Student Field Trip Guidelines
1. There should be a pre-trip planning meeting with the supervision and direction of a Cornell employee (faculty, business manager, etc.). The meeting should outline to the participants the itinerary and what is expected of the participants, while describing the risks they may incur related to the trip. Only members of your class or group should be allowed on the field trip.
2. If University transportation is provided, only Cornell employees should be allowed to drive Cornell vehicles. If privately owned vehicles are to be used, it should be made clear that those vehicles must be insured and the drivers are using their vehicles on a voluntary basis. Further, all participants who choose to ride in a private automobile (this is strongly discouraged) should understand and acknowledge, in writing as part of the liability release form, that they do so of their own free will. The use of students as drivers should be reviewed with Risk Management on an exception basis.
3. If a bus is hired (this is highly recommended), the organizer should make sure that the bus carrier has adequate insurance coverage. Cornell requires bus insurance coverage of $5,000,000. Call the Risk Management office for discussion of lesser amounts.
4. If a vehicle is rented with University funds then only Cornell employees should be allowed to drive.All terms and conditions of the rental contract should be adhered to. All drivers should be "approved" drivers by the rental company. Student drivers should be reviewed with Risk Management on an exception basis.
5. It must be made clear and in writing that the University does not carry any accident or medical insurance for any of the participants. The participants are responsible for their own medical bills. (The university has available an accident policy for field trips which provides $5,000 of coverage. The instructor should send names of participants to Risk Management and Insurance and formally request coverage. Coverage is only good while the student is on a field trip under the direct supervision of a faculty or staff person. There is a small charge per participant for this coverage -- $.36/student per day Minimum $15/trip).
6. All participants are required to participate in all activities planned on the field trip. It is wise to keep free time to a minimum in order to avoid uncontrolled or unsupervised situations.
7. A Release and Assumption of Risk agreement should be in secured from every participant before leaving on the field trip. This should be utilized for travel away from campus and for higher risk activities.
For more information on the proper use of vehicles and vehicle rental insurance see the University Travel Policy (Policy 3.2) and the Use of University Vehicles Policy (Policy 3.4).
Risk Management and Insurance, Cornell University,
341 Pine Tree Road
Phone-607-254-1575 Fax-607-254-8000 Email