Sept 21st Ross Ramblings.

Police Officer in Ross: Its been four weeks now since the last meetings were held with Inspector Aitken and still nothing to report back to this community! Are we being ignored?

Ross Swimming Pool; The repaired panels have been reinstalled and hopefully they are working well. The plan is to open at Labour weekend. Subs will remain the same as last year and keyholders are reminded that they need to pay thisBefore using the pool this season. You can pay online or to Bev Manera at 10 Monteith Street.

Housie; Housie nights for October are Friday 7th and 14th. Please note that the nights for Oct are just a week apart as the usual venue is not available on our regular night due to Labour weekend.

Ross Goldfields Information Centre.

The Cherry Blossoms at the Centre are just coming into bloom and should be in their glory in the next couple of weeks.

The Ross Goldtown website is coming along and will be up and running shortly.

On the week leading to Labour weekend the Information Centre will have a display in the ., Museum for the St Patrick's Catholic Church 150th Celebrationwhich will consist of old photos, Vestments and other interesting items.

Funding is being sought for three interpretation Panels which will be dotted around Ross, one being at Grimmond House, one at the site of the Coronation Hall and the third being

on the Water Race Walkway were the old pump from the "Morning Star" Goldmine has been placed.

The Conservation Department have started work on the renovation of the Public Toilets at the Centre which will be ready for the coming Tourist Season.

St Patricks Church reunion:The 150th Celebrations are slowly coming together. Registrations are still coming in, and the Committee are now collecting information for the booklet and interpretation panel. With the generous support from the West Coast Community Trust, the Committee are able to forge ahead with planning of these.

It is hoped to have a working bee very soon, to give the Church a spruce up prior to the event, and anyone willing to give a hand, is more than welcome.. Corrections have given fantastic support to the Church for a number of years now, in maintaining the grounds, which is a credit to all, and very much appreciated by the Parishioners.

The celebrations are open to everyone, not just Parishioners, its open to the wider Ross community, as everyone has always supported the Church, Organisers would like to encourage people to dress in period costume.Registrations ($25pp ) can be made at any of the following: ph Biddy Manera 03 7554193 or post to 45 Tramway St, ROSS 7812

Registrationsclose on Friday 30th September, giving the organising committee a reasonable timeframe to finalise everything for the event. The registration covers the cost of the Celebration Luncheon whichis being provided by the Historic Empire Hotel.

Local body elections; Your voting papers will have arrived by now. Please exercise your democratic right and vote!

Gold mining challenge:The Gold panning Guinness World Record Attempt Event will be on November 5th starting at 4pm, there will be stalls and entertainment.Registration Packs are available from Ross Information Centre. Take care until next time. Enjoy the school holidays.