February 20000 IEEE P802.15-00/030r0
IEEE P802.15
Wireless Personal Area Networks
Project / IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)Title / IEEE P802.15 WPAN High Rate Study Group Meeting Minutes Feb8
Date Submitted / [08 February 2000]
Source / [James D. Allen]
[Eastman Kodak, Co.]
[1669 Lake Avenue
Rochester, NY 14650-2015 USA] / Voice:[+1 716 588 1906]
Fax:[+1 716 722 9052]
Re: / [IEEE P802.15 Wireless Personal Area Network High Rate Conference Call Meeting Minutes]
Abstract / [Conference calls such as the minutes included here, are held by the High Rate Study Group in preparation of the March meeting and to progress it’s work between plenary and interim meeting.]
Purpose / [Inform Study Group]
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.
The following are minutes from the High Rate Study Group Teleconference call this morning. I put 1-800 rather than the correct 1-888 number in the meeting notice (viva quality control !) so these minutes are for those who wanted to attend and could not.
Attendees: 12 (2 new comers). Meeting length: 25 minutes.
1 - The results of the Tel Aviv HRSG meetings can be found in the 802.15 document archives. The key activity was a WG vote on the PAR and 5C, which was passed. Other activities included preparation of the March meeting agenda, creation of the criteria document, which accompanied the CFA/CFP document.
2- CFA/CFP and Marketing Criteria has been sent to the 802 list servers. It has also been sent via our HRSG Liaisons to BT, ETSI, and HomeRF list servers. (Watanabee-san is our ETSI liaison and has indicated that he will be at the April ETSI meeting.) Please pass them to other groups as appropriate. [Kodak will pass it to the Digital Imaging Group for information].
3- There has been a question about the network topology for this standard. Now that we have a process, I suggest we encourage good questions like this to be submitted under the Call for Applications, and submitted to the secretary (Pat Kinney). This way we can capture and address all of the requirements and trace them back to real applications.
4- I count 5 press releases pending which include High Rate references. The two latest are: EETimes, and an article being prepared for SIGnal, which due to the WG Marketing Committee at the March meeting.
5- I gave a little background description of the nominee for Technical Editor - Dr. James Gilb (Motorola). If anyone wants to fill a function (see org chart proposal on the 802.15 archive) please drop Bob Heile or me a note before the March meeting. Just a reminder, to be an officer in the Task Group phase, you will need a letter from your company (see the 802.15 Rules document for more information).
6- We discussed the value and frequency of these teleconference calls. It was agreed that a weekly call is useful, and they will be set up for each Tuesday at 11 EST until March. I expect new business to increase toward March, and these calls are important to making the travel meetings productive. (After March, the TG will need to decide on the next 3 months).
7- Asked for new business, and there were no comments, so we adjourned.
Editor' s note: There has been some confusion with regards to marketing document 00/017 P802_15, which includes some data from HomeRF. The comments include the notion that the presence of this data makes HomeRF the default solution and application.
Let me clear on two issues:
First, that is NOT the intention of this material - all proposals have to go through the CFP process.
Second, there has been lots of excellent work done by experts in this industry and it would be a disservice to everyone to start from scratch. We will use any and all relevant documents in this pending Task Group on an equal basis as input to the process. I thank HomeRF for making this information available and encourage others to do the same.
Best Regards,
Jim Allen – HRSG Co-Chair
SubmissionPage 1James D. Allen, Eastman Kodak, Co.