El Dorado 9th Grade Academy

14400 Pebble Hills Blvd

El Paso, TX 79938

(915) 937-9400

CIT Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

ED9 Principal’s Conference Room

4:13 p.m.

Meeting commenced at approximately 4:13 p.m.

Members present:

Troy Byrne / Principal
Aida Ritchey / Assistant Principal
Andrea Luevano / Math Dept. Chair
Angelo Arriaga / English Dept. Chair
April Granados / AVID Coordinator
Dianna Enriguez / Counselor
Emily Thompson / SCEI Coach
Frank Ayala / P.E.
Janice Briones / CIS
Jessica Pussman / SCEI Coach
JoAnn Levison / Parent
Jody Miranda / IT/CTE
Oscar Porras / World Geo Dept. Chair
Patricia Cuevas / Assistant Principal
Sandy Rulon / Parent
Veronica Reyes / Science Dept.

1.Welcome and Agenda (Troy Byrne)

2.Olweus at ED9 (Dianna Enriquez)

  1. Dan Ferguson-New Contact
  2. No Olweus during dead week
  3. Feedback on Olweus
  4. Students comment on previous exposure in middle school (Oscar Porras)
  5. Success with ‘rumors’ activity (Andrea Luevano)
  6. Noticeable decline in girl-girl bullying from last year (Troy Byrne)
  7. Community Service Outreach

3.Hats Off for Cancer (Troy Byrne)

  1. Design a ticket denoting students that purchased ‘wearing their hat for the day’ for $1

4.AVID (April Granados)

  1. Site-team Plan
  2. AVID strategies taught through professional development
  3. 11 Essentials of AVID discussed
  4. Campus-wide artifacts of employed AVID strategies
  5. ED9 received 1st Place in Coins for Kids!

5.Student Interventions (CSI Team)

  1. Update of Academic Intervention Meetings taking place 9/19-20/2012
  2. SCEI Coaches will follow-up with continued observations, tutoring during dead week and
  3. Parent contact – maintain dialogue on student progress

6.Campus Expansion (Troy Byrne)

  1. Discussion of planned addition
  2. Anticipated completion: 2015-2016

7.New Superintendent (Troy Byrne)

  1. Dr. Espinoza
  2. Professional background

8.PLCs (Troy Byrne)

  1. Use of morning PLC time: deliberate efforts to plan, discuss students, expand knowledge, develop content
  2. How do we have conversations about the content?
  3. Rotation of administration between core content PLCs
  4. No PLCs taking place during dead week

9.Tech Grant (Jessica Pussman)

  1. 35 iPads; cases; cart
  2. Project-based usage
  3. Pages, Numbers, Keynote, iMovie, iPhoto, Garage Band apps purchased
  4. Remaining funds designated for Apple TV-spearheaded by Oscar Porras

10.Professional Development ½ Day(Troy Byrne)

  1. Fundamental 5 book presented by department chairs (9/26/2012)
  2. 15-minute rotations through each fundamental
  3. Department chairs and SCEI coaches to meet Friday in conference room
  4. Fuddrucker’s truck will come to campus to serve a burger meal

11.Mini College/Career Day (Dianna Enriquez)

  1. First event will take place in the gym on the staff development ½ day (9/26/2012)
  2. Marketing, finance, business, and informational technology professionals presenting

12.Study Skills (Aida Pragner)

  1. Study skills to review with teachers (i.e. Cornell Notes, note cards, summaries)
  2. Send optional lessons to teachers

13.Think Pink (Troy Byrne)

  1. $25 pink t-shirts for sale
  2. Ribbons for doors
  3. October 25th, 2012
  4. Ideas for student buy-in: selling lanyards, coin collection

14.Pop Tarts (Jody Miranda)

  1. Throwing of Pop Tarts during breakfast
  2. Will reconsider future ordering of Pop Tarts

Meeting concluded at approximately 5:35 p.m.

Next CIT Meeting:

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

4:15 p.m.

Principal’s Conference Room