FIELD EDUCATION DEPARTMENT (617) 353-3754 fax: (617) 353-8348 email:




Student Status: Full-timeCampus: Charles River

Part-time Fall River

Advanced Standing Cape Cod


Date Placement Started:


Student: Advisor:

Agency: Field Instructor(s):

I.Brief description of agency:

II.Brief description of assignments:

III.Other learning opportunities:

IV.Supervisory structure:

Primary (MSW) Field Instructor: Individual Group

Secondary Supervisor (if relevant): Individual Group

Directions for completing evaluation tool.

The following categories are based on a multidimensional framework for assessing the student’s competence which takes into account the following dimensions of performance: consistency; quality; level of Independence; time needed to accomplish tasks; steady progress; integration of knowledge, value and skills; ability to transfer learning from one activity to another. Each of the specific bulleted items should be evaluated using the competency rating scale and an overall competency rating should be given for each competency. For each competency, please provide one or two examples of the evidence utilized to arrive at the rating. This is especially important for items which receive a rating other than “Competence.” For items where the student receives a rating of PC, EC or NA, please include a plan to facilitate development of competence.

PCPre Competence

Does not or rarely demonstrates and integrates values, knowledge and skills; needs constant supervision; quality of work uneven; tasks not completed in reasonable time; knowledge/skills not transferred from one assignment to another; progress uncertain

ECEmerging Competence

Beginning to demonstrate values, knowledge and skills; integrates and applies learning from one activity to another inconsistently or inappropriately some of the time; requires regular supervision; progress is evident; learning is becoming more efficient; quality of work uneven but moving in a positive direction


Usually demonstrates and integrates values, knowledge and skills with sufficient mastery and independence; uses supervision for consultation appropriately, appropriately applies learning from one activity to another; uses time well to accomplish tasks and assignments; ready to move to advanced placement or beginning practitioner level

ACAdvanced Competence

Consistently demonstrates, integrates and applies values, knowledge and skills in all activities independently and expertly. Uses consultation appropriately; performs activities in a timely and efficient manner; able to teach others.

Competency 1: Identify as a professional macro practice social worker and conduct oneself accordingly.

The student:

  • advocates for access to social work services based on consumer, PC EC C AC

constituent, community and organization needs and assets;

  • demonstrates self-reflection related to one’s strengths, motivation, PCEC C AC

limitations, and work-style;

  • functions in professional roles based on the needs of the consumersPC EC C AC

or constituents, the organization and community, the type of service

provided, clear role definition and differential use of self;

  • demonstrates professional demeanor in behavior, appearance, andPCEC C AC

communication appropriate to the macro role and setting;

  • engages in career-long learning by identifying areas for professionalPC EC C AC

development and seeking additional learning opportunities;

  • engages in supervision with increased initiative, independence,PC EC C AC

collaboration and consultation within the agency structure in keeping

with lines of authority and the student role;

  • follows safety protocols and procedures of the agency.PC EC C AC


Competency 1: Overall RatingPCEC C AC

What evidence did you use to support your rating of the student’s level of competence? Please give one or two examples.

What plans do you and the student have to further the student’s competence in this area?

Competency 2: Apply social work ethical principles to guide professional practice.

The student:

  • integrates personal with professional values to appropriately guidePCEC C AC

macro practice;

  • makes ethical decisions by applying standards of the National AssociationPCEC C AC

of Social Workers Code of Ethics and by using additional ethical decision

making models and resources (e.g. ethics hotline, committees);

  • takes action to resolve complex ethical dilemmas while acknowledgingPC EC C AC


  • applies strategies of ethical reasoning and decision-making related to macroPC EC C AC

practice to arrive at principled decision using consultation appropriately.


Competency 2: Overall RatingPCEC C AC

What evidence did you use to support your rating of the student’s level of competence? Please give one or two examples.

What plans do you and the student have to further the student’s competence in this area?

Competency 3: Apply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments.

The student:

  • identifies, evaluates, and integrates, multiple sources of knowledgePCEC C AC

(e.g., macro theories and evidence-based research and practice);

  • recognizes underlying values, biases and assumptions in oneself, PC EC C AC

other people and in sources of knowledge;

  • applies critical analysis to macro practice models of prevention,PC EC C AC

assessment, intervention, and evaluation;

  • demonstrates effective communication with constituents/consumers,

organizations, communities, and colleagues:

  • in writing (e.g., proposals, press releases, newsletters)PC EC C AC
  • verbally (e.g., public speaking, chairing meeting)PC EC C AC
  • electronically (e.g., use of electronic media, website development) PC EC C AC


Competency 3: Overall RatingPCEC C AC

What evidence did you use to support your rating of the student’s level of competence? Please give one or two examples.

What plans do you and the student have to further the student’s competence in this area?

Competency 4: Engage in diversity and difference in practice.

The student:

  • recognizes how culture may oppress, marginalize, or create privilegePC EC C AC

and power which are replicated in services and policies in institutions

and communities;

  • minimizes the influence of personal of personal biases and values inPC EC C AC

macro practice;

  • develops culturally sensitive and relevant macro practice skills that integratePC EC C AC

self-awareness and knowledge from clients and other sources;

  • builds professional relationships with diverse consumers, constituents,PC EC C AC

communities and organizations to provide culturally competent services

and programs.


Competency 4: Overall RatingPCEC C AC

What evidence did you use to support your rating of the student’s level of competence? Please give one or two examples.

What plans do you and the student have to further the student’s competence in this area?

Competency 5: Advance human rights and social and economic justice.

The student:

  • engages in macro practice that advances the human rightsPCEC C AC

and social and economic justice.


•Competency 5: Overall RatingPCEC C AC

What evidence did you use to support your rating of the student’s level of competence? Please give one or two examples.

What plans do you and the student have to further the student’s competence in this area?

Competency 6: Engage in research-informed practice and practice-informed research.

The student:

  • uses an evidenced based process to identify effective macroPC EC C AC

interventions for consumers, communities and organizations;

  • where possible, apply practice experience to development of newPCEC C AC

knowledge through participation in research.


•Competency 6: Overall RatingPCEC C AC

What evidence did you use to support your rating of the student’s level of competence? Please give one or two examples.

What plans do you and the student have to further the student’s competence in this area?

Competency 7: Apply knowledge of human behavior in the social environment (HBSE).

The student:

  • applies HBSE theories including systems, organizational, PC EC C AC

empowerment and social capital to guide assessment,

intervention and evaluation;

  • critiques and applies these theoretical frameworks to macro practice.PC EC C AC


•Competency 7: Overall RatingPCEC C AC

What evidence did you use to support your rating of the student’s level of competence? Please give one or two examples.

What plans do you and the student have to further the student’s competence in this area?

Competency 8: Engage in policy practice to advance social and economic well-being and to deliver effective social work services

The student:

  • analyzes, formulates, and advocates for policies (e.g., agency, PC EC C AC

program, legislative) that advance social well-being of constituents,

communities and organizations;

  • collaborates with colleagues, consumers and constituents forPC EC C AC

effective policy action that promotes social and economic justice;


•Competency 8: Overall RatingPCEC C AC

What evidence did you use to support your rating of the student’s level of competence? Please give one or two examples.

What plans do you and the student have to further the student’s competence in this area?

Competency 9: Respond to contexts that shape practice.

The student:

  • provides relevant services based on changes within communitiesPC EC C AC

and populations, scientific and technological developments, and

emerging societal trends;

  • provides leadership to promote sustainable changes in communitiesPC EC C AC

and organizations.


•Competency 9: Overall RatingPCEC C AC

What evidence did you use to support your rating of the student’s level of competence? Please give one or two examples.

What plans do you and the student have to further the student’s competence in this area?

Competency 10 (a)-(d): Engage, assess, intervene, and evaluate with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities.

The student:


  • develops partnerships with and among consumers, constituents, PC EC C AC

organizations and communities that are based on participation,

empowerment, collaboration, indigenous leadership;

  • develops partnerships that are culturally appropriate;PC EC C AC
  • utilizes a range of skills that facilitate engagement e.g., outreach andPC EC C AC

recruitment, collaboration, coalition building.


  • identifies assets, resources and needs of the consumer, communityPC EC C AC

or organization;

  • gather and organize appropriate information from a variety of sources;PC EC C AC
  • analyzes assessment data to develop agreed-upon outcomes.PC EC C AC

(c)- Intervention

  • collaborates with consumers, communities and/organizations to PC EC C AC

identifydesired process and outcomes objectives and time and

project management;

  • develops a strategic and tactical action plan to achieve outcomesPC EC C AC

and objectives;

  • initiates appropriate actions (e.g., coalition-building, mediation, PC EC C AC

grass-rootsorganizing, program planning, leadership development,

proposal writing, board development, supervision and staff


  • creates necessary documents for projects or actions (e.g., strategic PCEC C AC

plan, grant proposal, personnel manual, marketing materials);

  • completesnecessary steps in activity or project and transfer PC EC C AC

responsibility for ongoing maintenance where appropriate.

(d)- Evaluation

  • utilizes a variety of methods/tools to evaluate and documentPC EC C AC

intervention outcomes and effectiveness (e.g., program evaluation,

consumer satisfaction survey, external review)


•Competency 10(a)-(d): Overall RatingPCEC C AC

What evidence did you use to support your rating of the student’s level of competence? Please give one or two examples.

What plans do you and the student have to further the student’s competence in this area?


Field instructor’s comments: Please include comments addressing the student’s strengths, challenges, use of supervision and goals for future learning.

Student’s comments: Please include comments addressing your strengths, challenges, use of supervision and goals for future learning.

Please type in names and dates:

Student: Date: Field Instructor: Date:
