Enhanced Synthesis Paper

Cassandra D. Summers

Grand Canyon University: RES-811

November 1st, 2017

The Success, Relationships and Independence of Scholars and/or Researchers

In my enhanced synthesis paper I will discuss [JM1]how being a doctoral student can have one being success in his/her relationships all the while becoming an independent scholar/researcher. The three article I read (Baker& Pifer 2011, Gardner 2009, and Smith and Hatmaker 2014) all speak on how doctoral students often struggle in their doctoral journey but go on to have successful relationship (Family, Friends, Peers and Professors) while becoming independent scholars/researchers. What really got my attention was how they all agreed about professional identity is shaped for doctoral students by professional socialization through mentoring, assistantship, workshops, orientations and other methods of social interactions that must take place in professional settings, as well as in community projects and settings. When you are becoming a doctoral student having some form of personal as well as professional relationship plays a big part in your journey. I would like to believe that I will achieve some kind of successful relationships while becoming an independent student and or [JM2]researcher.

Academic Success[JM3]

As I stated in my first synthesis paper success can mean many different things to people depending on that person’s views on the world. People [JM4]measure success by how big your house is or how much money you may make, but I bet in a million years no one never thought to measure success on one’s education status. As Gardner stated furthermore, this word has been “used widely to describe multiple outcomes” (Gardner, 2009[JM5]) and I would have to agree with this statement one hundred percent. With academic success you can have a period when you feel as though you are at a standstill from the difficulties of being a doctoral student, (Baker & Pifer2011) gives you three stages. In stage two they discuss how loneliness, confusion, self-doubt, fear and depression are the most difficult in this stage. They also emphasize on the fact that relationships and interactions are important to improve in learning skills. According to (Smith & Hatmaker 2014) ones socialization should not only include improving his/hers skills but also earning the knowledge related with being a member of an organization or profession by not just adopting values, rules and culture of that career, but I believe by also living by [JM6]those thing in which can help you in your profession/organization. Being able to interact or socialize with one’s peers, family, friends and academic professors can help one to achieve great success not just by being a doctoral student but by just being human.


When you think about relationships it evident that a doctoral student must have some sort of relationship with his/her peer. Having a relationship with your professors can also be beneficial because they as well as your peers can make the pressures of being a doctoral student not so stressful. I believe that (BakerPifer 2014) stated that transition can be rough for a student who does not have that positive influence of relationships around him/her. [JM7]While us as doctoral students who have family and friend who knew us before we started this journey tend to motivate and have a more positive influence on us. I like how Gardner (2009) during her study discovered that the “social connectedness impacted professors’ understanding of a candidate’s success” (Gardner, 2009) she also explained how getting a lot of feedback from other people outside of family, friends and mentors helps the doctoral feel better about their progress during this journey. (Smith & Hatmaker, 2014) stated that Socialization into the profession includes the process of becoming an independent researcher, I would agree with this because they also speak on how advisors and research assistantships assigned to students is known strategy and is fully supported by scholars developing their research skills and also to help build relationship with their various faculty mentors.

Becoming an Independent Student or Researcher

This transition part of the doctoral journey can be tough when one is so use to having someone give them instruction on how to do something their whole educational journey. When becoming a doctoral student you have to take off the training wheels and become one with your into the future. Having structure during the course of your educational career can make you complacent, but once you get the chance of being able to do things alone you will not want to go back to being instructed on what to do. (Baker & Pifer 2011, Smith & Hatmaker[JM8]2014 and Gardner 2009) all have stated that becoming an independent student and/or researcher can be a daunting task but at the same time can be rewarding as long as you maintain healthy relationships with mentors, family, friends, peers and academic professors. This will not only help you in an academic setting but also in your chosen profession. Wanting to have some kind of independence as a doctoral student is great it show that you can become a critical thinker without having someone looking over your shoulder and instructing you on what to do and how to do it. Since becoming a doctoral student I have welcomed my independence as I love to research on my own and have others view my work to get feedback. I have learned that creating a system that works for me will help me along the way.



In my conclusion I believe that all of the authors are saying you can become a great doctoral student if you maintain a healthy relationship with those around you who have a positive influence on you not just academically but personally and professional as well. You don’t have to define yourself by your doctoral success, you can also define yourself personally and professionally. It’s not just about your academic peers but it’s also about those who don’t have an academic connection with you, those who can have just as much influence on you as your academic peers. Will you have struggles in your journey? Yes, but you will have success as well. I mean life as we know it has struggles and some struggle just a little bit more than others but the outcome is usually the same for everyone and that is being successful at what you achieve to be successful at not matter what it is. I would like to think that I see a bit of myself being described in the article I have read and I would like to believe that [JM10]so do others. It’s nothing like having life experiences to go with academic experience and have it intertwine with one another. It makes me think about that old saying how Life Imitates Art and Art Imitates Life!


Baker, V. L., & Pifer, M. J. (2011). The role of relationships in the transition from doctoral student to independent scholar. Studies In Continuing Education, 33(1), 5-17. doi:10.1080/0158037X.2010.515569.

Gardner, S. K. (2009). Conceptualizing success in doctoral education: Perspectives of faculty in seven disciplines. Review of Higher Education, 32(3), 383-406. Retrieved from:

Smith, A. E., & Hatmaker, D. M. (2014). Knowing, Doing, and Becoming: Professional Identity Construction Among Public Affairs Doctoral Students. Journal Of Public Affairs Education, 20(4), 545-564.

[JM1]Your entire paper is written in the first person perspective. It is very important that you not do that. You need to develop a more formal academic tone and voice.

[JM2]This is not setting up context for the paper very clearly, and I do not see a thesis statement. Also, keep in mind that the paper is a synthesis paper. The synthesized conclusion needs to be reflected in the thesis statement, and it should be specific/focused and explicit. See if you can be more specific and zero in on the one main point (synthesized idea) and be explicitly clear about the claim you are making.

Below I have included a basic template of a clear and concise thesis statement for a paper like the one assigned:

“A synthesis of common themes derived from the research suggests that … (fill in with specific point or claim being made that is based on the synthesis)….”

Here are some helpful sites for writing a strong and clear thesis statement:

[JM3]Eliminate the extra spacing you have between sections.

[JM4]I am seeing a lot of writing mechanics problems like this. You need to proofread your work.

[JM5]This is not a proper citation for a direct quote. See APA manual.

[JM6]Do not include statements of opinion. If it is unsupported, you should not include it. Never use phrases such as: “I believe”, “I think”, etc..

[JM7]Themes are not clearly defined. The introduction to your themes could use more context and focus to specifically fit your paper and the point you are trying to make. You need to be clear about how you are approaching the theme in your paper specifically. You need to do that before getting into what is coming from the articles. This eases the reader into the discussion without losing or confusing them; it lets the reader know how the section fits in with the overall paper. Don’t just define what the theme is, you need to continually lead the reader to the point you are making (the synthesized conclusion as expressed in your thesis statement).

[JM8]Use “&” (ampersand) within parentheses; use “and” when not in parentheses. You have those mixed up in several places.

[JM9]So far, your discussion of the themes seems disjointed from each other and the connection to the thesis statement is not clear. It’s like you are giving a report on each theme, but independent from each other and an overall point being made. It isn’t clear where you are going, or what these themes have to do with anything in particular (any point or claim you are trying to make).

[JM10]Lack of a clear thesis statement makes your conclusion fall flat.

The introduction (thesis statement) and the conclusion need to be strongly aligned. Besides just reviewing major points in the paper, the conclusion should also more clearly reacquaint the reader with the thesis statement, and lead to the synthesized conclusion. The synthesized idea/conclusion (that should be reflected in your thesis statement) needs more development and should be fully explained here. This is where you should take the discussion beyond the themes, and into a discussion of what the themes together lead to. However the relevance to the themes should still be clear.It should be a “discussion of the conclusions that can be drawn when the articles are taken together as a single entity. What is the overall message of the group of articles?” You need to boldly and clearly emphasize the synthesized conclusion. This needs more development of the synthesized conclusion.