Tri-State Amateur Radio Association Meeting

July 17, 2013

Museum of Radio & Technology

Meeting called to order at 7 p.m. by president Mark Killen.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved on motion by Gene Stephenson, second by Don Haddox.

Treasurer's report: petty cash 94.05 ck 2083.18 savings 5815.21 CD 6068.98 $14,061.42 total. Report approved on motion and second Garry Ritchie, Don Haddox.

Coming events: WV State Amateur Radio Convention Jackson's Mill August 17. Request nominations for outstanding amateur of year before July 20. Shelby NC Hamfest August 31- September 1. Estate Sale NA4J SK July 21 Lexington, a ton of good equipment.

Member news: KB8NPY in St Mary's 6160, not doing well. Leland Steele passed General. Paul Jordan in Cabell-Huntington 5713. Garry Ritchie shares QSL card from Field Day: K3DQ James Gillespie (ex W8BKK), good memories of Huntington, former TARA member.

Work team: retrieved tower from Bob Gorham, brought to Museum. Dale brought the trailer.

VE: testing to be in the lunch room at hamfest.

Museum: sale last Saturday. good results. Collins receiver to be donated. Good publicity

SKYWARN: class at Mason county 911, July 31, 6 pm in Point Pleasant. Contact .

ARES work order in for antenna installation at Cabell County 911. John has contacted company for installation in Wayne County. Don Haddox brings E-letter to pass around.

Boy Scout repeaters for Jamboree 146.700 123 PL 444 025 123 PL Dstar 441.8125 no tone. EchoLink node 4566 K2BSA R. Info available on QRZ

Public service: none

Hamfest: Mark looking for prizes, Yaesu 8800R at $359. Advertising: 600 cards went out Friday to peripheral areas. SERA ad may appear in August, wait and see. Benny will print more flyers. Fred will be out of town almost until hamfest. Dale KD8UAU has been sharing flyer with Facebook groups. Gene says SO Watts always won something. Garry sends news release about VE session, will headline the hamfest. Jim Adams scouting for and making signs. Tower wants to be as close to the door as possible. Mark will touch base about setup as the day nears.

Repeater: John sent temporary invoice for amplifier $1250 TPL commercial grade. Mark is texting John as we speak. John says amp has been ordered.

Old business

Field Day interference worse than ever. Get filters for all radios next year? Garry has used them on DXpeditions. Still looking for antenna tower crank and antenna tuner. Otherwise good Field Day, fairly high score. Ground rods in the ground. Thanks to Jerry Crabtree for photography.

New business

Hamfest dinner: Mark and Teresa making lasagna enough for 40. Bring salad and desserts. Bread. Can Teresa use oven at kitchen? Dinner around 6. Show up to help setup whenever you're available, 1 p.m. or later. Mark will be there Thursday night. Doors open to public 8:30 Saturday. Sign up to work at the door.

Fred Ramsey PSK demonstration. Dale Pratt talk-in.

Jim Pierce K8CAP introduces himself, invites us to CAP open house at Ona airport July 27. Communications projects sitting in boxes, need folks to put them in action. Also cadet program for ages 12-17.