PK- 12 Faculty HANDBOOK
606 Adrian Street
P.O. Box 157
Churdan, IA 50050
Mission Statement
The Paton-Churdan School District, in collaboration with home and community, seeks to develop respectful students who are life-long learners and productive members of society.
Building Administration
Rob Olsen, Superintendent
Annie Smith, PK-12 Principal
Mitch Lewis, Board Secretary
Board Of Education
Mr. Steve Burrell, President
Mr. Greg Carey, Vice-President
Mr. Troy Paup
Mrs. Deonne Reed
Mr. Bradley Wilson
It is the policy of the Paton-Churdan Community School not to discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity, national origin, gender, disability, SES, religion, age, political party affiliation, or actual or potential parental, family or marital status in its educational programs, activities, or employment and personnel policies.
The board prohibits harassment, bullying, hazing, or any other victimization, of students, based on any of the following actual or perceived traits or characteristics, including but not limited to, SES, age, color, creed, national origin, race, religion, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical attributes, physical or mental ability or disability, ancestry, political party preference, political belief, socioeconomic status, or familial status. Harassment against employees based upon race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, marital status, physical attributes, physical or mental ability, ancestry, political party preference, political belief, SES, familial status, or disability is also prohibited.
Inquiries or grievances related to this policy may be directed to the Affirmative Action Coordinator, Paton-Churdan Community School, Churdan, Iowa, 515-389-3111, or to the Director of the Region VII Office of the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or the Director of the Region VII Office of Civil Rights, United States Department of Education in Kansas City, Missouri
Paton-Churdan Community School
2014-15 Personnel Directory
Rob Olsen, Superintendent
Annie Smith, Principal/Guidance
Elementary Teaching Staff Secondary Teaching Staff
Alisa Olson-Preschool Katie Nygaard- MS Math
Melanie Ludwig- Kindergarten Kristen Jackson- Secondary Science
Miranda Menke- 1st Grade Chris Petersen- Secondary Social Studies
Lori Berns- 2nd Grade Stephanie Pace- Secondary Language Arts
Lauren King- 3rd Grade Hannah Boehmer- MS Exploratory/6th SS
Denise Menke- 4th Grade Amanda Tasler- MS Reading/Title 1
Jill Higgins- 5th Grade Anna Miller- Special Education
Anna Miller- Special Education Micki Paulsen- Special Education
Shannon Hobbs- Music Chris Stimson- Health/Physical Education
Amanda Tasler – Title 1/Intervention Kendra Wilke- Seconary Music
Chris Stimson- Physical Education Karen Wise- Art
Karen Wise- Art Jenny Fisher- Library
Jenny Fisher- Library
Support Staff
Jake Smith -Head Custodian/Transportation Director/Bus Driver
Kathy Beckman- Nurse
Lacey Cullum- Head Cook
Cheryl Cooper- Assistant Cook
Jamie Helms- Night Custodian
Lori Johnston-Bus Driver
Lisa Murphy- Bus Driver
Paul White-Bus Driver
Emily Fitzpatrick-Aide
Tracy Burgart- Aide
Heidi Geisler- Aide
Jacquie Happe- Aide
Jolleen Killeen- Aide
Mitch Lewis-BOE
Ann Meyer-PK-12
Purpose of Handbook
The purpose of this handbook is to make staff members familiar with the many routine details necessary to help our school operate effectively and efficiently. In addition, this handbook can function as a handy resource when you may have a question about policies and operations of the school day. The material in this handbook is designed to make your work more enjoyable and to improve your daily school routine.
We are in the business of education; to provide the best possible education for the young men and women of our community. This goal can be accomplished when all of us accept our share of the responsibility. The efficient operation of our school program rests on the daily performance of a united professional staff. This handbook is designed to help you help us achieve this goal.
The negotiated agreement between the Paton-Churdan Education Association and the Paton-Churdan Community School District shall take precedence in matters that conflict with items in this handbook.
Notice of Nondiscrimination
It is the policy of the Paton Churdan Community School District not to illegally discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination.
Church Night
Wednesday night has been designated as church night by the Greene County schools. All school activities should be concluded by 6:00 p.m. In the event that a state music contest or athletic tournament is scheduled, the administration will alert their Board members and their local clergy.
Harassment of employees and students will not be tolerated in the school district. School district includes school district facilities, school district premises, and non-school property if the employee or student is at any school sponsored, school approved or school related activity or function, such as field trips or athletic events where students are under the control of the school district or where the employee is engaged in school business.
Harassment includes, but is not limited to, racial, religious, national origin, age, disability and sexual harassment. Harassment by board members, administrators, employees, parents, students, vendors, and others doing business with the school district is prohibited. Employees whose behavior is found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to the investigation procedure, which may result in discipline, up to, and including, discharge or other appropriate action. Other individuals whose behavior is found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate sanctions as determined and imposed by the superintendent or board.
Sexual harassment shall include, but not be limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment;
2. Submission to, or rejection of such conduct by an individual, is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or
3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
Other types of harassment may include, but not be limited to, jokes, stories, pictures or objects that are offensive, tend to alarm, annoy, abuse or demean certain individuals and groups.
Complaint Procedure
An employee or student who believes that they have been harassed shall notify the Level I Investigator. The investigator may request that the employee or student complete the Harassment Complaint form and turn over evidence of the harassment, including, but not limited to, letters, tapes, or pictures. Information received during the investigation shall be kept confidential to the extent possible. The investigator, or the superintendent has the authority to initiate a harassment investigation in the absence of a written complaint. The Level I Investigator is Annie Smith. The alternate investigator is Rob Olsen.
Investigation Procedure
The investigator shall reasonably and promptly commence the investigation upon receipt of the complaint. The investigator shall interview the complainant and the alleged harasser. The alleged harasser may file a written statement refuting or explaining the behavior outlined in the complaint. The investigator will outline the findings of the investigation.
Resolution of the Complaint
The superintendent will complete the next step in the investigation reasonably and promptly upon receipt of the investigator’s report. Following the investigators report, the superintendent may investigate further, if deemed necessary, and make a determination of the appropriate next step which may include discipline up to and including discharge for an employee and expulsion for a student.
Prior to the determination of the appropriate remedial action, the superintendent may, at the superintendent’s discretion, interview the complainant and alleged harasser. The superintendent shall file a written report closing the case. The complainant, the alleged harasser and the investigators shall receive notice as to the conclusion of the investigation.
Points to Remember in the Investigation
1. Evidence uncovered in the investigation is confidential.
2. Complaints must be taken seriously and investigated.
3. No retaliation will be taken against individual involved in the investigation process.
4. Retaliators will be disciplined up to and including discharge.
Equal Educational Opportunity- Compliance Officer
The school district does not discriminate in its education programs or educational activities on the basis of sex, race, religion, color, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. Students are educated in programs, which foster knowledge of and respect and appreciation for, the historical and contemporary contributions of diverse cultural groups, as well as men and women, to society. Students who feel they have been discriminated against are encouraged to report it to the school district Affirmative Action Coordinator. The Affirmative Action Coordinator is Annie Smith, Principal and can be reached at (515-389-3111). Inquiries may also be directed in writing to the Director of the Region VII Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 8930 Ward Parkway, Suite 2037, Kansas City, MO 64114, (816) 268-0550, or the Iowa Department of Education, Grimes State Office Building, Des Moines, IA, 50319-0146, (515) 281-5294.
Affirmative Action Compliance Coordinator
Paton Churdan’s Compliance Coordinator for Affirmative Action is Annie Smith, Principal, 606 Adrian Street, Churdan, IA 50050, (515) 389-3111.
Patron Grievance Procedure
Patrons of the school district who have grievances should initiate procedures by meeting with the instructor or employee under whose jurisdiction the alleged problem arose. If, after a reasonable period of time, the problem has not been resolved, the parties should arrange to meet with the principal of the involved building. If, after another reasonable period, the grievance is yet not resolved, the aggrieved parties shall arrange to meet with the superintendent of the district. If, at this time, the problem still exists, the parties or patrons shall arrange to meet with the school board. The district has adopted an affirmative-action policy relative to Title IX. Grievance procedures related to Title IX are similar to the above, but the compliance officer is Mr. Olsen.
School Day
You are to be in the school building by 7:50 A. M. and remain until 3:50 P.M. Obviously, these are minimums, but if the students are aware you will be here, they can plan accordingly. Students should be engaged in learning from bell to bell. There should be minimal down time and procedures should be set for taking attendance, bathroom breaks, etc. ALL MS/HS restroom and drinks breaks should be done in the last 5 minutes of class or during passing.
Arrival to School
Supervision will be provided beginning at 7:45 A.M. We ask that parents do not send their children before that time to ensure the utmost safety of our children. Building doors will remain locked until 7:40 A.M. Breakfast will be served from 7:45 A.M. - 8:05 A.M. Classes will begin promptly at 8:06 A.M.
All students will be dismissed at 3:24 daily, with the exception of our early outs on Wednesdays.
Daily Schedule
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday school will begin promptly at 8:06 A.M. and will dismiss at 3:24 P.M. The regular daily schedule will look as follows:
8:03 First bell
8:06 Tardy bell
8:06 - 8:36 Zero Hour/Intervention
8:38 - 9:18 Period 1
9:20 - 10:00 Period 2
10:02 -10:42 Period 3
10:44 -11:24 Period 4
11:26 -12:06 Period 5
12:08 - 1:48 MS/HS Lunch & Connections
12:50 - 1:30 Period 6
1:32 – 2:12 Period 7
2:14 – 3:24 Period 8
Teacher professional development will primarily be held on Wednesday’s with a 2:00 p.m. early out dismissal. To accommodate transportations needs and to align our schedule with that of the Greene County High School, Paton-Churdan classes will be shortened.
Zero Hour Exemption
All students in grades 6-12 are required to attend zero hour as part of the regular school day. However, a student in grades 9-12 may gain an exemption from zero hour if all the following are true.
1. A student has had no office referrals, detentions, or suspensions assigned.
2. A student has not been marked tardy more than one time to any class or the beginning of the day. Excused absences do not count towards this.
3. A student must have no grades lower than a C at both Paton-Churdan and Greene County Schools.
4. A student has not been recommended by a teacher, counselor, Dean of Students, or their advisor to attend zero hour activities.
All students must attend the Wednesday zero hour assembly regardless if they have an exemption or not. Valuable assemblies, meetings, class meetings, and more will be held during this time.
Teacher Absenteeism
It is extremely difficult to find substitute teachers. Therefore, I find it necessary to have any teacher who is going to be absent to phone by 6:30 A.M. You may call me at home at 515-968-4494 or my cell 515-314-2773.
Sub Folders
All teachers are required to keep a current up to date sub folder in the office with Ann. Individual lesson plans can be added the day of the absence if needed and these can be emailed or faxed to her on an individual basis. All folders should include class rosters, seating arrangements, classroom procedures and rules, lesson plans, and activities for the sub to do that day. It should also include a means for the substitute to communicate with the classroom teacher after the day has finished. Please make sure all ms/hs teachers have a copy of their cell phone policy in their sub folder.
Staying After or Coming Before School for Help With Homework
There are instances when it is necessary for students to remain after school, or even come in before school to complete work not finished due to absence from school or inability to complete the assignment during the official academic school day. As a general rule, students will not be kept after school without the parent being notified. Bus students will not be kept after school without the parent’s permission. Parental cooperation is requested in this matter.
Student Tardies
Students are expected to be in their seat and ready to learn when the period begins. A student will be considered tardy and issued a detention if the student does not arrive to class before the bell rings. Students will need to check into the office if they arrive to school or class after the tardy bell has rung. All students will need to have an entrance slip from the office to be admitted into class. If a student develops a pattern of tardies, the principal may use his/her discretion in assigning further consequences and may be referred to (START) intervention.