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Software Requirements Specification

Version <1.0>


Ó 2011 <Enter team name here> / <Drive:\Directory\Filename.ext>

Software Requirements Specification

Document Control


The Guidance Team and the customer shall approve this document.

Document Change Control

Initial Release:
Current Release:
Indicator of Last Page in Document:
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Distribution List

This following list of people shall receive a copy of this document every time a new version of this document becomes available:

Guidance Team Members:

Dr. Yoonsik Cheon

Mr. Irbis Gallegos

Neith Estrada

Cesar Yeep

Customer: Dr. Deana Pennington

Software Team Members:

Change Summary

The following table details changes made between versions of this document

Version / Date / Modifier / Description

Table of Contents

Document Control ii

Approval ii

Document Change Control ii

Distribution List ii

Change Summary ii

1. Introduction 1

1.1. Purpose and Scope of Product 1

1.2. Intended Audience 1

1.3. Overview 1

1.4. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 1

1.4.1. Definitions 1

1.4.2. Acronyms and Abbreviations 1

1.5. References 1

2. General Description 2

2.1. Product Perspective 2

2.2. User Characteristics 2

2.3. Product Features 2

2.4. Operating Environment 2

2.5. General Constraints 2

2.6. Assumptions and Dependencies 2

3. External Interface Requirements 3

3.1. User Interfaces 3

3.2. Hardware Interfaces 3

3.3. Software Interfaces 3

3.4. Communications Interfaces 3

4. Behavioral Requirements 4

4.1. Same Class of User 4

4.2. Related Real-world Objects 4

4.3. Stimulus 4

4.4. Related Features 4

4.5. Functional 4

5. Non-behavioral Requirements 5

5.1. Performance Requirements 5

5.2. Security 5

5.3. Qualitative Requirements 5

5.3.1. Availability 5

5.3.2. Maintainability 5

5.3.3. Portability 5

5.3.4. Design and Implementation Constraints 6

6. Other Requirements 7

6.1. Database 7

6.2. Operations 7

6.3. Site Adaptation 7

7. Appendix A: Use Case Scenarios 8

8. Appendix B: Analysis Models 9

8.1. Static Model 9

8.2. Functional Model 9

8.3. Dynamic Model 9

8.3.1. State Machine Diagram 9

8.3.2. Interaction Diagram 9

9. Appendix C: Issues List 10

Software Requirements Specification / <Enter team name here> / Date
11/16/2011 2:42 PM / Page

Software Requirements Specification

1.  Introduction

1.1.  Purpose and Scope of Product

< Identify the software products to be produced, what they will do, and describe the uses for the software, including benefits, objectives and goals. This section shall briefly state the purpose of the system and the software to which this document applies. It can describe the general nature of the system and software and summarize the history of the system development.

Include the following:

a)  Identify the system to be produced by name.

b)  Describe the customer’s problem(s) and explain what the system will and will not do to satisfy those needs.

Describe the application of the system being specified. As a portion of this, it should describe all relevant top-level benefits, objectives, and goals as precisely as possible. >

1.2.  Intended Audience

< State the intended audience of the SRS. >

1.3.  Overview

< Briefly describe the outline and each section of the SRS. >

1.4.  Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

1.4.1.  Definitions

< Provide a list of terms and definitions that may be required, or be helpful to the intended audience. >

1.4.2.  Acronyms and Abbreviations

< Provide a list of used acronyms and abbreviations with their associated definitions. >

1.5.  References

< Give a list of documents that are referenced within the text of this document. >

Software Requirements Specification / <Enter team name here> / Date
11/16/2011 2:42 PM / Page

Software Requirements Specification

2.  General Description

2.1.  Product Perspective

< Provide a description of this product, where it fits into the Company’s overall structure, and what functionality is provided by this product. Describe if this is a new product, a new release of an existing product, another product in a product family, or its place as a component of a larger system. This section places the product to be developed in perspective with other related products. If the product is independent and self-contained, this should be stated; if it is a component of a larger system, the relationship to the larger system should be stated and the interfaces defined. >

2.2.  User Characteristics

< This section should identify each type of user of the system (by function, location, type of device), the number in each group, and the nature of their use of the system. State any user characteristics that may be influential or significant in the structure of the product. Include characteristics such as educational level, experience and technical expertise. >

2.3.  Product Features

< The main features of the software should be summarized and organized in a way that makes it understandable to the customer or the reader. Use graphical methods to show the different functions and their relationships. Give an overview of the essential features that are important to this product. Use case diagram and use case descriptions should be included in this section. Use case scenarios should be included in Appendix A.

2.4.  Operating Environment

< Describe the hardware and software platforms on which this product will operate. Identify other software with which this system must coexist. >

2.5.  General Constraints

< State any known constraints. Explain factors that constrain the options of the development team including organizational factors, hardware limitations or safety and security considerations. These may include constraints such as:

“The development team shall consist of 3 designers and 4 programmers.” or

“The system shall not be accessible to unauthorized users.” Note: the term “unauthorized users” should be defined in Section 1.3.1 of the SRS).

These constraints are more general and may be elaborated other places in the SRS. >

2.6.  Assumptions and Dependencies

< This subsection should list each of the factors that affect the requirements stated in the SRS. These factors are not design constraints on the software. They are assumptions and dependencies that if changed, will affect the requirements of the SRS. For example, an assumption might be that a specific operating system will be available on the hardware designated for the software product. If, in fact, the operating system is not available, the SRS will then have to change accordingly. >

3.  External Interface Requirements

< This section contains the specification of requirements for interfaces among different components and their external capabilities, including all its users, both human and other systems. The characteristics of interfaces to systems under development, or future systems, should also be included. Any inter-dependencies or constraints associated with interfaces should also be identified (e.g., communication protocols, special devices, standards, fixed formats). Each interface may represent a bi-directional flow of orientation. Use a graphic representation of the interfaces when appropriate for the sake of clarity. >

3.1.  User Interfaces

< Characteristics of each interface between the software product and its users. This should specify the following:

a)  The logical characteristics of each interface between the software product and its users. This includes those configuration characteristics (e.g. required screen formats, page or window layouts, content of any reports or menus, or availability of programmable function keys) necessary to accomplish the software requirements.

b)  All the aspects of optimizing the interface with the person who must use the system. This may simply comprise a list of do’s and don’t on how the system will appear to the user. One example may be a requirement for the option of long or short error messages. Like all others, these requirements should be verifiable, for example, “A clerk typist grade 4 shall be able to do function X in z minutes after the introductory training session” rather than “A typist shall be able to do function X.” >

3.2.  Hardware Interfaces

< Characteristics of each interface between the software product and the hardware components of the system, e.g., configuration characteristics (ports, instruction sets, devices to be supported). >

3.3.  Software Interfaces

< This should specify the use of other required software products (for example, a data management system, an operating system, or a mathematical package), and interfaces with other application systems (for example, the linkage between an accounts receivable system and a general ledger system). For each required software product, the following should be provided:

a)  name,

b)  mnemonic,

c)  specification number,

d)  version number, and

e)  source. >

3.4.  Communications Interfaces

< This should specify the various interfaces to communications such as local network protocols, etc. >

4.  Behavioral Requirements

< Provides detail that is sufficient to allow the design of a system that will satisfy the requirements. >

4.1.  Same Class of User

< Some systems provide different sets of functions to different classes of users. For example, an elevator control system presents different capabilities to passengers, maintenance workers, and fire fighters. The class of user corresponds to the actors of your use cases. >

4.2.  Related Real-world Objects

< Objects are real-world entities that have a counterpart within the system. For example, in a patient monitoring system, objects include patients, sensors, nurses, rooms, physicians, medicines, etc. Associated with each object is a set of attributes (of that object) and functions (performed by that object). These functions are also called services, methods, or processes. Note that sets of objects may share attributes and services. These are grouped together as classes. Use the model that the team generated from OMT to drive the organization of this section. >

4.3.  Stimulus

< Some systems (e.g., real-time systems) can be best organized by describing their functions in terms of stimuli. For example, the functions of an automatic aircraft landing system may be organized into sections that include the following loss of power, wind shear, and sudden change in roll. The state diagram, event diagram, or other dynamic model is included in this section. >

4.4.  Related Features

< A feature is an externally desired service provided by the system that may require a sequence of inputs to affect the desirable result. For example, in a telephone system, features include local call, call forwarding, and conference call.

4.5.  Functional

< Functional requirements should define the fundamental actions that must take place in the software in accepting and processing the inputs and in processing and generating the outputs. These include:

a)  validity checks on the inputs,

b)  exact sequence of operations, and

c)  responses to abnormal situations, including:

1)  overflow,

2)  communication facilities, and

3)  error handling and recovery.

In addition, data flow diagrams and data dictionaries can be used to show the relationships between and among the functions and data. >

5.  Non-behavioral Requirements

5.1.  Performance Requirements

< This subsection should specify both the static and the dynamic numerical requirements placed on the software or on human interaction with the software as a whole. Static numerical requirements may include:

a)  the number of terminals to be supported,

b)  the number of simultaneous users to be supported, and/or

c)  the amount and type of information to be handled.

Dynamic numerical requirements may include, for example, the numbers of transactions and tasks and the amount of data to be processed within certain time periods for both normal and peak workload conditions. All of these requirements should be stated in measurable terms, e.g.,

“95% of the transactions shall be processed in less than 1 second.”

rather than,

An operator shall not have to wait for the transaction to complete.” >

5.2.  Security

< This should specify the factors that will protect the software from accidental or malicious access, use, modification, destruction, or disclosure. Specific requirements in this area could include the need to:

a)  utilize certain cryptographical techniques,

b)  keep specific log or history data sets,

c)  assign certain functions to different modules,

d)  restrict communications between some areas of the program, and/or

e)  check data integrity for critical variables. >

5.3.  Qualitative Requirements

< There are a number of attributes of software that can serve as requirements. It is important that required attributes be specified so that their achievement can be objectively verified. >

5.3.1.  Availability

< This should specify the factors required to guarantee a defined availability level for the entire system such as checkpoint, recovery, and restart. >

5.3.2.  Maintainability

< This should specify attributes of software that relate to the ease of maintenance of the software itself. There may be some requirement, for example, for certain modularity, interfaces, or complexity. Requirements should not be placed here just because they are thought to be good design practices. >

5.3.3.  Portability

< This should specify attributes of software that relate to the ease of porting the software to other host machines and/or operating systems. This may include the following:

a)  percentage of components with host-dependent code,

b)  percentage of code that is host dependent,

c)  use of a proven portable language,

d)  use of a particular compiler or language subset, and

e)  use of a particular operating system . >

5.3.4.  Design and Implementation Constraints

< This should specify design constraints that can be imposed by other standards or hardware limitations. This may include standards compliance, which state requirements derived from existing standards, or regulations (e.g., report format, data naming, accounting procedures). This section details constraints that directly affect design and implementation. For example:

“The software shall be developed in Java 1.2” or

“The number of entries in the Log Table shall not exceed 500 entries.” >

6.  Other Requirements

6.1.  Database

< This section should specify the logical requirements for any information that is to be placed into a database. This may include:

a)  types of information used by various functions,

b)  frequency of use,

c)  accessing capabilities,

d)  data entities and their relationships,