Minutes of the Meeting of the 29th April 2015.
Kerry Village Hall.
Present: / Chair / Cllr. D.I. Hughes. (Kerry)
ee / Cllrs. / Cllr. M. Griffiths (Kerry)
Cllr. D. P. Pryce (Kerry)
Cllr.M.S.G. Morgan (Kerry)
Cllr. K. Lander (Kerry)
Cllr. T. Jerman (Kerry)
Cllr. J. Liddard-Starr (Kerry)
Cllr. M. J. Collis (Sarn)
Cllr. P.A.M. Dyer (Sarn)
Cllr. O. Stanier (Sarn)
Cllr. I. Jones (Dolfor).
Cllr. T. M. Powell (Dolfor)
County Cllr. / County Cllr. Mrs K. Roberts-Jones
Clerk. / Mrs A. Feltham.
Members of the Public. / Four at the start of meeting.
Item. 1. Apologies.
Cllr. D. Jones (Kerry)
Item.2. Minutes.
The following amendments were made to the minutes of the planning meeting of 18th March2015 Cllr. M. Griffiths was not in attendance.
Item 2.Opening sentence should read Cllr. M. Collis and not as stated Cllr. K. Lander.
The following amendment was made to the minutes of the meeting of the 25th March 2015:
Item 1.Cllr. I. Jones (Dolfor) sent his apologies.
Both sets of Mins were then approved, signed and made available for posting on Kerry Village notice board.
It was later noted during the course of the meeting that further amendments to the meeting of the 25th. March needed to be made as follows:
Item 4. C. Membership of PAVO. should continue on to read: “following further discussion Council voted to join PAVO as it is a free service. In the light of the current reforming of local services by PCC the additional advice may be of benefit”.
Item.4 Matters Arising.
A / John Davies to address Council on Membership of PAVO.
John gave a brief overview of PAVO stating a membership of over 4,000 voluntary organizations in Powys. Among the many services provided the advice available on grant applications, training and asset transfer were highlighted as being of potential value to KCC. Council will seek support and advice on raising financial assistance for the public toilet costs, payroll and the formation of Management Committees for the additional services KCC may be asked to take on.
Council decided to wait until the June meeting before proceeding as during the interim period more detailed information is expected from PCC. Clerk to draw up a list of possible options to focus discussion.
B. / Provision of Cycle Rack at Kerry Village Hall.
Cllr. K. Landerstated that the cycle racks have now been delivered. On closer inspection Cllr Lander informed Council that an area to the side of the public toilets would be a better site for the racks. It was decided to store the racks at the village hall and to install them when the proposed upgrade to the toilet block is underway.
C. / Provision of Defibrillator at Kerry Village Hall.
Cllr Lander informs that Chris Apiago continues to work towards the forming of a First Responders Group in Kerry therefore allowing an application to be made for a grant to provide a defibrillator. Chris mentioned he will be available to train the group. Council endorsed the importance of this life saving service. Update on next month’s agenda.
D. / Provision of Public Conveniences in Kerry
All is in place for the transfer to KCC on the 1st. May 2015. Council passed a motion giving Cllr D Hughes (Chairman) authority to sign the lease on their behalf. Alastair Knox (PCC), Cllrs Hughes and the Clerk to attended 10am on the 1st to collect keys and sign related documents.
Mrs A. Davies (caretaker/cleaner) to commence work Saturday 2nd May.
E. / Report on Cluster Meetings of the 15th /23rd April 2015.
Cllr Lander read aloud the Mins of the Montgomery meeting on the 15th April. Cllr Lander and Cllr Stanier gave a verbal account of the meeting. They reported that the cluster meeting did not feel it appropriate for the villages of Sarn, Kerry and Dolfor to have individual representation at the moment as it is working towards a representation of 2 councillors for each council regardless of size. KCC remained unhappy with this but felt it to be still early days. KCC representatives to pursue this further at the next Montgomery meeting.
The question was raised as to whether the costs of clustering would be proportional to the relative size of each council. And whether representation of all councils could be increased to 3.
Cllr. K. Lander and Cllr. O. Stanier were voted in as formal representatives of the council. It was decided that the representatives should continue to bring matters back to the full council for approval.
Cllr. D Hughes gave an account of the Newtown meeting of the 23rd. April. Newtown council had produced a grid allowing councils to identifywhethera proposed service transfer would be best delivered at the council or cluster level, together with priorities. Cllr. Hughes talked council through the completion of this form which the clerk has been asked to return to Newtown Council.
Cllr Hughes presented to Council a further draft of an open letter to the residents of Kerry informing them of PCC’s decision to transfer non- statutory services to Community Councils and how that would affect them financially. The draft was discussed and edited and the clerk has been asked to send a copy to The Kerry News as a special notice for their next edition.
Council then went on to decide on whether to attach to Newtown or Montgomery. Having decided that both groups had a lot to offer in different areas it was voted to formally join The Vale of Montgomery Rural Cluster but to maintain an interest in the Newtown group by continuing to send representation to both meetings. It was felt that as a rural group Montgomery had more to offer but a bigger voice for KCC would be achieved by membership of Newtown which offered strength in numbers.
The representatives are to report on progress
Item 5. To declare Personal/Prejudicial Interest.
Cllr. P. Pryce expressed a Prejudicial Interest in application D. P/2015/0395 Land Opposite Lexington Court. He left the room during discussion and did not vote.
Cllr. T Jerman expressed an interest in application A. P/2015/0300 Lower Brynllywarch . He remained in the room but took no part in the discussion. He did not vote.
Item. 6.
PCC. Consultation*. / Application / Outcome.
20/03/2015 / Lower Brynllywarch Kerry
SY16 4PD
Reserve matters application for the erection of an affordable dwelling and installation of a septic tank drainage system following outline permission P/2014/0310 / “Council wish to support this application”
23/03/2015 / Ail Dy KerrySY16 4DY
Full: Conversion and alterations of a workshop to form holiday let accommodation and the installation of a package treatment plant. / “ “Council object to this application on the following points;
The T The area is known to flood (nearby sewage plant)
Living The accommodation over a workshop presents a fire hazard.
The h High volume of parked vehicles from a holiday let.
A A potential traffic hazard from access to road.
N No disabled facility for access to the property.”
12/03/2015 / Pt OS 0786 Land Adjacent to The Meadows Sarn SY16 4EH
Full: Construction of a detached dwelling and improvements to existing vehicular access / “Council wish to support this application.”
13/04/2015 / Land Opposite Lexington Court Kerry SY16 4LU
Outline: Erection of an affordable dwelling with detached garage, installation of a septic tank and improvements to vehicular access / “Council wish to support this application.”
7.PCC Planning Applications / KCC Consultation* / PCC Notice.
Bethany Chapel Kerry
SY16 4NE
Full: Change of use of agricultural land to form additional residential curtilage. / “Council wish to support this application.” / Conditional Consent.
Upper Penygelli Kerry
Full: Conversion of redundant farm buildings to form 5 residential units together with formation of driveways, parking areas, installation of sewage treatment plant and all associated works / “Council has no objection to this application as it would be sad to see the buildings fall into disrepair; however concern was expressed over increase in traffic and access” / Application withdrawn
P/2015/0211 27/02/2015
Cloddiau Farm Kerry
SY16 4DYFull: Installation of photovoltaic ground mounted panels, arranged over 5.no rows with maximum height from ground level of 2.65m (part retrospective) / “Council wish to support this application to
encourage local business” / Conditional Consent.
Item 8. Finance.
Accounts paid March2015.
Accounts to be paid April 2015.
Accounts to be paid April 2015 cont. / PeateLtd.Burial
Doris Elizabeth Ida Williams
Sarn Village Hall
OVW Training.
PCC Play Area Inspections.
Severn Trent Water.
Dolfor Community Hall (Vat refund paid 18th March)
SLCC membership renewal.
A Feltham Clerk’s Wage
A Feltham Clerk’s exp.
Kerry Baptist Chapel.(Rent)
Friends of St. Michaels School.
Kerry Eisteddfod
Kerry Silver Threads
Kerry Local History Group.
Kerry WI.
Kerry News.
Kerry Bowling Club
St. Michael’s Church
Dolfor WI.
Dolfor Short Mat Bowls
Dolfor Comm Fund
Dolfor St. Paul’s Church
Sarn Bowling Club.
Sarn Local History Group
Sarn Holy Trinity Church
Sarn Coffee Morning
Sarn Baptist Church
Sarn Recreation Ass
Kerry Village Hall.
Dolfor Comm. Hall
Sarn Village Hall.
All GrantsTotal.
A Feltham clerks wage
A Feltham clerks exp.
Nigel Price (Sarn Village Hall)
Josh Morgan. Notice board repairs
P&W (late invoice for Cemetery.)
Aon Insurance (additional cover for Toilet Block) / £200.00
End of Year Accounts and Budget were adopted and signed.
Year-end accounts at Internal auditors.
Public Notice of Accounts displayed on notice boards as from 21st April 2014.
Minutes of the 25th March Item 8 Finance. £10,000 not transferred to Money Manager Acc due to Grant payments being made this month.
The clerk informed Council that following investigation by herself and the Chairman it will be necessary for the Clerk’s salary to be subject to PAYE. Clerk to contact Tax office to register a Payroll system on behalf of Kerry Community Council.
It is confirmed that the Caretaker/Cleaner for the Public Toilets is under contract as Self-employed.
Council voted not to provide financial support to the Essesfiod.
Item 7. Reports on Visits/Meetings Attended.
Cllr. David Hughes attended a training session on the Law. He has passed on information to the clerk.
Item 8. Correspondence/Communications Sent/ Received.
Additional Correspondence sent to:
P&W Contractors. To Inform of underpayment of Cemetery contract.
Liz Molyneux. Inquiry on location of Wind Farms in and around Kerry.
Brian Probert. Confirmation of method of payment for Sarn Car Park VAT refund.
P&W Overfull bins at the Cemetery.
Letters from:
MCRA invitation to attend the annual Islwyn Davies Memorial event Tuesday 12th May 7.30.
OVW. Two copies of The Voice Magazine
Aon Ins. Confirmation of increase cover ref. Toilet Block.
PCC General dispensation School Modernisation and School Transport.
PCC receipt for Playground inspection.
Emails from
Newtown Town Council.Community Delivery - 2nd invitation 23rd April 2015 (forwarded to Cllrs. Hughes, Lander & Stanier.)
Woodland project at Papworth trust's Kerry Farm (Cilthriew farmhouse) Hi, I was wondering if you know of anyone who would like to take part in a woodland restoration project on our farm.
Susan Simpson letter from Mr Jeremy Patterson, Chief Executive, Powys County Council concerning the Community Delivery Initiative.(forwarded to Cllrs. Hughes, Lander & Stanier.)
Alastair Knox draft Licence and Grant Agreement for Public Toilets. (forwarded to Cllr. Hughes)
BT Adopt a Kiosk.Both kiosks are available for adoption, we could process 01686 670233 (Sarn) straight away but the other one (Kerry) would be subject to a consultation process with Powys County Council which we can arrange.
RLG survey response.Thank you for taking the time to participate in our consultation, providing the thoughts of Kerry Community Council on the White Paper. We appreciate your contribution.
Ombudsman.Revised Guidance on the Code of Conduct.
All of the above information has been noted and forwarded on request to any interested parties.
Item 9. Any Other Business.
Kerry / The Fence on the right at the immediate entrance to Dolforgan View is in need of painting.
A bed has been illegally dumped in the stream by the bridge on entrance to the village. Clerk to inform Highways
Sarn / It was noted that the repairs and drain cleaning at Sharp Lane leading down to the Old Smithy has been carried out to a high standard. Clerk to pass thanks on to the Highways dept.
Dolfor. / The area surrounding the closed school is being used by residents as a Dog Toilet.
Kerry Community Council. / The Chairman, Cllr. David Hughes highlighted the fact that he will not be able to Chair the AGM and May meeting so consequently this meeting is the last meeting under his Chairmanship. He thanked Council for their support and good humour during his term of office and wished the yet to be elected incoming Chairperson well.
Council returned a vote of thanks to Cllr. David Hughes for all his hard work and the professional standard he had bought to the post.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 10-10 pm.
Meetings are open to residents, who may only address the meeting with the Chairman’s prior consent.
If you wish to address the Council in Welsh please make your intentions known at the time of your request, which should be made prior to the meeting date.
* Although KCC works in conjunction with PCC as consultants, it has no authority to grant planning permission.
Copies of Minutes can be made available after approval on request or by visiting our web-site
Next Meeting Scheduled;
AGM followed by the monthly meeting Wednesday 27th May 2015, at 7-30pm in Kerry Village Hall.
To comply with PCC guidelines and to ensure public awareness additional planning meetings may be called. Notification will be posted on the village notice boards.
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