E n g l i s h
I. Purposes:
1. To build up students' skill and promote their interest in reading, writing, listening to and speaking English
2. To provide students with basic knowledge in the English Language in order to equip them for tertiary education, employment and real life situations
II. Issues to be addressed:
A. Strengths:
1. The English Department functions efficiently under a system of co-ordination implemented by level Co-ordinators from S.1 to S.7 who work in collaboration with teachers concerned to map out schemes of work, a practice to cater for the need of students and to upgrade the quality of instruction.
2. Teachers are prepared to work in accordance with the agreed Teaching Schemes for different forms. They, however, are given flexibility to deal with class differences. The planned teaching programmes are reviewed periodically to make allowance for actual classroom difficulties.
3. At present the teaching aids for English are adequate with an English Resource Room well-stocked with reference books, cassette tapes, video tapes, CDs, VCDs and DVDs, cassette recorders, overhead projector and video cameras.
4. Remedial classes have been arranged for S.1 and S.2 levels. The junior students can therefore obtain more individual attention.
5. An English Resource Building Team was set up to revise the curriculum, design, adapt and moderate existing teaching materials.
6. Most students, especially senior, are aware of the importance of English for their future development.
7. To enhance the teachers’ capacity, an additional teaching staff will be recruited. There will be more resources for S.3 and S.6 levels.
B. Weaknesses:
1. A considerable number of students are seriously handicapped by inadequate grammar groundwork. They had very limited word power when they entered S.1, which accounts for their general weakness in reading, writing, speaking and listening.
2. Students are too passive, dependent and apprehensive of making mistakes. They seldom explore opportunities for learning and practice, and they rely on teachers for spoon-feeding assistance. Critical thinking is rather weak among them. This may be due to their inadequate exposure to English and current affairs of the world.
3. Students seldom speak English outside classrooms.
III. Objectives:
1. Students should attain a sound grasp of the English learning skills and basic grammar of English
2. Students should embark on self-initiated and creative activities in learning.
3. Students should develop confidence in communicating ideas in English, orally and in written form.
4. Teachers/students should experience the joys of teaching/learning in meaningful context.
5. With reading as our teaching focus of the year, the English Department is committed to extending reading activities beyond classroom level for an enhancement of language proficiency among students.
IV. Implementation Plan:
Time Scale / Programme / Targeted Objectives(refer to III) /
Sept 2002
June 2003 / Language games, role-play activities, mini-drama and student-centred tasks will be the main teaching strategies used in English lessons. Teachers will be given more free hand and trust in exercising their professional judgement in adapting materials/using teaching strategies for students of different abilities.
1. The Department will provide teachers with audio-visual equipment and teaching resource files.
2. Teachers will continue to contribute practicable resource materials they have tried out in class and hand in records of teaching steps for activities. Such materials will be pooled as resources for other teachers.
3. Redundant and boring exercises, tasks or textbook materials will be replaced by more interesting games and reading/listening texts.
4. Movies, songs, comic strips, poems and TV programmes would be integrated into the schemes of work. / 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
Sept 2002
Jan 2003 / 5. English Reading Project
(1st Term) / 2, 3, 4 & 5
S.1 / Folklore / Fairy Tales
S.4 / Works of Times
S.6 / Newspapers / Magazines /
Letters / Essays /
Sept 2002
Jan 2003 / 6. Oral Presentation:
(2nd Term) / 2, 3, 4 & 5
S.2 / Prose / Verse /
Letters / Diaries
S.3 / A Writer and His /
Her Works
Jan 2002
May 2003 / The Resource Building Team and co-ordinators will
1. meet to moderate and standardize teaching materials in the English resource files and prepare schemes of work for the following year.
2. suggest teaching materials suitable for weaker and brighter students in the schemes of work.
3. review textbooks in May 2003. / 4 & 5
Sept 2002
June 2003 / 1. Weaker students of S.1 & S.2 will be
streamed into remedial groups to
receive more personal attention.
2. There will be a split class in S.3 and in
S.4. / 2, 3, 4 & 5
Sept 2002
June 2003 / Positive form of assessing students’ performance in class/homework is to be adopted.
1. Focus marking and follow up remedial activities for writing tasks in S.1 – S.3.
2. Process writing in S.6 and other levels (optional).
3. Continuous observation of oral performance (optional).
4. Positive feedback and encouragement to students in lessons / grading homework. / 3 & 4
Sept 2002
June 2003 / Extra-curricular activities:
1. Activities will be launched through the English Society / the English Department.
a. Blurb writing
b. Lyrics Appreciation
c. Reading Quiz Show (Trivia Craze)
d. Talk on newspaper reading
e. Reading Group/On-line Reading Group
f. Creating a new ending for well-known stories
g. Spellethon
2. Teachers and students may use facilities in the Language Room during free lessons, recess, lunch and after school.
3. Students are to be coached for the Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival. (Nov 2002) / 2, 3, 4 & 5
Sept 2002
June 2003 / Extensive Reading Scheme (S.1 – 4)
1. Library visit
2. Reading projects
3. Book Report Competition
4. Best Reader Competition / 1, 2, 4 & 5
Sept 2002
June 2003 / IT for English Teaching
1. The Department will purchase computer software for teaching and learning.
2. Lessons will be conducted in the MMLC / ITLC as often as needs be.
3. Lesson materials and exercises will be designed for students with the use of IT.
4. Students will be encouraged to send e-mail or messages to web-sites under the guidance of teachers. / 1, 2 ,3, 4 & 5
V. Budget:
(Refer to the Budget Estimation Table)
VI. Evaluation:
1. Observe the following student performance:
(a) the students' ability in getting a full understanding of the topics taught and applying the study skills learnt
(b) the students' participation in extra-curricular activities related to English, class activities and discussion
(c) the students' participation in class activities and project work.
2. Evaluate students' performance in continuous assessment, tests, project work and examinations.
3. Evaluate schemes of work, teaching progress, etc. in department meetings and level meetings.
4. Evaluate the textbooks and teaching resources used in the school year 2002-2003.
5. Evaluate and measure the progress of students who participate in the Extensive Reading Scheme.
VII. Programme Team:
LAM Wai-kei, Anita (Team Leader)
AU Mun-yee
LAM Yin-wah
LUI Naught
NG Wing-man
PREECE, Terence David
SHING Wai-heung
SO Wai-ching
TSANG MAK Wai-lung
WU So-so
YIP Ching-ching