads of terms, confirmed the Council’s legal representative’s involvement in the Council’s interest and provided details on an estimated service charge.

On noting the details and review of the draft, it was proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to approve for acceptance by the Council the lease agreement as presented in draft.


A report of the Temporary Deputy Town Clerk before Members provided details in respect of a request for refund of rent by the Indoor Bowls Club in connection with recent lease renewal and revision to lease terms.

Members considered the details and agreed that a refund of rent was due, but that costs incurred by the Council in respect of building maintenance which was the tenants responsibility should be met by the tenant.

Further that costs met by the tenant as a direct result of engagement of contractors to carry out work on the heating system were to be met by the tenant. With regard to administration costs normally met by the Council owing to management of maintenance of the building, Members were of a view that these could be waived.

Members noted that the Indoor Bowls Club were three months in arrears with rent and it was proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED that correspondence confirming the Council’s refund and position on costs should emphasise the breach of lease terms resulting from rent arrears, in order to prevent such arrears accumulating.


Members were advised that rent reviews were due as of autumn 2012 in respect of lease of premises to Sports Huntingdon and the Jolly Archers at the Jubilee Fields, Kings Ripton Road. Further reviews were due in respect of premises leases at Mayfield Road and St Peter’s Road by the MS Therapy Centre, Tennis Club and Outdoor Bowls Club respectively.

The Town Clerk advised that discussion on rent review with the tenants’ representatives should take place with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Sub Committee and that the meeting on 3rd October would be provided with some background information on the rents to inform such discussion.

Members were of the view that meetings with the tenants representatives should take place at the leased premises at a time convenient to them. Some discussion took place and it was agreed that it was in the Council’s interest to evidence a good return on its assets. In conclusion it was therefore proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to consider details at the next meeting in order that discussion meetings on rent review could be organised at the earliest opportunity.