Summary of E/PO and Related Activities—William P. Blair

Designed/Organized Web sites for Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope (HUT) project

[ ] and the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) mission [ ]. This has involved everything from strategy and site design to actual hands-on html coding of the pages, including in many cases graphics design and layout. These sites were designed to serve both the general public and the technical user communities.

Have acted as media liaison for HUT and FUSE projects, working with JHU News & Information and NASA PAO on press kits, press releases, and support materials. Also participated in numerous press conferences and press interviews during the Astro-1 (1990) and Astro-2 (1995) Space Shuttle missions, near the FUSE launch (1999), etc.

Participated in the design and production of brochures for both HUT and FUSE, writing text and working with graphics designers.

Taped interview with the Discovery Channel on FUSE (“talking head” segment in part of a larger program on modern astronomy and astrophysics). This program is re-run regularly as numerous people locally have contacted me.

Constructed an Educational site on “Light and Spectroscopy” and other education-related materials, supported partially by a grant from Maryland Space Grant Consortium.

(See [ ].)

Video taped six astronomy educational segments for use on “Fox 45 Clubhouse” in

Spring 1991. This involved outlining each segment, drafting interview text, setting up visuals, and participating in the taped interviews. Topics were organized around the Astro-1 mission, including such basic ideas as basic astronomy, telescopes, and why we need telescopes in space.

Have given over 50 public astronomy talks for groups from a few to several hundred, at University of Michigan, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, STScI Public Nights, Baltimore Astronomical Society, Baltimore County Library, local schools, local churches, Washington DC schools, etc.

Have written several popular-level articles, including for Astronomy magazine and Sky & Telescope. (An article on the Astro-2 mission that was never published was converted into a web document and posted as a link from my education page, listed above.)

Spent several years on the AAS News committee, working with Steve Maran.

Have participated in several Hubble Heritage photo releases, including the Crab Nebula (June 2000), Pencil Nebula (June 2003), and this fall, Kepler’s supernova remnant (in prep.).

Have participated in many aspects of the FUSE E/PO program, including working with MD Science Center staff on space astronomy exhibit development, creation of middle school/high school education kits of lab exercises based on National standards, creation of Web site support materials, talking to groups, etc.

Spent the last year leading E/PO planning activities for a consortium, led by Associated Universities Inc. (AUI), that planned to propose an Institute to manage research on the International Space Station. This activity has provided me with considerable insight into the current operations of OPO, the 2002 – 2007 Strategic Plan, and future challenges.