Name: ______Period: ______

Biography Project

Goal:Produce a five-paragraph biography of an adult that uses sequential text structure and includes a strong thesis statement.


  1. Select an adult. If you choose to interview someone other than a parent or grandparent, please get your choice approved
  2. Complete an interview (30 points)
  3. Identify topics or headings
  4. Complete graphic organizer
  5. Draft:
  6. Write intro (attention grabber and thesis)
  7. Complete body paragraphs using topics headings you selected
  8. Write conclusion
  9. Peer edit
  10. Produce final copy (100 points) and share
  11. Submit for grading.

Suggested headings under which to organize information:

-Growing UpOREarly YearsORChildhood

-Adult lifeSetbacks/LessonsLessons/Influences

-TodayAccomplishments/ InfluencesAccomplishments

I will be interviewing: ______

Relationship: ______

Parent signature______



Name: ______

Period: ______

Focus (10 points)

_____ Strong thesis statement is made and supported throughout the essay

_____ Body paragraphs have strong topic sentences

Content (10 points)

_____ Five to seven well-developed sentences in five paragraphs

_____ Attention grabber

_____ Thesis

_____ Presentation of important events, accomplishments, setbacks, lessons, and

influences (no filler sentences!)

Organization (10 points)

_____ Variety of transition words/phrases

_____ Information is organized logically

_____ Five indented paragraphs

Style (10 points)

_____ Sentences are not short and choppy

______Word choice is varied and appropriate

______No confusing pronoun usage

______Expression is formal and concise (don’t write as you talk!)

Conventions (10 points)

_____ Proper heading: name, period, and date in upper left-hand corner

_____ Title

______Correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization

_____ Double-spaced

NAME: ______


Adult Biography Interview Questions (30)

  1. What is your name?

  1. Where were you born? Where else have you lived?

  1. What is your ethnic heritage? Do you speak another language? Do you have relatives in other countries? Is your ethnic heritage a source of pride? Why?

  1. How many siblings do you have? Names/ages? How have they affected or influenced you?

  1. What did you enjoy doing as a child? If you had to use one word to describe yourself as a child, what would it be? Why?

  1. What did you enjoy doing as a teen? If you had to use one word to describe yourself as a teen, what would it be? Why?

  1. What were some of your accomplishments growing up?

  1. Did you make any major mistakes or bad decisions? Describe the actions and the consequences.

  1. Describe one parent. How are you like and unlike him or her? How has he or she influenced you?

  1. Did you have any other major influences? How did this person or these people influence you?

  1. In what ways was your life admirable? Accomplishments?

  1. In what ways was your life remarkable? Unique experiences?

  1. What major lessons has life taught you?

  1. What personal trait has been beneficial to you? How?

  1. What personal trait has been troubling? Why?

  1. Optional question

  1. Optional question

  1. Optional question