Amend Section 699 Mobilization to read as follows:


(Revise 699.03 and 699.05 If Necessary)

699.01Description. Mobilization includes preparatory work and operations necessary for the :

(1)movement of personnel, equipment, and supplies to the project site;

(2)acquisition of falsework materials;

(3)establishment of offices, buildings and other facilities excluding field office and project site laboratories, necessary for work on the project; and

(4)costs incurred on operations that must be performed before starting work on the various items on the project site.

(5)Performance and payment bond premiums for contract work excluding force account items, allowances, and extra work amount.

699.02Material. None specified.

699.03Applicability. The maximum bid allowed for this item is an amount not to exceed 10% of the sum of all items excluding the bid price of this item, microcomputer system, field office and project site laboratories, allowances, cellular phone, furnishing drilled shaft drilling equipment, vehicles, and force account items.

The Engineer will reduce the indicated amount to the allowable maximum if the proposal shows an amount over the allowable maximum. The Engineer will adjust the "Sum Of Contract Items" to reflect such reduction. The Engineer will use the "Sum Of Contract Items" adjusted as if the bidder submitted its proposal in the amounts as reduced and adjusted.

699.04Method of Measurement. Mobilization will be paid on a lump sum basis. Measurement for payment will not apply. The Engineer will not measure mobilization for payment.

699.05Basis of Payment. The Engineer will pay for the accepted mobilization on a contract lump sum basis. Payment will be full compensation for the work prescribed in this section and the contract documents.

The Engineer will pay for the following pay item when included in the proposal schedule: make payment under:

Pay ItemPay Unit

Mobilization (Not to exceed 10% of the sum of all items

excluding the bid price of this item, microcomputer system,

field office and project site laboratories, allowances,

cellular phone, furnishing drilled shaft drilling equipment,

vehicles, and force account items)Lump Sum

The Engineer will make partial payments as follows:

(1)`Pay 10% of the amount bid for mobilization when earning 1% of the original contract amount.

(2)Pay 50% of the amount bid for mobilization when earning 2.5% of the original contract amount.

(3)Pay 75% of the amount bid for mobilization when earning 5% of the original contract amount.

(4)Pay 100% of the amount bid for mobilization when earning 10% of the original contract amount.

If the Notice to Proceed is not issued by the time specified in Section 108.02 – Notice to Proceed (NTP), at no fault of the Contractor, the Contractor may submit paid invoices for the performance and payment bond premiums to the Engineer for full reimbursement under this item. The Engineer will make payment to the Contractor, even if it is before the Notice to Proceed date.

Payment for the performance and payment bonds shall be considered part of the mobilization paid to date and shall be deducted from the ‘partial payments’ in this section.”


(Project No.)
