Did you perform the Powertrain On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) System Check? / — / Go to Step 2 / Go to Powertrain On Board Diagnostic (OBD) System Check
2 /
  1. Turn the engine OFF.
  2. Turn the key ON.
  3. After 5 seconds crank and attempt to start engine.
Does engine start and run? / — / Go to Step 3 / Go to Step 7
3 / On scan tool view the DTC status condition.
Has this DTC failed this ignition cycle? / — / Go to Step 4 / Fault not present. Refer to Diagnostic Aids
4 / With engine still running in view FP. Volt Feedback.
Is the voltage more than the value specified? / 2 volts / Go to Step 25 / Go to Step 5
5 /
  1. Record the fluid life indexes, turn the key to OFF and wait 30 seconds.
  2. Remove the fuel pump relay.
  3. Disconnect PCM connector C1.
  4. Using DMM J 39200 measure the resistance between fuel pump relay cavity 87 (A1) and PCM connector C1 terminal 16.
Is the resistance the same or less than the value specified? / 5 ohms / Go to Step 25 / Go to Step 6
6 / Repair open in the Fuel Pump Feedback circuit between the PCM and the the Fuel Pump Feedback circuit splice or poor terminal contact at PCM connector C1 terminal 16.
Is the repair complete? / — / Go to Powertrain Control Module Diagnosis / —
7 / Check the condition of the Fuel Pump fuse.
Is the fuse OK? / — / Go to Step 8 / Go to Step 18
8 /
  1. Remove the fuel pump relay.
  2. Turn the key ON.
  3. Using DMM J 39200 measure the voltage to ground at relay cavity 30 (B3).
Is the voltage the same or more than the value specified? / 10 volts / Go to Step 9 / Go to Step 23
9 / Measure the voltage between fuel pump relay cavities 30 (B3) and 86 (A3).
Is the voltage the same or more than the value specified? / 10 volts / Go to Step 10 / Go to Step 24
10 / Connect a jumper between fuel pump relay cavities 30 (B3) and 87 (A1).
Does the fuel pump run or engine start? / — / Go to Step 11 / Go to Step 15
11 /
  1. Turn the key to OFF.
  2. Connect the DMM between fuel pump relay cavities 85 (B1) and 86 (A3).
  3. Wait 10 seconds then turn the key ON and measure the voltage within 2 seconds of key ON.
Was the voltage the same or more than the value specified? / 10 volts / Go to Step 12 / Go to Step 13
12 / Replace the fuel pump relay.
Is the repair complete? / — / Go to Powertrain Control Module Diagnosis / —
13 /
  1. Record the fluid life indexes, turn the key to OFF and wait 30 seconds.
  2. Disconnect PCM connector C2.
  3. Perform a circuit continuity check by measuring and recording the resistance between PCM connector C2 terminal 36 and fuel pump relay cavity 85 (B1).
  4. Measure and record the resistance between PCM connector C2 terminal 36 and a good ground. Refer to Test Descriptions .
Is the resistance measured within the values specified in the Test Description ? / — / Go to Step 25 / Go to Step 14
14 / Repair open or short to ground in the Fuel Pump Relay Control circuit.
Is the repair complete? / — / Go to Powertrain Control Module Diagnosis / —
15 / View FP. Volt Feedback on scan tool.
Is the voltage the same or more than the value specified? / 10 volts / Go to Step 16 / Go to Step 17
16 /
  1. Check for an open in the Fuel Pump Feedback circuit between fuel pump and the the Fuel Pump Feedback circuit splice.
  2. Repair circuit if needed.
Was a repair made to the Fuel Pump Feedback circuit? / — / Go to Powertrain Control Module Diagnosis / Go to Step 22
17 / Repair open in the Fuel Pump Feedback circuit between fuel pump relay and splice.
Is the repair complete? / — / Go to Powertrain Control Module Diagnosis / —
18 /
  1. Turn the key to OFF.
  2. Remove the fuel pump relay.
  3. Using DMM J 39200 measure the resistance to ground at relay cavity 30 (B3).
Is the resistance more than the value specified? / 2 ohms / Go to Step 20 / Go to Step 19
19 / Repair short to ground in Fuel Pump Relay ignition feed circuit between the fuel pump fuse and relay.
Is the repair complete? / — / Go to Powertrain Control Module Diagnosis / —
20 /
  1. Record the fluid life indexes, turn the key to OFF and wait 30 seconds.
  2. Disconnect PCM connector C1.
  3. Disconnect fuel pump connector.
  4. Measure the resistance to ground at fuel pump relay cavity 87 (A1).
Is the resistance more than the value specified? / 2 ohms / Go to Step 22 / Go to Step 21
21 / Repair short to ground in the Fuel Pump Feedback circuit between the PCM connector C1, the fuel pump connector, the fuel pump relay or a shorted fuel pump.
Is the repair complete? / — / Go to Powertrain Control Module Diagnosis / —
22 / Check fuel pump ground. Repair if needed.
Was a repair made to the fuel pump ground circuit? / — / Go to Powertrain Control Module Diagnosis / Go to Fuel System Pressure Test
23 / Repair the open in the Fuel Pump Relay ignition feed circuit between the fuse and relay or repair the loss of voltage to the fuse.
Refer to Engine Electrical for repair of the voltage supply to the fuse.
Is the repair complete? / — / Go to Powertrain Control Module Diagnosis / —
24 / Repair open in Fuel Pump Relay ground circuit or poor ground.
Is the repair complete? / — / Go to Powertrain Control Module Diagnosis / —
25 /
  1. Check terminal contact at the PCM connector C1 terminal 16 and connector C2 terminal 36.
  2. Repair terminal contact if needed.
Was terminal contact repaired? / — / Go to Powertrain Control Module Diagnosis / Go to Step 26
26 / Replace the PCM. Refer to Powertrain Control Module Replacement/Programming.
Is the replacement complete? / — / Go to Powertrain Control Module Diagnosis / —