EC SHARE /FAO Strengthening institutionalized sub national coordination structures and harmonization mechanisms (EU ref: EDF/2014/354-294 FAO-GCP/ETH/089/EC) /
Region: Afar Regional DRM-APATF Coordination space: Regional APATF.
Date AND comments to the validation in APATF (if relevant): (October 4 2017 Monthly Meeting if necessary and time allowed)
1. Afar Regional APATF Resilience Adapted Plan Follow up
I. Resilience Plan and follow upActivities In progress from regional ATF resilience adapted plan / Responsible / Due date / Description-Status of progress / indicators-Sources of Verification
Regional resilience plan endorsement by APATF / Regional FAO / July/August / Implemented Minute was documented and shared.
Create Agendas to discuss on Resilience / Regional FAO / Monthly / Implementation On progress.
Regional Coordination Capacity Building Workshop / Regional FAO / August / Implemented. Proceedings report in progress.
Coordination needs assessment in the APATF / APADB & FAOFO / June-July / Implemented PPT Presented on the Regional WCCP
Develop the RESF way forward / APADB & FAOFO / June/July / Developed, presented on the RWCCB,
Resilience Mapping discussion on APATF / APADB & FAOFO / Sept / on progress and Future close activity
Regional Joint visiting tours / APADB & FAOFO / October / Future close activity planned at end of October 2017
Bi Regional Experience Sharing and Visits from to the federal ATF / APADB & FAOFO / 2018 / Not Planned for this year
Support the regular (monthly DRM ATF) meetings and workshops / Regional FAO / Continues / Implementation continued in progress. Monthly minutes prepared and shared to all partners and FAO
Provide technical backstopping for the Regional APATF / Regional FAO / Continues / Implementation continued in progress. Provide continuous technical support to APATF members
Organize training for APATF members on PCM Resilience building project and for resilience cluster members / APADB & Regional FAO / 2018 / Not planned this year
Support to the resilience research / Regional FAO / Continues on request / Not yet the consultant presented
Support to the RESET clusters in their RESET CCB Workshop & linkage with regional and zonal government / Regional FAO / In progress discussion with regional partners
Organize training for APATF members on PCM Resilience building project and for resilience cluster members / APADB & Regional FAO / 2018 / Not planned this year
Support to the resilience research / Regional FAO / Continues on request / Not yet the consultant presented
Support to the RESET clusters in their RESET CCB Workshop & linkage with regional and zonal government / Regional FAO / In progress discussion with regional partners
Regional APATF tool box utilization: / Regional FAO / continues / Implementation continued in progress. Awareness and understanding of the tool box created on the RWCCB.
2. Assessment: Coordination Gaps/Needs: (1) Challenges (2) Root causes and (3) Priorities.
II. Coordination Gaps/Needs (Quantitative) / 1.Main Strengths / 2.Main Gaps & Needs / 3. Root causes / 4.Priorities to address1.Internal and external Coordination
Internal Coordination (within DRM-APATF) / Information sharing, joint planning, regular monthly meeting / Joint planning and implementation,. / Leadership and commitment, Practical agendas and incentives / Higher priority
External Coordination ( / DRMTWG r, like APATF, WASH / Very week in practical linkage with the cluster/task forces in LRRD. / Leadership and Commitment
Capacities and Org Agenda in practice / Higher priority
2. Vertical and Horizontal Coordination
Vertical Coordination ( / Poor linkage with the Federal DRM-ATF / Leadership and Commitment / Medium priority
Horizontal Coordination / Good linkage with in the APATF members / week linkage with other DRM Task Forces / Leadership and Commitment, Capacities for coordination & KM / Medium
3. Strategic and Operational Coordination
Strategic Coordination / Very week and at low level / Leadership and Commitment, Capacities, Org Agenda in practice , KM / Higher priority
Operational Coordination / by avoiding gaps and duplication / To some extent dublication and concetration in some area / Leadership and commitment / Medium priority
4. Technical and Administrative
Technical Coordination / information sharing joint planning and assessment, / (the big gap is the real interest in share - listening and “use” - ot / · Organizational Agenda in practice / Medium
Administrative Coordination / For joint assessment / real commitment and shared interest / Capacitéis for coordination & Orgal Agenda in practice / High priority
5.Degree of Coordination
Internal Information sharing / Very strong / Leadership and Commitment Org. Agenda in practice & KM / Medium priority
Internal Coordinated Planning / Very strong / Leadership and Commitment Org. Agenda in practice & KM / Medium priority
Internal Coordinated implementation and evaluation / Very week / joint implementation and (M&E) / Leadership and commitment / High priority
6. Existing capacities for coordination
Coordination capacities for analysis / Very high - Good mix of professionals / Very high not in practice limited to emergency / Leadership and Commitment & Org Agenda in practice / Medium priority
Coordination capacities for influencing / Medium / Very high gaps / Leadership and Commitment & Capacities for coordination / Medium priority
Coordination capacities for facilitating / Medium / High gap / Leadership and Commitment & Capacities for / High priority
7.Crosscutting issues
Gender mainstreaming / Review of project document
Monitoring and Knowledge Management / Information sharing / Poor information management / Leadership and commitment, agenda in practice and KM / High priority
Link with research institutions / RLARI Good relation and active participant / Lack practical linkage / Leadership and commitment, agenda in practice and KM / High priority
Link Relief and Development / Harmonize approches to some extent (LEGs, CAHWS.. / Very low level in practice / Leadership and Commitment Capacities & Org agenda in practice
3. Coordination Gaps/Needs and Strengths/Opportunities “Summary” (NARRATIVE EXPLAINING THE PREVIOUS MATRIx
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Coordination Gaps/Needs and Strengths/Opportunities “Summary” (NARRATIVE EXPLAINING THE PREVIOUS MATRIX)(1) Challenges / The followings are the major gabs/needs identified for the Regional APATF succeeding at medium and below medium level in relation to the main coordination aspects. Both interms of Internal and external Coordination (due factors:-irregularity in participation with in, Irregularities of events due to other overlapping programs; Observing as additional/ some sectors role than regular top priority responsibility, week inter-sectoral linkage ..etc). Vertical Coordination (linkage with the Federal DRM-ATF); Strategic Coordination (On strategic planning, management and M&E); both interms of Technical and administration coordination (the big gap is the real interest in share - listening and “use” - others experiences) and Administrative coordination is the subordínate to a real commitment and shared interest for the technical coordination. Very low level of Internal Coordinated implementation and evaluation; and low level of Coordination capacities for influencing and facilitating
(2) Root causes of the challenges / The followings are the root causes of the gaps/needs ranked from the highest to lowest according their orderer, which are the needs of strengthening the above major coordination dimension of Afar Regional DRM-APATF. These are:-
1. Leadership and commitment for coordination: in all aspects mainly in relation to Internal/external Coordination, Vertical Coordination (with Federal DRM-ATF), Horizontal Coordination ( with other DRM clusters (WASH, nutrition…), Strategic Coordination (On strategic planning, management and M&E), Internal Coordinated implementation and evaluation and Coordination capacities for influencing
2. Need strengthening organizational agenda in practice:- mainly in relation to External Coordination and horizontal coordination (with regional Gov and partners, with other DRM clusters (WASH, nutrition…) and Technical Coordination (to harmonize the approach, in some sectors of intervention more than others, can be very difficult)
3. Need strengthening Capacities for coordination in terms of External Coordination and horizontal coordination, Technical Coordination, Strategic Coordination (On strategic planning, management and M&E), Administrative Coordination, Internal Coordinated implementation and evaluation and Coordination capacities for understanding and influencing
4. Need strengthening Knowledge management:- External Coordination and horizontal coordination, Technical Coordination, Coordination capacities for understanding influencing and facilitating
5. Need strengthening Incentives framework and trust,
(3) Priorities to address the challenges / The followings are the most important coordination aspects and priority needs of the regional APATF coordination to address identified gaps/needs:-
· Internal/External and horizontal Coordination (with regional Gov and partners, with other DRM clusters (e.g. DRM TWG)
· Strategic Coordination (On strategic planning, management and M&E)
· Operational Coordination (on operations and implementation of activities)
· Technical and Administrative Coordination
· Internal Coordinated implementation and evaluation
· Coordination Capacities for influencing and facilitating
(4) Strengths and Opportunities / The followings are the main strengths achievement and opportunity for the regional DRM-APATF coordination platform .
· Internal Coordination (within APATF members + within DRM- APATF) to some extent
· Internal Information sharing,
· Internal Coordinated Planning,
· Coordination capacities for understanding
· APATF has been much stronger in the monthly regular meeting and information sharing and dissemination of monthly report/progress of project/program implementation and minutes of APATF and it is an opportunity for sharing experiences and learning from each other.
· Stronger relationships and trust among organizations of APATF member is an opportunity for
o joint planning and work together
o Identification of regional needs and priorities to work on it
APATF has been instrumental in streamlining project funds to regional needs and priories
Avoiding duplications and saving resources
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4. Learning and way forward (you can use more than one page)
This part is for you to capture and synthesis the main lessons learnt, recommendations and way forward (action points) from your regional activities. Also to show which were some of our case studies in terms of resilience coordination good practices (for example the places mentioned in RESF, visiting tours…)
Activities / Resilience Case studies(place, communities, institution, and sector) / Regional lessons learnt / Regional recommendations / Regional Way forward or action points
1. Afar RESF / 1. EC and ECHO cluster consortium (by SCI led and LVIA, VESF Germany members) FSL interventions and case of the ‘’Building resilience through integrated recovery support to drought affected Afar community’’ 5 woredas (namely: Chifera, Ewa, Ada’ar, Telalek and Dewe).
2. The experiences of the Regional Government APADB recent Eli’Nino emergencey and development interventions. in collaboration with federal MoANR and GIZ SDRL project livestock water harvesting (ponds and soil dums) and flood control NRM interventions in most drought prone 6 woredas (Elidare, Kori, Dubti, Aysaita, Bidu and Afdera) and chifera woreda
3. The experiences of Support for Sustainable Development (SSD) (local NGO) food security and Livelihood support program by linking relief and development. The intervention and case of ‘’ Irrigation based development project’’ / · Coordination is important for life saving, avoid resource duplication and to mobilize resources timely and appropriately;
· Coordination is important for sharing experiences, knowledge and resource sharing;
· Coordination creates the forum for identifying weaknesses and strengths;
· Coordination creates the opportunity for joint monitoring and evaluation;
· Coordination is important to link emergency interventions with resilience building and development;
· Coordination helps to harmonize implementation modalities;
· Participation in coordination forums is very important to win resources and develop and implement projects/programs in consortium like EC-SHARE;
· Coordination serves as a tool to ensure the involvement of beneficiary communities at all stages of project/program cycle; / · Awareness creation on the importance of coordination forums like APATF at all levels
· Regular participant development partners efforts should be acknowledge;
· Mainstreaming coordination forums in the regular government structure and assignment of human resource (focal person) and budget;
· Widen the scope of coordination forums to include isolated sectors. For example APATF has to include NRM as an important issue in its regular meetings
· Strengthen linkages between emergency, resilience building and development; Strengthen the culture of joint monitoring and evaluation of projects and programs
· Create opportunities for experience sharing between regional coordination forums and also between regional and federal coordination forums;
· Encourage the development of more consortium projects. Projects and programs should give focus to women, youth and the elderly;
· Documentation of good experiences and keeping it for use by future generation;
· Scaling out and scaling up of good experiences like the NRM and forage development efforts of APADB to expand the impacts of the good experiences; / · Create awareness/understanding on coordination for resilience
· incentive and continuous communication;
· The APADB bureau head and vice bureau heads should have to involve more to strengthen APATF coordination as this requires their conscious & deliberate efforts to achieve common goals.
· Roll out coordination to zonal and/or woreda level
· Updating the ToR of coordination forums to include development and resilience issues as agenda;
· Organization of field visits to share good experiences among all stakeholders;
· Improve the participation of beneficiary communities at all stages of project/program cycle.
· Fair and balanced distribution of NGOs in more vulnerable remote woredas
· Create regional information management system at DPFSPCO to collect, analyze, document and disseminate food security information.
· Develop a website for regional coordination structures like APATF;
Regional Workshop / NA / Implemented very early and procceding report i son preparation (NOt Finalized)
Visiting tours / Immedinate future activity preparation is in progress
Resilience adapted plan / · Created understanding on the Regional APATF resilience plan is the revised coordination project activities for improved coordination for resilience
· Since DRM is beyond emergency and it contributes to Resilience and the Existing regional DRM-APATF more dealing with emergency drought responses and resilience has not been agendas, thus this is very important to fill gabs of the existing DRM-APATF coordination mechanism by linking relief, development and resilience programs. / · The revised action plan/resilience plan/ shared for all regional APATF member and to be finalize tailoring with the regional resilience coordination mechanisms of partner organizations and government.
· Leasen learnt, important documents produced by the project to be documented and remain / owned by the APATF once the project phase out / · The endorsed resilience plan of APATF should be owned and followed up by the Regional DRM-APATF member to be implemented as planned
· All stakeholders and members cooperate for the implementation follow up progress through the Regional DRM-ATF meetings.
Regional resilience coordination mapping / Both coordination mechanisms and resilience Project inventory / Discussion not yet made and to be made on future
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